Course: Dissertation

Sustainable Supply Chain Concepts Feasible In Indian Mattress Manufacturing Sector


The research study focuses on analysing the sustainable supply chain management that is feasible in context of the Indian Mattress companies. The researcher has taken reference from the supply chains of Indian mattress businesses like Kurl-on, Dunlopillo Sleepwell and Rubco. The issue is regarding the negligence perceived by the mattress companies in evaluating the feasibilities. Since, the environmental, social and economic feasibilities are not being calculated by the companies they are facing complexities in expanding their market in the international platform. The aim of the research is to find out the feasibility in supply chain management levying an effect on the environmental standards of Indian market. On comparing the previous researches on supply chain management, the researcher found that with the expansion of the business the threats related to supply chain increases. The academic concepts proved that economic, social and political scenario of the foreign market influences the business expansion prospects. With the supply chain management, competitive factors are being found out that strategise the technological advances of the supply chain. Along with that, the profits gained by the suppliers too increases.

Post positivism research philosophy, deductive research approach and descriptive research design is selected by the research to conduct the study on the feasibility of sustainable supply chain management in Indian mattress companies. The responses of the 50 suppliers and the distributers proved that the feasibility factors do not compel the progressions of the supply chain management. It has been showed that the suppliers gain the most with a perfect supply chain as the customers are satisfied with the end product sent to the potential market on least time period. Emission of carbon pollutants and satisfying the suppliers are the two aspects of feasibility that need to be solved by the mattress companies. The researcher has recommended usage of environment friendly raw materials in order to reduce the carbon emissions. In addition to that, the researcher said that the new methods of supply chain management could be adapted by the Indian mattress companies that induces the larger usage of latest technologies. Engagement of the customers in the decision making produces of the management is counted as another recommendation for the industry.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • 1.1 Introduction:
  • 1.2 Background of the study:
  • 1.3 Research rationale:
  • 1.4 Research aim:
  • 1.5 Research objective:
  • 1.6 Research questions:
  • 1.7 Signification of the research:
  • 1.8 Purpose of the dissertation:
  • 1.9 Structure of the dissertation:
  • 1.10 Summary:
  • Chapter 2: Literature review
  • 2.1 Introduction:
  • 2.2 Previous research works:
  • 2.3 Conceptual framework:
  • 2.4 Concept of supply chain management:
  • 2.5 Concept of recognising sustainability:
  • 2.6 Sustainable development policy:
  • 2.7 Sustainability management:
  • 2.8 Integrating issues of sustainability along with supply chain management:
  • 2.9 Loopholes found in integrating sustainability in relation to SCM:
  • 2.10 Competitive advantage of sustainable supply chain:
  • 2.10.1 A cooperative model:
  • 2.11 A brief overview of the Indian Mattress manufacturing Sector:
  • 2.12 Feasibility of sustainable supply chain in the Indian mattress-manufacturing sector:
  • 2.13 Comparison between previous and present research:
  • 2.14 Summary:
  • Chapter 3: Research Methodology
  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Method Outline
  • 3.3 Research Onion
  • 3.4 Research Philosophy
  • 3.4.1 Justification for selection of chosen philosophy
  • 3.5 Research Approach
  • 3.5.1 Justification for selection of chosen approach
  • 3.6 Research Design
  • 3.6.1 Justification for selection of chosen design
  • 3.7 Data collection Procedure
  • 3.7.1 Data Sources: Primary and Secondary
  • 3.7.2 Data Techniques: Quantitative
  • 3.7.3 Justification for questionnaire/survey
  • 3.8 Population and Sample
  • 3.8.1 Sampling technique
  • 3.9 Reliability and Validity
  • 3.10 Ethical Considerations
  • 3.11 Research Limitations
  • 3.12 Time Horizon
  • 3.13 Summary
  • Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Quantitative analysis for suppliers and distributors
  • 4.3 Discussion
  • 4.4 Summary
  • Chapter 5: Conclusion
  • 5.1 Conclusion:
  • 5.2 Objective Linking:
  • 5.4 Limitation of the study:
  • 5.5 Future Scope of the study:
  • Chapter 6: Recommendations
  • Chapter 7: Self Reflection
  • Reference List

