Course: Master of Business Administration

Leadership and Management in International Business

Assignment Title: International Leadership Portfolio

Case study: Intra-NOW-World case study

This report is based on a case study of "IntraNOWworld" company, which is a multinational company started in "Silicon Valley USA". These reports discuss the leadership and behaviours of 3 leaders of this company. Those leaders are "Maria Fernandes", who is the CEO of the Brazil office of "IntraNOWworld", the second leader is "Angela Muller", who is the CEO of the German division of this company; and the last not the least the third leader name is "Hirato Yamato", who was the leader of New York office. This report was two parted divided. The first of these reports is a discussion about those leader's leadership strategies and skills. For analysis of those skills and strategies, choose a suitable leader for this company (Castellano et al., 2021). The 2nd discussion is about my leadership skills and strategy, which is help me in my future growth and development.

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Part 1
Critical Evaluation of Leadership Traits
The analytical procurement of the "IntraNOWworld" is a multi-national organization that might have been enhanced to operate the technological assessment in an increasingly interchanged global business development. This can be done by employing the success of dependency in the leadership skills development of their worker, specifically of the appearance of the position in senior (Yamin, 2020). It can have emerged as the crucial implementation of the leadership engagement for those two who identified the future development of the success in the "IntraNOWworld" company. It is essential for the "IntraNOWworld" that "Angela Muller" and "Hirato Yamato" might be able to make it better acquire for their leadership enhancement. This collaboration would inspect the leadership engagements and leadership style approaches of "Angela Muller" and "Hirato Yamato" and their eco-friendly perspectives for the future enlargement of the "IntraNOWworld" organization (Iqbal et al., 2021).

Transformational leadership is a managerial technique that focuses on inspiring and motivating personnel to attain their full achievable and exceed their own expectations. In the case of "Angela Muller", her role as the head of the European workplace of "IntraNOWworld" presents transformational leadership. Firstly, Angela has tested the capacity to encourage and inspire her crew by using representing "IntraNOWworld" at conferences. By actively taking part in these events, she showcases her self-belief in the agency and infuses a sense of satisfaction in her team members, encouraging them to encourage (Liu and Lee, 2019). Secondly, Angela's involvement in the unique assignment with Connor to improve the future approach of "IntraNOWworld" reflects her commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. By actively looking for approaches to beautify the organization's technological advancement, Angela encourages her group to embody exchange and suppose creatively.

The given scenario highlights "Hirato's entrepreneurial leadership style", which can be characterized by way of his potential to perceive opportunities, pressure innovation, and impact decision-making inside "IntraNOWworld". Firstly, Hirato demonstrates a strategic management style by recognizing the concept of the global market. He identified an emerging perspective and understood its significance for the organization (Naderi et al., 2019). This entrepreneurial perspective allowed him to take the opportunity and make the Global Team invest time and assets in exploring the global market. Secondly, Hirato well-known shows an entrepreneurship leadership style through the using pressure at the back of "IntraNOWworld's" innovations and deployment of new technology. He had the foresight to imagine the practicable advantages and profitability of engaging in digital currency in the global market. His capacity to inspire and encourage the team to include new thoughts and technologies led to the organization's success in the market. In addition, the leadership approach of "Angela Muller" and "Hirato Yamato" in the managerial establishment of "IntraNOWworld" would be critical for future development (Boukamcha, 2019). The transformational leadership styles of "Angela Muller" and the entrepreneurship leadership styles of "Hirao Yamato" might be able to make them well-organized for their market enlargement.

Competency Framework
The competency framework provides a structured method for assessing and growing the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of people within an organization. In the context of Angela Muller and Hirato's leadership styles can analyze their skills through the proportion of transformational and entrepreneurial leadership. Angela Muller demonstrates an advantage aligned with transformational leadership (Fauzi, Martin, and Ravesangar, 2021). As the head of the European office, she has shown her capacity to inspire and encourage her group to conduct their goals. Her representation of "IntraNOWworld" at conferences reflects her high-quality communication and interpersonal skills. Angela's experience in monetary offerings and her successful administration of the German workplace spotlight her knowledge and enterprise knowledge, which contributes to her credibility as a leader. Furthermore, her involvement in the different assignments with Connor to explore future techniques signifies her forward-thinking method and acquire to incorporate change. On the other hand, Hirato embodies the abilities associated with entrepreneurship leadership. His role in the main New York workplace and his recognition as the driving force at the back of "IntraNOWworld's" innovations highlight his capability to take risks and discover possibilities for growth (Naderi et al., 2019). Hirato's early focus on the cryptocurrency market's workable and persuasive abilities in convincing the Global Team to pursue it exhibits his visionary and progressive mindset. His achievements in generating large profits for the business enterprise highlight his capacity to conduct commercial enterprise opportunities and leverage new technologies effectively.

