Course: Master of Business Administration MBA

Proposing Corporate strategy for Kakira Sugar Works


This study can explain the importance of proper strategy in increasing the efficiency of Kakira Sugar company and these strategies are also important to maintain the authenticity of this company. environmental issues and increased global temperature-related issues are also increased in this organisation, which directly has an impact on the organisational development program. this study can explain the impact of physical activity on the health and safety program of Kakira Sugar company. three essential corporate strategies are also implemented in this organisation that initiates the efficiency of Kakira Sugar company and develop their working efficiency. it is also noticed that proper technological advancement plays an important role in increasing organisational efficiency.

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Analysis of Competitive advantage of Kakira Sugar
  • Tools used to evaluate competitive advantage
  • Issues of Kakira sugar during development
  • Development of |Proposal for Kakira Sugar
  • Prioritize the issues of Kakira Sugar
  • Corporate strategy of Kakira Sugar
  • Creation of Proposal for Kakira Sugar
  • Identification of choice and its impact on Kakira Sugar
  • Reflection
  • Conclusion
  • References

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this study can explain the implementation of proper tools and techniques in maintaining growth and development of competitive advantage. several factors are present behind the development f competitive advantage, which are included in this study. quality of product, customer services, distribution network and other aspects are present in the improvement of competitive advantage. these factors are identified due to the presence of various tools and techniques. physical activity related issues are faced by Kakira Sugar that can decrease their potentiality. on the other hand, it is also noticed that improper physical activity can increase the risk of safety and health-related issues. role of these aspects in maintaining stakeholders of the organisation is also highlighted efficiently can increase the potentiality of the organisation successfully. along with this, it is easy to state that proper strategic aspects are essential that help to maintain all problems of Kakira Sugar company.

Analysis of Competitive advantage of Kakira Sugar

Tools used to evaluate competitive advantage

Competitive advantage played an important role in improving the performance of an organization. Analysis of better competitive advantage will help Kakira sugar to compete with its competitors. Competitive advantage will help Kakira Sugar to lower the production cost as well as helps to offer unique benefits of their products. According to Kebirungi (2019), different types of tools can be used to analyze the competitive advantage of Kakira Sugar such as SEMRush, Serpstat, and Owler. SeMRush is one type of competitor's research tool that provides the data on competitor's strategies in SEO, social and content marketing. It includes a large amount of data suchas competitors' budget, their targets, keywords as well as their backlink details. Apart from that Serpstat can also be used as a tool to analyze the competitive advantages of Kakira sugar. Serpstat can provide a list of main competitors with detailed information on SEO.

It is also one type of paid tool that gather data on SEO and paid online advertisements. The data of Serpsat includes backlink analysis, keywords targets, and ranking information of the organizations. Understanding this information will help Kakira Sugar to implement proper stagey to gain a competitive advantage forms the market. Apart from these, another important tool of competitive advantage is owler and it provides a broader view of competitive advantage. It did not include any marketing channels although it provides a quick and helpful overview of the top competitors in the market (Namisango, 2018). Along with this, Owler also includes the information on funding details and employee size of the organizations.

Owler also sends regular information to Kakira sugar via email and updates the organization with new competitors that will help Kakiara Sugar to understand to gain a competitive advantage more effectively. Apart from these tools, many business organizations are also using |Kompyte as a competitive analysis tool. Kompyte normally tracks social platforms and search engines and information related to competition has been given to the organization. Another important benefit of Kompyte is it also includes blog engagement analytics and it will also alert the organization about changes in the website of the competitors which will help a lot to Kakira Sugar in their competitive planning. This tool isnormally used to understand the competitive advantage of the business organizations and implementation of this tool will help Kakira Sugar tounderst and its competitive advantage more effectively.

Issues of Kakira sugar during development

During the development of the organization, Kakira Sugar faced lots of difficulties that put a negative impact on the development of the organization. The first important issue faced by the organization is poor mitigation of the risk assessment. The organization failed to make a proper risk assessment and it results in poor-risk mitigation. According to Norah (2018), poor risk mitigation results in high costs for the organization and it put a negative impact on the financial performance of the organization. Along withthis, poor risk mitigation has a large impact on the brand of the organization and poor mitigation of risk also put a negative impact on the brand of the organization. The second issue faced by Kakira Sugar is technological changes and it also creates difficulties for the organization.