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction:
In this research, the researcher has discussed the implementation and importance of the sustainable supply chain management on the manufacturing concerns. The research work is conducted in the context of feasibility of the sustainable SCM in Indian mattress manufacturing sectors. Therefore, the researcher has conducted the research work on the different mattresses manufacturing companies in India. The research discussed the background of the study, research rationale and aim of the research, research objectives and research questions. The researcher also determines the purpose of the research followed by a summary.

1.2 Background of the study:
In this research, the researcher has discussed about the feasibility of sustainable supply chain management in the Indian mattress industry. Several business organizations are there those manufacture mattresses. Some of the famous manufacturers are Kurl-on, Sleepwell, Rubco, Dunlopillo and many more.

The researcher has observed that the business owners of earlier era were not much aware of sustainability issue. However, the present business owners find it important for making a constant profit in the market. According to Pieters et al. (2009), supply chain sustainability indicates the management of social, environmental and economical impacts on the business. It encourages the well and proper governance practices through the lifecycle of a product or services. The main objective of the sustainable supply chain is to protect, create and develop the long-term social, environmental and economic value for the stakeholders. Both the external and internal stakeholders may get the benefit of this sustainable supply chain management.

Charter et al. (2011) opined that several reasons are there those are responsible for starting the sustainable supply chain management in the journey of a company. This is a globalized era and the business owners should adopt the strategies those should be suitable for outsourcing the businesses. In the Indian mattress sector, the business owners can export their products worldwide. Therefore, they should be aware of making profitable costing during the shipping. Brandenburg et al. (2014) discussed that sustainable supply chain is used for maintaining the brand image, business continuity as well as the cost of operation. The business firms are reconstructing them to become adjustable with the new technologies, processes and materials.

In this research, the researcher may identify the importance of implicating sustainable supply chain management in the companies of Indian mattress sector. The business owners should remember that sustainable development is considered as the improvements to meet the requirements of the current generation. Reinhardt (2011) mentioned that even, this adjustment needs no compromises from the future generation to meet their requirements. The pillar of sustainability is fully connected with the suppliers, distributors, customers and producers. On the other hand, sustainable supply chain is further narrated as the management of the information, capital flows and the material.

This is considered as the basic responsibility for the supply chain sustainability. However, the researcher may further analyze the way and importance of implicating the supply chain management in the respected sector.

1.3 Research rationale:

What is the issue?
The main issue of this research is to evaluate the feasibility of sustainable supply chain management in the Indian mattress manufacturing industry. According to Sarkis (2009), most of the Indian mattress manufacture companies are intending to implicate the sustainable supply chain management within their business structures. However, the researcher has tried to justify the effort of implicating sustainability in this sector. Climate change creates several problems worldwide and it affects the supply chain too. Uneven responses from the suppliers present opportunities and threats from the business organizations at supply chain. Therefore, it becomes the major issue that the companies should be able to maintain the sustainability properly.

Why is it an issue?
Sarkis et al. (2011) stated that for developing the new supply chain or to improve the existing one, the companies should consider some factors. First of all, the motivating factors must be identified. Even, the risks and the opportunities should also be recognised. After clearing the motivation, the company may assess the potentiality of the company. The last factor is all about to fix up the desired outcomes. The company usually consider five main keys to identify the motivators. These factors are customers, compliance, costs, competitive advantage and conscience. However, the companies cannot measure these factors properly. Therefore, it reduces the feasibility chance of sustainability. Thus, the researcher has found it as an issue.

