Essay - Discuss whether the promotion of 'Garden communities' by the government is a relevant response to the housing crisis

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Creating and promoting garden communities by government
  • Garden communities in resolving housing crisis
  • Conclusion
  • References

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This study can explain the importance of the garden community in maintaining the housing crisis successfully. Growth and development of the garden community. Along with this, a better understanding of garden-style community should be maintained successfully with the involvement of this study. Sustainable places for people to live, work and play should be analyzed in this study. Thisstudy can explain that in modern times garden community is considered an effective movement that helps to increase the authenticity of housing. Affordable housing is also maintained successfully with the involvement of this aspect. Future housing needs and problemsrelated to housing should be maintained through effective garden communities. This study explains to learn about the importance of government in maintaining promotion and development of the garden community that helps to maintain housing crisis. Clear policies from the outset should be maintained that helps to learn about the efficiency of the garden community and its role in maintaining the housing crisis. Delivery of proper action plan should be maintained that helps to increasethe authenticity of the garden community. New power and good planning are important to maintain the efficiency of the garden community.

Creating and promoting garden communities by government
Creating and promoting garden communities are important for the government, which may help in evaluating the housing problem. The affordable housing process is highlightedsuccessfully with the involvement of garden communities. Good planning and effective strategic insights are important to maintain the promotion of the garden community. This aspect helps to increase the authenticity of the housing aspect. The Garden community has been created as a one and effective solution for housing. Delivering better and new communities helps to increase the effectiveness of housing. Along with thisstrategy of housing are also solved with the involvement of this aspect. The new generation of community is also analyzedsuccessfully with the involvement of a high-performing garden community. Along with this, large scale development of housing is also maintained properly with the help of effective garden communities ( 2022).

The success ratio of affordable housing is also increased withthe help of this aspect. The main aim of creating a garden community is to justifynew forms of housebuildingsuccessfully. The essentiality of housebuilding is also developed successfully with the involvement of the garden community. A suitable newsettlement for housing should be provided by the garden community, which is an effective reason behind developing this aspect. In addition, the current housing shortage is also solved successfully with the involvement of these garden communities. Profit-driven housing is also maintained successfully with the involvement of the garden community. With the help of a few effectivereasons, it is easy to state that the authenticity of housingshould be developed with the involvement of garden communities. The Garden community helps to maintain self-contained policies for living and working. Corfe (2019) stated that the sustainability of the building is also increased rapidly with the involvement of this aspect. With the help of a few effectiveresources,it is noticedthat the garden community is considered as an effective latest iteration for solving the housing community.

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Demand places for infrastructure are also analyzedsuccessfully with the help of an effective garden community. Different size housing sites is maintained successfullywith the involvement of these garden communities. Implementing a new program for government and other effective issues should be maintained successfully with the involvement of garden communities. The government needs to maintain the implementationof proper and effective planning that helps to maintain the authenticity of the garden community andits importance in resolving the housing crisis. The ambitious housing target of the government is also maintained with the involvement of the garden community (Oni 2022).

Encouraging people abouttheeffectiveness of the garden community can play a crucial role to promote this strategic aspect. Better promotion of garden community can play a crucial role in increasing authenticity of housing settlement. The unique position of government in housing settlements helps to promote the garden communitysuccessfully. The authenticity of this strategy is also increased rapidly with the involvement of this aspect (Henderson et al. 2019). Along with this, it is important to learn about the effectiveness of the garden community and its role in the housing crisis that helps to promote this strategy successfully. Along with this, the presence of a garden community is also involved in maintaining new urban development. Social housing, zero-carbon design, sustainable transport and local food sourcing are the main and effective strategic aspects of the garden community, these aspects help to promote the garden community successfully. On the other hand,proper planning and promotion framework will be used by a government that helps to promote and evaluate the garden community successfully.

Harris and Nowicki (2020) stated that the efficiency of housing should be maintainedwith the involvement of this aspect. It is important for the government toaware people of the importance of the garden community for sustainability and other effective aspects. According to Green (2018) promoting a garden, the community is considered as the main and effective part of government strategies for housing. Along with this, it iseasy to state that numerous non-government organizations of the UK are involved in promoting the effectiveness of the garden community. People can learn aboutthe efficiency of the garden community. Along with this, the UK government needs to conduct an effectivecampaign that helps to maintain the promotion of thisstrategic aspect. This aspect directly hasan impact on the environmental sustainability of housingin the UK. UK government should re-examine the main andeffectivevision of garden community that helps them to implement authenticpromotion strategy for green community.