Technology change creates difficulty for the worker to work with the latest machinery and technologies. The workers of the organization are normally comfortable with traditional work and the drive of technology creates difficulty in their workplace. Shortage of proper training of staff and the employees' make the situation more complex. Implementation of technology will be beneficial for the organization when proper use of technology will be done by the employees and in Kakira sugar it put a negative impact (Kimuli 2018). The workers of the organization failed to maintain the work with the latest technology as well as the cost of the technology also put a negative impact on the financial performance. Apart from that, another important issue of the organization is the physical activity of the workers. At present days performing work activities physically put a negative impact on the productivity of the organization. A decrease in productivity will result in a negative impact on the financial performance that creates a burden on the development of Kakira Sugar. However, these problems can be solved by taking the necessary steps by the organization.

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Development of |Proposal for Kakira Sugar

Prioritize the issues of Kakira Sugar
Among the issues of Kakira sugar two main important issues have been found. One is technological changes and the other is risk mitigation risk. Thesetwo issues are concerned issues for Kakira sugar and maintaining these is very important for the organization to maintain its sustainabilityin the business market. According to Asio (2019), technological changes have a large positive impact on the productivity of the organization another side, if it is not implemented successfully then it will put a negative impact on productivity as well as on the financial performance of the organization. Along with this, risk mitigation is also important for the organization because the failure of risk mitigation will result in financial loss for the organization. Failure of risk mitigation not only decreases the performance of the organization it also put a negative impact on the branding of the organization.

Corporate strategy of Kakira Sugar

Problems of Kakira Sugar are required to solve for better performance of the organization and the problems of the organization can be solved by taking some effective strategies. In present days distinct types of corporate strategy have been used to mitigate risk factors of the organization as well as for proper implementation of technological changes (Kebirungi, 2019). Risk issues of Kakira sugar can be prevented by the development of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and the development of this variable will help the organization to understand their poor section as well as help them to improve it. Along with this establishment of key risk factors also help the organization identify tolerance levels of critical risk. Proper monitoring and reporting of results will also help the organization to mitigate its risk more effectively. For technological changes, the organization is required to provide proper training to their staff and employee and it will reduce the technology burden for the workers and helps them improve their productivity. Along with this, providing knowledge of recent technology will also help Kakira Sugar to make technological changes more effectively in the organization.

Creation of Proposal for Kakira Sugar

From the above discussion, it can be said that Kakira Sugar mainly faced two major problems related to technology and risk mitigation. Maintaining these two issues is very important for the organization and this problem can be solved by proper corporate strategy. Menz et al. (2021), the risk of the organization can be prevented by developing KPI and KRI and these two variables will determine the range of risks that will reduce the loss chances of the organization. These two indicators also help the organization to improve their weaker sections where the chances of risk are high. Along with this, performing of SWOT analysis will also help the organization to mitigate its external risks. Apart from risk mitigation, for technological issues implementation of proper training for the staff and employees will be beneficial for the organization. Along with this, Kakira sugar should also provide knowledge to their workers about the latest methods of production and machinery that will help the organization to increase its performance and productivity simultaneously (Khan et al. 2020).

Identification of choice and its impact on Kakira Sugar

Technological change has become a serious issue for business organizations in recent days and for Kakira Sugar it is also the same. Changes in technology have several benefits to the organization if it is implemented properly on the organization. According to Tawafak et al (2018), risk mitigation will prevent the organization from any type of risk such as marketing, production, and selling of the products. Proper risk analysis also helps the organization to prevent their stock percentage as well as help them produce the products based on the requirements. Excessive production and shortage of products both include financial loss for the organization and this problem is solved by proper risk mitigation. Proper risk motivation also helps an organization prevent health-related issues from the products that will also put a positive impact on the brand of the organization.

Another side, the issue of technology changes can be prevented by taking some necessary steps which are already discussed in the study. Proper training in advanced technologies for the employees and staff will help them to increase their productivity at their workplace (Foster et al. 2018). Along with this, the selection of advanced methods of production will also help workers to increase their performance as well as the productivity of the organization. Increasing productivity will put a positive impact on the stakeholders, employees, and the organization. Better production will include more raw materials and it will include more stakeholders which will increase the business of the organization. Better performance of the organization not only increases the financial performance of the organization it will also increase the sustainability of the organization.