Why is it an issue now?
Seuring and Müller (2008) mentioned that supply chain strategy sometimes work as a bridge between the sustainability and competitive strategy. In spite of such advantages most of the Indian mattress manufacturers cannot implicate it properly within their business structures. However, in this highly globalized era it becomes very essential to maintain the proper sustainability in supply chain management. Therefore, before designing the sustainability strategy, the companies should assess the feasibility factor. The researcher has observed that Indian mattress manufacturing companies do not take much effort to manage the risks of climate change. Hence, it is one of the main reasons to lose sustainability in business. Therefore, the researcher has decided to discuss on this matter.

What can the research shed light on?
This research work may assess the feasibility of sustainability management in the supply chain management. Other than that, the researcher may focus on several sustainability factors like social, environmental and economical. This study may further analyze the implication and maintenance strategies of sustainability in supply chain. In addition, the researcher may suggest some recommendations to make the Indian mattress manufacturing companies more profitable by implicating the sustainable strategies. Thus, this research becomes so much important for the companies of Indian mattress manufacturing industry.

1.4 Research aim:
The aim of this particular research is to identify the feasibility of sustainable supply chain management in Indian mattress manufacturing sector. The research work has focused on the importance of the sustainability of the supply chain management in the manufacturing industry as well as effect on the environment standards.

1.5 Research objective:
The objectives of this research are:
• To identified the actual condition of the Sustainable supply chain management in Indian mattress manufacturing companies
• To understand the concept of sustainable supply chain
• To ascertain whether it is feasible or not
• To make the business sustainable in terms of social, economic and environment

1.6 Research questions:
The questions of the research are:
• What is the actual condition of the sustainable supply chain management in Indian mattress manufacturing companies?
• What is meant by the concept of sustainable supply chain?
• Is the concept of sustainable supply chain feasible?
• What recommendations can be given to the companies in the Indian mattress sector to make business sustainable in terms of social, economic and environment?

1.7 Signification of the research:
The main significance of this research is to focus on the sustainability of supply chain management in the Indian mattress manufacturing industry. The researcher may describe the basic concept of supply chain management and its sustainability. In addition, the researcher has assessed the feasibility of sustainability supply chain in this industry. The researcher may discuss about the previous research works regarding the sustainability factor too. Other than that, this project has described a brief overview of Indian mattress. This research is further significant for the future researchers those may conduct a project on the supply chain management or sustainability.

1.8 Purpose of the dissertation:
The purpose of the research work is to find out the social, economic as well as environmental goals of the sustainable supply chain management. It emphasised on the economic and social factors that focused on the issue of the sustainability of the supply chain management. The researcher has found out the positive as well as negative impact of the SSCM.

1.9 Structure of the dissertation:

In this point, the researcher may provide a brief description of the total dissertation. This project includes five chapters. Each of them is important for the research work is as follows:

Chapter 1- Introduction: This is the introductory part of the research paper. The researcher may introduce the topic and the background of the study in this chapter. This chapter includes the rationale of the study, research aim, objectives and questions. Otherwise, purpose of the study and signification of the research are also added in this point.

Chapter 2- Literature Review: The researcher may provide the description of existing facts and theories in this chapter. This chapter contains a conceptual framework to provide the concept of relevant theories taken for this research. This is considered as one of the most important part of a research paper as it offers the valuable models and theories of earlier researchers. Those theories help the researcher to conduct the present research work in a proper way.

Chapter 3- Research Methodology: Research methodology is a part of a research work that helps the researcher to conduct the project in a systematic way. The researcher may mention the chosen research philosophy, approach and design in this chapter. Other than that, the sample size and data collection method both should be narrated in research methodology. Even, the justification of chosen the particular research philosophy, design and approach have also be described here in this chapter.

Chapter 4- Data Analysis and Findings: This chapter is fully dedicated to analyse all the collected data properly. After collecting the raw data, the researcher may analyze all the data thoroughly by following the proper process. In addition, the researcher may discuss bout the findings also. The researcher may arrange some quantitative and qualitative questionnaires to collect the related data from the market.

