Course: MSc Management


Personal effectiveness refers to the capacity of an individual to maximise their productivity, acquire their goals, and positively influence various aspects of their existence. It recognises various skills, consumer behaviours, and contributions that allow individuals to effectively manipulate their time, resources, and ability to achieve preferred outcomes. It can be determined that personal effectiveness involves self-management, self-awareness, and successive improvement. It ensures individuals encourage a better perception of their strengths, weaknesses, purposes, and significance. This can be done by leveraging their personal strengths and assessing their weaknesses; individuals can achieve high preferences and recommendations to optimise their overall performance (Heinonen and Nissen-Lie, 2020). Personal effectiveness requires effective communication and interpersonal knowledge, as well as the possibility to set priorities, manage time efficiently, and manage challenges effectively. It emphasises effective problem-solving, adaptability, and a growth perspective. Individuals can establish productivity, improve relationships, and encourage a perception of achievement and wellness by developing personal effectiveness. It empowers individuals to ensure control of their actions, make deliberate perspectives, and achieve comprehensive consequences in their personal and professional entities(Karim et al., 2020). Task 1 will involve an analysis of "Ratan Tata" and "Mukesh Ambani". By examining their effectiveness, this study section can perceive insights into their leadership approach and decision-making approaches. In the context of task 2 will deliver the discussion on the social media platforms such as "Youtube" and "LinkedIn" examining their importance all over the world and ensuring their effectiveness. Task 3 will evaluate the analysis of personal effectiveness by implementing "personal SWOT Analysis" and "Covey's 7 Habits Model" will be utilised to become knowledgeable of personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and encourage empirical techniques to improve their effectiveness.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Task 1
  • CEO Genome Project
  • Positive and Negative Aspects Using CEO Genome Project
  • Task 2
  • Role of Social Media Platforms in Learning
  • The Ability of Social Media Platforms
  • Task 3
  • Personal SWOT Analysis
  • Covey's 7 Habits
  • Method for personal effectiveness
  • Conclusion
  • Reference List
  • Appendix
  • Covey's 7 Habit questionnaire

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Task 1

CEO Genome Project

The "CEO Genome Project" is a research initiative recognised by the " ghSMART " consultancy organisation. It can be determined by enabling the identification of the key attributes and behaviours that encourage successful CEOs. By leveraging a better analysis of data from millions of executives, the project aims to provide insights into the perception and practices that conduct exceptional leadership. This can be enlarged by using the "CEO Genome Project", whichcan be utilised in four major aspects, including "Deciding with Speed and Conviction", "Engaging for Impact", "Adapting Proactively", and "Delivering Reliably" in accordance to the two global leaders of "Ratan Tata" and "Mukesh Ambani". Ratan Tata is a renowned global leader and philanthropist assessing personal effectiveness as required by the "CEO Genome Project". This framework allows him to anticipate organisational trends and conduct his organisation significantly. Ratan Tata demonstrates a high level of determination and resilience which can be determined to enable him to negotiate challenging conditions and conduct his businesses to success (Hampden-Turner, Trompenaars, F. and Hampden-Turner, 2020). Tata would be recognised for his commitment to ethical leadership, encouraging a culture of integrity and corporate social responsibility.

On the other hand, Mukesh Ambani, as Reliance's chairman and greatest shareholder, encourages personal effectiveness as initiated by the "CEO Genome Project". In addition, Ambani demonstrates remarkable strategic measurement, as recognised by his ability to identify emerging market opportunities and the performance of his organisation for long-term growth. Moreover, Ambani has the required skill in making strategic relationships and conducting innovation, enabling Reliance Company to perceive competition and agility in an increasingly growing business perspective (Tien, 2019).

Positive and Negative Aspects Using CEO Genome Project
Personal effectiveness is an essential aspect of leadership that ensures individuals achieve their significance and make a comprehensive influence. The "CEO Genome Project" has optimised four key attributes to enhance personal effectiveness. This framework can be determined to examine the positive and negative aspects of two successful Indian business leaders named "Ratan Tata" and "Mukesh Ambani" concerning the following steps.