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Kakira sugar faces various problems regarding its success factor and development program, success ratio of this organisation is also influenced due to the presence of these aspects. It is essential to identify this issue successfully that can increase organisational efficiency successfully. In addition, the growth and development of the organisation are also highlighted due to the presence of these aspects. Effective strategic aspect is essential for Kakira Sugar that can increase its effectiveness, as well as organisational capabilities are also increased due to the presence of these components. I noticed that this stage of work helps me to learn that the quality of product, distribution network and other effective aspects are present in maintaining the competitive advantage of the organisation. The efficiency of Kakira Sugar is also increased due to t presence of these factors behind the competitive advantage process. Along with this, it is also noticed that an effective cost structure is essential to increase the competitive advantage of an organisation successfully. Video branding techniques and visual branding tools are also used to learn about the involvement or branding process in increasing competitive advantage processes. With the help of this study, it is easy to state that authentic customer services are essential to help to increase the potentiality of a competitive advantage program (Namisango, 2018).

The customer level of Kakira Sugar is also increased due to the presence of this strategic insight. I noticed that four effective components are present in maintaining an effective competitive advantage program such as cost leadership, differentiation, strategic alliances and defensive strategies. These aspects can maintain all crucial aspects of the competitive advantage program in Kakira Sugar. A proper and effective strategic alliance can maintain all essential resources related to the competitive advantage program and increase the authenticity of this selected organisation. Brand activation tools have been used that help to learn the importance of branding in increasing the effectiveness of Kakira Sugar company. To identify the importance of branding in competitive advantage it is important to maintain the implementation of content marketing tools. This content marketing tool can increase the growth and development of an organisation successfully. Area of establishment and target audiences are also highlighted efficiently due to the implementation of these tools successfully. On the other hand, effective distribution tools are used t maintain the authenticity of the distribution network in an organisation like Kakira Sugar. The quality of goods and delivery system are also impacted poorly due to the presence of an improper distribution network, this entire aspect has been controlled due to the presence of proper tools and techniques (Kebirungi, 2019).

Justifying the effectiveness of retail network is also controlled authentically due to the presence of proper tools and techniques regarding distribution network. It is important to learn about the range of techniques and proper use of these techniques that solve problems related to technological advancement in Kakira Sugar. Implementation of improper technology is considered as a main and effective problem for Kakira sugar, which should be solved through roper strategic insight. In my point of view lack of proper physical activity among employees is another effective problem of Kakira Sugar, health and safety-related issues are increased rapidly due to the presence of this aspect. Improper storage facility-related issues are also noticed in the Kakira Sugar company. Along with this, it is important to maintain a proper implementation of distribution network design, which directly has an impact on the success ratio of Kakira Sugar company. Improper consumer models and human interaction related problems are also increased in Kakira Sugar Company. This organisation needs to maintain a better plan for a brighter future of the organisation (Bosa 2019).

Micheal (2018) stated that the growth and development of the organisation are also highlighted efficiently due to the presence of a better business plan. On the other hand, lack of proper communication is another effective problem, which should be solved with a proper communication strategy and communication plan also. This aspect s also involved in improving the decision-making ability of people and increasing their potential. It is important to increase the speed of technological changes that can maintain all kinds of megatrends successfully. Driving rapid changes in the organisation has been maintained authentically due to the involvement of proper and effective strategic insight. On the other hand, it is easy to state that improper implementation of the agile method can increase problems inside the organisation. Due to these aspects, all stages are important for Kakira Sugar to flourish their business successfully. In my point of view, an effective corporate strategy should be implemented that solve all problem of the company.

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based on this study it is easy to conclude that proper and effective implementation of corporate strategy can increase the growth and development of research. the efficiency of technological changes is also highlighted successfully due to the presence of this aspect. effective technological changes are required to maintain rapid changes in the organisation. several global megatrends are also followed by Kakira Sugar which helps them to increase their potentiality successfully. based on this study, it is easy to conclude that physical activity was an effective problem for Kakira Sugar, which directly has an impact on productivity and safety measures of this organisation. along with this, it is important to learn about the health and safety-related issues of people and extract their working efficiency. importance of competitive advantage in increasing efficiency of business is also highlighted in this study that helps to learn about the potentiality of business and other essential components.

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