Chapter 5- Conclusion and Recommendation: This is the last chapter of the dissertation. This chapter is fully dedicated for concluding the total research work. The researcher may discuss about the concept that are gained from the research work. Even, based on the concept and understanding the researcher may recommend some ways to solve out the present problems. Other than that, the researcher may link up the research objectives with the qualitative and quantitative questionnaires of the project. Besides that, the future scope and the limitation of the study should be included in this chapter.

1.10 Summary:
This chapter is fully dedicated to introduce the overall dissertation. This chapter reflects the brief description of the topic and related subject. The researcher has added the background of the study to provide a description about the sustainability supply chain management. Other than that, the researcher has mentioned the research aim, objective and questions in this chapter. Besides that, the signification of the research and the purpose of the dissertation enhance the importance of this chapter. An overall structure has also been added by the researcher here. It may help the reader to understand the total dissertation at a glance.

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Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Introduction:
Literature review of a scholarly paper includes substantive findings, present knowledge and methodological as well as theoretical donation to the particular topic. The study will discuss and understand the concept of sustainability that is important to identify the goals and core characteristics of the sustainable supply chain management. However, the research is determined the how sustainable supply chain affecting the supply chain of an organisation. The researcher also discussed the effects of the sustainable supply chain has seen among those organisation that delivers long-term profit.

2.2 Previous research works:
The researcher has gone through several research papers to gather information related to the topic. Therefore, the researcher has found out that the globalized era has profound implications to manage the companies at its operational and strategic levels. Abbasi and Nilsson (2012) opined that the manufacturers may need to shift their products to the various transitional and developing economies. It helps to reduce the production costs as well as to increase the speed of the market. On the other hand, Aronsson and Brodin (2010) argued that globalization might become difficult to search for a supply chain that may not cut down the national boundaries. Therefore, several strategic complexities and importance has arisen in the function of supply chain management. Globalization is mainly responsible of it.

However, Carter and Jennings (2011) opined that the continuous increment in the geographical scope of a firm may create several risk factors in the supply chain function. Besides that, some orthodox and traditional research works regarding supply function and operations pay attention to the environmental and social issues. The researcher has found out that there are some research papers on the green supply chain management. Gold et al. (2010) stated that green supply chain function mainly focuses on the environmental issues. It includes the way of reducing waste, supply chain emission, product designing, recycling and many more. Some of the studies include the ethical and social issues. These issues refer to the child labour, bribery, working conditions, corruption and so on.

Some of the researchers have identified the supply chain management as the incorporation of economical and environmental concerns. Even, sometimes it includes the corporate social responsibility. According to Hutchins and Sutherland (2008), the sustainable supply chain is all about the integration, transparency and achievement of the environmental, economical and social goal of an organization. The researcher has identified that most of the research works are mainly indicating the boundaries as well as the core features of the supply chain management. Thus, the researcher may discuss about the sustainability in this research paper.

2.3 Conceptual framework:

2.4 Concept of supply chain management:

Koplin et al. (2010) stated that the overall concept of supply chain management is mainly designed on the basis of two core ideas. First of them indicates that all the products reach to the end customers. These end customers mainly represents the increasing effort of various organizations. These firms are collectively known as the function of supply chain management. The second idea is about to keep the supply chain within the company for long time. Klendorfer et al. (2015) discussed that before focusing on the supply chain management, the leaders of the company needs to determine the involved factors of supply chain management.
In brief, it can be said that the supply chain includes such factors like the companies as well as the business activities. These activities indicate the creation, design, delivery process and service of the product. Lieb and Lieb (2010) commented that supply chain management helps to increase customer value. It further helps to achieve a competitive advantage with sustainability. The researcher has found that the supply chain management involves the total process from production to distribution of a product.

The supply chain management ensures to achieve the sustainability of a business. Lopez-Gomero et al. (2010) opined that the SCM is a major element from the perspective of environment as well as social impacts. The traditional SCM models are balanced in past days. At that time, the activities and the processes used to manage by the same organisation. The meaning of the sustainable supply chain management also includes the environmental factors. The environmental factors includes natural resources, wastage, emissions, hazardous substances, deforestation, loss in bio-diversity, energy as well as increase oh GHG. Orsato and Wells (2011) stated that the relationship between the environment and the SCM is very significant.