• Deciding with Speed and Conviction
"Deciding with speed and conviction" refers to the encouragement of making informed decisions accordingly and with confidence. Ratan Tata, the former "Tata Group" chairman, enabled this approach throughout his career. This can be emerged by enhancing one of his prominent decisions: the investment of "Jaguar Land Rover (JLR)" by Tata Motors. In the face of the global financial crisis, Tata organised a remarkable position in the long-term possibilities of the luxury vehicle market. This proactive movement is highly successful and changed Tata Motors into a global business leader in the automotive industry (Bartsch et al., 2020).

• Engaging for Impact
"Engaging for impact"refers to making a significant relationship and inspiring individuals to achieve collective appearances. It can be determined that Ratan Tata has emerged skill in this area; Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Organizations, has faced criticism for his encouragement approach. This can emerge by enabling Ambani's proper dependence on his commitment to advisors and limited resources with exterior stakeholders to perceptions of a conventional decision-making procedure (García-Sancho et al., 2022). This approach has also impaired the organisation's ability to adapt effectively to changing market perspectives and stakeholder anticipations.

• Adapting Proactively
"Adapting proactively" involves adopting interchange, continuously understanding, and enabling the composition of business analytics. Both Ratan Tata and Mukesh Ambani have encouraged the positive influence of adaptability. The ability of Ratan Tata to be recognised for the Tata Group's engagement in emerging markets such as "information technology (IT)" enables his proactive approach to transforming market trends. On the other hand, the strategic implementation of Ambani's traditional business orientation to the emerging market with "Reliance Jio" demonstrates his visionary transformation to leverage the enlarging market for digital solutions in the Indian market.

• Delivering Reliably
"Delivering reliably" refers to the preference for meeting commitment and achieving outcomes. Ratan Tata is highly concerned about his leadership which might have yet to be enhanced to deliver the expected results by Tata Group. For instance, the "Nano car project" emerged to establish an affordable compressed car for the Indian market, faced comprehensive challenges, and failed to complete sales expectations (Philippidis, 2021). This result required more reliable implementation and market orientation within the organisation.

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Task 2

Role of Social Media Platforms in Learning

In the current age of digitalisation, social media has become one of the most important parts of an individual's daily lifestyle. The widespread use of social media has changed the lifestyle and traditional methods of learning new things and self-development (Luo, Freeman, and Stefaniak, 2020). Social media is now not just a tool for entertainment, sharing pictures, and making social connections. Rather it is playing as a brilliant platform for learning for students and professionals who want to excel in their professional development through the improvement of their skills as well as personal effectiveness (Krismanto et al., 2022). Social media helps the students mostly by creating a personal learning network (PLN) consisting of some basic sets of relationships that help in person and professional development. Due to the presence of social media, PLN is no longer limited to face-to-face interaction; it has provided a chance for virtual; interaction with other trained professionals, with whom one can exchange information for self-development. Social media platforms are nowadays used for understanding the trends in the market and the criteria for a job as different individuals regularly share their thoughts on different courses, which can help in an individual's career development. Several institutes have launched different online certification courses that help individuals increase their skills and make them competent for a particular job. Google has launched several certification courses that can be helpful for an individual in their professional development. Social media platforms like YouTube and Google have played a major role in promoting new courses. Especially YouTube has become one of the most trusted platforms for learning different topics with the help of live classes and Videos. Though for a long time, social media platforms have been criticised for spreading misinformation; one cannot ignore the fact that it also helps in spreading different facts. One can use these platforms to stay updated with the help of this information which will help them to excel in their career. However, these social media platforms are mostly addictive. As a result, it has been observed in several cases that this social media platform often needs more attention from the students.

The Ability of Social Media Platforms
Students and aspirants can use Social media platforms brilliantly to prepare themselves for upcoming job opportunities or professional development (Bruguera, Guitert, and Romeu, 2019). Different social media platforms have different purposes and help differently in the personal development and improvement of the effectiveness of an individual (Donelan, 2016).

LinkedIn is one of the most used social media platforms for professional development. The tool is largely used for finding internships and job opportunities. Instagram provides a platform where an individual can collect information about a particular job type (Davis et al., 2020). It provides an opportunity to connect with different individuals in different professions and make an effective PLN (Griffin, 2019). LinkedIn has also launched some online certification courses to help job seekers develop professional skills. LinkedIn learning has been helpful for several students in learning different skills for their personal development (MATTHEW OUTERBRIDGE, 2021).