Analysis of Development Areas
In the analysis of the well-recognised company named "IntraNOWworld," the operation of the everchanging developed technology has been leading nowadays with innovation as well as efficiency in the work. In "IntraNOWworld" the mentioned organisation has elaborately indicated the leadership styles and the effectiveness of the leadership in organisational development (Mihelj, Leguina and Downey, 2019). Hirato, Maria and Angela are the leaders of the company, providing better analysis and situational discussion on the modern changes in the company. Maria has been continuing with the South African office in "IntraNOWworld". The individual has mentioned creating the integrity and key success that helps the team to build in a new way by ensuring a positive decision-making process. In the analysis from Maria, high conscientiousness provides a planned approach. In other ways, Angela is the head member of "IntraNOWworld" in the Germany office, working in the business for 5 years. The person with the personality test mentioned higher emotional stability affecting the progress in the company. The concerned person sometimes feels under stress with a higher amount of work pressure (Colovic and Williams, 2020). In the case of Hirato, the person is the head of the New York office to continue with the best work in "IntraNOWworld". The individual has a higher experience than other discussed members. Hirato has also faced several challenges and enjoys working in the company. The person is found to be low in conscientiousness and spontaneous working. The new ideas are accepted by the person, and they try to implement the new ideas to achieve success (Zaharna, 2019).

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Influence of the Cultural Problems
The organisational development has to deal with the complexities and challenges within the well-known organisation "IntraNOWworld". There are different sources where the organisation has been continuously trying to regulate its function and activities. Diversity and cultural development have greatly impacted management and leadership practices (Peng et al., 2021). Whereas the cultural development of the organisation has improved the efficiency of the employee that needed to engage mostly the innovation to work with a better leadership style. The idea is that the organisation needs to motivate; however, the employees can increase productivity (Joshi et al., 2020). The company hires different employees from different workplace gender, culture and background. The mentioned company has been facing challenges with workplace diversity, and the employees are not feeling valued. The company leaders are not taking the chance to provide value to the members. In that case, there has been a tendency to leave the organisation (Zhang, 2019). If the employees are provided with the most value, they will not leave the company, and the organisation's culture can be maintained. A company with huge diversity is trying to manage diversity in the workplace affecting the performance of the organisation. The culture of the company has been reflected in the reputation of the company to consider the brand value of the mentioned organisation. The efficiency of the company got worse when the company faced legal and lawsuit issues (Raithel, van Knippenberg and Stam, 2021). The challenges within the organisation have suffered harassment in the workplace. The management has also faced a lot of issues in the hiring of new applicants and employees globally to continue the work process.

The skill development of the employees of the company helps to manage the difficult situation and increase the production level. Trust among the employees is also needed to manage the issues with diversity keeping all the leadership aspects. The major issue in the company is the diversity in the workplace with several aspects. There has been a huge issue with the majority and the minority perspective. An organisation belonging to a similar caste or culture harasses minority groups (Al-Obaydi, 2019). There are also several groups that ask for their rights in the organisation, and a challenging situation asks for legal help. The diversity in the organisation has the leaders who are facing misunderstanding and communication issues along with discrimination and the decision-making process. The leaders are trying to express their vision to maintain the work culture. The leaders are unable to express their feeling to the employees or provide a vision for future work. The team members or group members have different levels of skills and try to implement different opinions in the group discussion. In every situation, the leaders are trying to explore the areas of discussion in developing the performance of the organisation. In the assessment of the culture and diversity of the management and leadership practices. In the global business landscape, effective leaders are strong enough to understand the effect of leadership styles. The discussion on the strategies within the "IntraNOWworld" has critically been involved to have the competency framework that is needed to have effective leadership styles with weaknesses and strengths integrating the personality test results in the company.

Leaders Development Plan

Leadership Development Plan Skills need to develop


How To Develop

Resources and evidence


Skills related to the Management of time

Managing time properly is an important skill for any leader. It makes the leader punctual at the workplace. They can complete their tasks within the stipulated deadline and set an example for others to follow. It helps in managing the employees of the organization better. 

The tasks of the leader need to be scheduled properly, and the schedule should include all the tasks that the leader is supposed to carry out and the time at which these tasks will be done. The schedule should prioritize the tasks that the leader should perform and then set the time for the tasks.

The resources for managing time include journals, diaries, and plans of schedules. Mobile apps also help to set the schedule of the leader.


Professors review whether a leader is punctual or not, and the records in universities also reflect this fact.

3 months

"Problem-solving skills"

My skills related to problem-solving should be very well developed, and there is a need for me to continuously improve my problem-solving skills (Guzmán et al. 2020). The problem-solving skills help to deal with complex problems that might arise while working for the company. These skills come in handy when there is a crisis at work.

Developing skills to solve problems and practising the skills on a regular basis. Taking advice from seniors and other mentors regarding work.

Diaries, movies, journals, documentaries, mobile apps, newspapers, training, and meditation.

4 months

Risk management skills

As a leader, it is very important for me to develop my risk management skills (Zeike et al. 2019). There are many situations at work where risks are involved, and a calm head is required to manage the risks. The risk management skills of a leader need to be constantly worked on so that risks can be met successfully in work. 

Conducting risk management studies and developing a calm temperament to deal with risky situations. Practising risk management skills in different situations to improve the skill.