Proper promotional method of the garden community helps to justify all kinds of problemsrelated to a globalizedmarket. people need to learn about the importance of garden community in developing efficiency and sustainability of housing. The Garden community helps to accessaffordable housing, which should be highlighted by the UK government during promoting this strategy. Along with this, it is easy to state that proper policy-making, partnership and planning are important to maintaining the promotion of the garden community. The authenticity of the garden community should be maintained with the involvement of these three aspects. UK government shroud aware people about the benefits of the gardencommunitysuch as economic affordability, movement and other authentic aspects of garden communities. Culture and health utilities are also controlled by this aspect (Hearne 2020).
Garden communities in resolving the housing crisis
The housing crisis has become a major challenge for the UK and it emerges more in the lockdown period. Covid pandemic put a negative impact on every sector of business in the United Kingdom and for this reason, it results in less concentration of people and the government towards the housing crisis. Hearne (2020), stated that preventing a housing crisis at right time is very important otherwise it will put a large impact on the people as well as on the society of the country. The housing crisis can be minimized with the solution of the Garden community. IN the UK there are nearly 49 garden communities proposed around the country. However, developing a garden community is not an easy and quick process and it takes a long time to complete it.

Developing a garden community for preventing the housing crisis is not a new concept and it was first developed by Ebenezer Howard. Based on the concept different types of garden cities have been developed in the country such as Welwyn Garden, Letchworth garden, Hampstead Garden Suburb. These cities are standalone settlements of self-contained places that are suitable for work live and work. According to Corfe (2019), the latest iteration of the garden community was launched in the year 2014 and this program includes 49 projects in entire parts of the UK. This project includes standalone settlements of 35% and an urban extension of about 65% which includes delivers of 403000 homes.

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Along with this it also includes 56 secondary schools, 182 new primary schools and provides more than 600 hectares of land for the employment of people of the UK. The development of this project will also provide more than 1.3 million additional construction jobs to the people of the UK. Development of new roads, shops, schools and buildings will help residents and authorities to prevent the crisis of housing as well as help the UK government in their administration. Modern infrastructure will help the UK government to implement modern technologies and fulfil modern requirements. However, implementation of garden city is not an easy task and it takes a large investment. Along with this, during the implementation of the garden city, the UK government faced several difficulties.

Among the 49 communities only 3 communities have proper planning and local plan and on other communities have issues regarding local plans (Slater 2018). The report of garden community discloses that in last six months two garden community which is responsible for delivering nearly 34000 homes was failed to deliver. The reason behind the failure of delivering the house is it was determined as viable by an independent inspector during the scrutinized period. It creates problems for the required people who are seeking a new home and they again have to long wait for their new homes. Failure of the projects increase the complexity of the housing crisis more and it also creates a financial burden for the government of the UK.

However, members of the garden community disclose that they will deliver the homes to the required people until 2030 although it takes a long time to complete it. However, the government of the UK takes necessary steps to resolve the housing crisis issues and provide more than 240000 homes to the required people between 2018 to 2019. According to Fields and Hodkinson (2018), for achieving the targets of this project the UK government targets 300000 homes and it can complete 240000 homes in one year. The development of buildings and homes can also provide benefits in the ongoing evolution of towns and cities. Proper implementation of garden community projects has several benefits such as it will increase the revenue of local authorities, it will create job opportunities as well as delivering the homes to needy people at the right time.

However, difficulties are always there in every project and it is also the same garden community project such as developing pressure of historical roads, demands of high infrastructure as well as determination of proper place for schools, hospital and doctors. According to Colenut (2020), the garden community has not become the only solution to the housing crisis of the UK. The author also stated that of course housing community will help to resolve the issue of the housing crisis by providing new homes to needy people but it takes a longer time to complete it. The UK government should take other necessary steps to resolve the issue quickly. The UK government has the capability of delivering 300000 homes in one year and can also find some other solutions to prevent this issue (Clair 2018).

Development of new towns, roads and its addition in existing town and villages will benefit people. The UK government should also expand and modify the existing infrastructure and available resources. It will also help the UK government to resolve the housing crisis in less time. The government should not put only focus on the garden community and should also focus on the issue of new settlements. Apart from that the UK government also concentrates on the mistakes of the project that will also help to prevent the housing crisis issues (Gallent 2019). For the above-mentioned discussion, it can be said that preventing the housing crisis of the UK garden community has an important role and it will also minimize the other infrastructure issues of the country.

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This study successfully analyzes the role of the garden community in preventing the housing crisis in the UK. The outcome of this study determines that the garden community has a large impact on preventing the housing crisis issues and it not only solves housing crisis issues it also solve other infrastructure issues of the country. The outcomes of this study also disclosed that the UK government should not only depend upon the garden community for solving the housing crisis issue and they also should take other innovative steps to prevent this problem. Analyzing this study also determined that although the housing community can prevent housing crisis issues it takes a longer time to complete it and it creates problems for the people of the UK. The alternative solution should be found by the government and takes necessary steps to solve this quickly.

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