YouTube is another platform which has helped several individuals to collect information and learn new skills for professional development. The video-aided learning method provided by YouTube is one of the most common tools which helps aspirants with personal and professional development. As the platform is free, anyone can use it and help themselves with Professional development. Students have been using YouTube to study and prepare for different competitive exams. The new mode of online learning with the help of these social media platforms is more effective as the video-aided learning style helps in better understanding. This method's virtual mode of learning has helped students and others to continue online study even during Covid19. Channels like TEDx Talks, Improvement Pill, Be Inspired, et cetera have played a brilliant role in teaching and motivating individuals for their professional and personal development (Ssekamatte, 2021). However, the addictive nature and spreading of false information are one of the major problems associated with learning on social media platforms (Greenhow, Galvin, and Staudt Willet, 2019. ).

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Task 3

Personal SWOT Analysis




?       I am a smart worker and mentally strong.

?       I am determined to achieve my goals through smart work.

?       I like to feel empathetic about the problems of others.

?       I am a good team worker.

?       My communication skills are one of my biggest strengths.   

?       I like to solve my problems myself by critical analysis of the situations.

?       Creativity


?       Though a team player, I often blame others for failure in my tasks.

?       I do not follow any plan at the start of my week.

?       Often, I waste my time on some work that is not meaningful in my life.

?       I often fail to spend time in activities which can be refreshing for my mind.


?       A clear vision of my goal allows me to strategy effectively.

?       Due to effective communication, I can easily get access to the experiences of others.

?       Thinking from the perspective of others allows me to understand the situation of others.

?       My creativity allows me to mitigate any issue with more effective methods.


?       Lack of physical activity and less time to refresh the mind can cause stress.

?       As I do not make any plans at the beginning of the week, it needs to be clarified for my work, especially the time before the deadline.

?       Often too much empathy restricts me from taking strict decisions for the team.

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Covey's 7 Habits

Habit 1 of Covey's 7 Habits suggests that successful people are often very proactive (Covey, 2021). Like other proactive people, I have very strong control over my decisions in life. Though I often waste my time in some situations that are not under my control. This and my habit of blaming others in different situations must be corrected.

Personal vision is designated as Habit 2 (Covey, 2021). My clear vision about my goal and what I want to achieve perfectly align with the habit of a personal vision of effective people. However, I don't follow any particular plan for achieving short-term or weekly goals, which often creates confusion.

The habit of keeping the first thing first is described as habit 3. Though I like to complete my important tasks first, I need to correct my bad habit of wasting time on things that are not meaningful in life, which I often do.

Habit 4 is the habit of always thinking win-win. This habit can be achieved by thinking, caring about the success of others and learning from their experience. I do both of these. As a result, I better understand how to progress in life and find effective solutions. Even I like to consult with others while solving any issue more effectively.

My strong communication and the ability to understand the perspective of others allow me to maintain the habit of 5 of the effective people mentioned by Covey, which is the habit of a strong understanding of others. I like to show empathy while understanding the issue or problems of others.

The habit of Synergism, or Habit 6, is necessary for teamwork (Wilson, 2022). I like to take suggestions from others if necessary. As a team player, I always like to take the opinion of others while solving any issues. I always look for creative ideas.

Habit 7 of effective people is sharpening the tool: the body and mind (Covey, 2021). Often, I get so absorbed with my work that I forget to take a break and spend time on my hobbies and mental refreshment.

Method for personal effectiveness
After considering all the factors mentioned in the previous section, I need to improve my qualities. For this purpose, I would like to opt for LinkedIn (Sharma, 2022) as it will guide me to collect more information about improving personal effectiveness skills. The guidance from the experienced network in the PLN will help me to learn more about the desired quality in a professional environment that can lead to success. The various courses about personal effectiveness skills and certification courses can help my personal effectiveness skills.

The CEO genome project has helped me understand the brilliant skills and way of leadership that the two global business leaders Ratan Tata and Mukesh Ambani follow. The deciding with speed and convictions approach of Ratan Tata and Mukesh Ambani and their proactive approach is one of the major reasons behind their success. From task 3, social media platforms are one of the most important platforms in the current time as they can help students and aspirants in learning new skills and techniques and effectively increase personal effectiveness. I want to use LinkedIn to improve my personal effectiveness skill as it will benefit me not only with different courses but also help me with the guidance of experienced individuals.

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