Reading newspapers, maintaining journals, mobile apps, meditating, and speaking with seniors at the workplace

5 months

Development of Technical skills

Technical skills are relevant in the current scenario. Knowledge and understanding of the digital media helps in carrying out work in an efficient manner. As a leader, it is very important for me to develop my technical skills. They help to carry out work in the present circumstances where digital media is very important.

Technical courses and training and practice for the improvement of the use of digital media in work. Online courses to improve technical skills through training regarding digital media.

Social media, online apps, training programs, reading books, taking the help of online courses, and certifications

5 months

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Part 2

Leadership Profile and Action Plan

I realized that the most suitable leadership style for me is the "Transformational Leadership Style", which is improving my style management skills. This leadership style improve me as a leader of the upcoming organization where I will job in the future. I have some potential skills to become a successful leader, and I improving those skill day by day, which is hugely impact also my quality of leadership. The "Transformational Leadership Style" was improved many leaders' leadership styles worldwide, which is hugely their organization's growth. The main reason to follow this leadership style is because of my friendly behaviour. For this friendly behaviour, I have discussed all of my problems with my fellow employees and tried to gate any solution to this problem (Maykrantz et al., 2020). If the organization's efficiency of growth became high all time, then as a leader, I should provide motivation to all employees to increase their work efficiency. I all time searching some new ideas, which helps to finish my job for the organization smoothly. My communication skills are good of mine that's why I can easily describe my problems to other employees. I also have the great skill of decision making, which helps this organization grow in future development. This skill of decision-making helped to handle a risky situation that occurred in the organization. I solve those risks by using my those leadership skills.

Development Plan (Leadership)

Development Plan Importance How to develop Resource and evidence Duration
Skills of Time management This is a very important skill because punctuality is more important in organizational work. Scheduled properly for the task. Complete those in time and submit them. Diaries, mobile applications, and journals. Rewatch the professor lecturers, and review the university records. 1 Month

The skill of problem-solving As an organization leader, my skill of problem-solving must be improved (Rathmell et al., 2019). This skill helps to manage the risk situation came in the organization. The skill of risk management also improved for managing the dangerous situation that came into the organization. Practising the methods of problem-solving and properly managing those skills. Movies, mobile applications, journals, News articles, self-research, and training. 4 months

Technical skills The technical skills need to be increased because they handle properly any technical problems accrued in the company. This skill needs to be improved because a good leader also has this technical skill (Yilmaz et al., 2020). This skill is also required for nowadays the world is technically advanced so fast, maximum work done by some technical bits of help. Technical course training and practice those courses (Wiewiora et al., 2019). Take online training for the improvement of this technical skill. Social media, Online applications, online and offline training courses. 3 Months

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Discussion on the leadership progress
As a leader, it is very important for me to develop various skills and enhance them to meet the requirements of the organization. I feel that leadership is a natural skill that comes to people naturally, but there are some features of leadership that are common in most leaders. Leaders can command respect without enforcing it upon the followers. Decision-making is a very important trait of a leader. The leader has to make decisions regarding various issues (Leffler, 2020). I feel that a leader needs to be responsible enough to make decisions and accept the consequences of such decisions. It is very important as a skill since leaders need to take decisions while running a company. The fate of the company might depend on the decision of the leader. There is constant pressure on the leader to take the right decision. Thus a leader needs to be very calm while taking a decision and must have a vision of the consequences of the decision (Petre, 2020).

As a leader, time management is also a vital skill since managing time properly leads to the completion of the work within the stipulated deadline. Time management is a skill that needs to be developed in every employee, not just the leader. It makes one efficient at work and gives the leader extra time to rectify any mistakes that might have been made in the first place. Time management can be developed by maintaining a schedule for the work that is necessary to be done (Sakr et al., 2022). The schedule should have a plan for all the work that is needed to be done by the leader and should prioritize the activities that are required to be performed by the leader. In this respect, the leader can take the help of mobile apps and software and also keep journals and diaries to record the work that is required to be done and the timeframe within which the work needs to be done.

Based on these reports discussed the leadership of three leaders of the "IntraNOWworld" company. Based on their leadership style and behavior, "Angela Muller" is the best for this organization. Her transformational leadership style will help the growth of this organization in the future. The second part of this assignment discusses my leadership style, which is also transformational leadership style. These reports produce my vision, feeling, and my style of decision making, how I manage an organization as a leader. This report also discusses my communication style, which is affected by my leadership skill. This report discusses how I developed my leaderships skill as a reflection of mine. Over all, these reports discussed the analysis of risk areas, how its managed by an organization's leaders, and also managing skills as leaders.

FAQ for Leadership and Management in International Business

  • Q: What is the difference between leadership and management in international business?
  • Q: Why is effective leadership important in international business?
  • Q: How can I be a more culturally sensitive leader?
  • Q: How can I manage diverse teams in an international business?
  • Q: What are some of the challenges of leading an international business?
  • Q: What are some of the opportunities of leading an international business?

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