2.5 Concept of recognising sustainability:
Rao and Hold (2015) opined that the sustainable supply chain management is a strategy of a financial organisation that is transparent integration. It helps to achieve the economical, social, as well as environmental goals following a systematic process. Coordination among the workers of the organisation is the key factor to improve the performances of the company for a long-term. The sustainable supply chain deals with the environmental and social issues very carefully.

Seuring and Müller (2008) stated that it follows effective transaction paths. It is necessary to understand the impact of supply chain to sustain and its effect will noticed in the different stages of the supply chain. The combination study of sustainability and traditional goals added more values fort the business. It offers to create a competitive boundary and an integrated economic as well as environmental performance regarding to the product recovery. Simpson et al. (2010) stated that the number of articles had introduced regarding sustainability as well as sustainable development on the business economy. In management, also this concept has found major appearances. Since, 1990 lots of articles introduced and the growth of the organisation has seen.

The importance of the sustainable supply chain management has increasing day by day. Tavasszy et al. (2013) believed that there is a scope of improvement of the SCM due to large portion of the human activity involves in manufacturing as well as distribution of a product. Combination of the sustainability with the traditional targets has added more values to the organisation in this competitive era. It has also improved the economic conditions and the environmental standards and a research has made in this context.

Charter and Kielkiewicz-Young (2011) said that sustainability of the supply chain is an issue in the business world that affects the organization's logistics network or supply chain. It is usually quantified by comparing it with SECH ratings. SECH ratings make use of the Triple Bottom Line and incorporate environmental, economic and social factors. Pieters et al. (2009) opined that SECH rating is basically the Social, Ethical, Cultural and Health footprints. Consumers these days have become a lot more aware then they used to be about the impact that their purchases have on the environment. Consumers and Non-governmental organizations are demanding that the companies supplying them switch to foods that are organically grown. Abbasi and Nilsson (2012) commented that they are doing their best to avoid clothes that are mad in sweatshops. They are also all for the companies sourcing their supplies from local producers so that independent and small businesses are supported. Supply chains are responsible for more than 75% of the carbon footprint that a company gives out. Aronsson and Brodin (2010) stated that they are thus looking for ways to reduce this and in turn improve their SECH rating.

2.6 Sustainable development policy:

Van (2011) explained that the manufacturing companies have identified the requirements to improve and manage the business in a sustainable manner. Therefore, the companies will develop the existing supply chain management according to their present necessity. In result, it will help not compromises with its ability to meet the needs of the future generations. The sustainable development policy will find out the process of development with transparency. The co-operation among the every stage of the supply chain will help to progress to secure the verification as well as to sets a visible target and priorities regarding materials activities. Zhu and Sarskis (2013) opined that the resources on the Earth are limited regarding raw materials as well as absorbing the wastes. Therefore, the manufactures needs not to exceed those limits through their business activities. It is necessary that the productive areas of the nature must not be exhausted or reduced and it must help to grow. It recognises minimum requirements to improve the ecological sustainability.

Companies are putting in a lot of effort to make sure that they are developing services and products that are designed specifically to benefit people. They want to achieve the ecological, social and economic responsibility objectives of Sustainable Development through this. Borade and Bonsad (2008) explained that Sustainable Development is a concept that is accepted worldwide. It focuses upon sustaining the economic growth without any harm coming to the planet. It also focuses on the fact that resources of the planet should not be exhausted. Carter and Jennings (2011) said that this will help improve the quality of life of the people who are inhabiting the Earth now as well as the quality of life of the people who will inhabit it in the future.

There is an ethical element of sustainable development is to ascertain the accountability of the business. It is extends so long for legislative compliance. There must be social responsibility in the sustainable development in the business strategies unlike the ecological sustainability. Xia and Tang (2011) opined that the company requires the stakeholders view to fulfil this strategy. The manufacturing organisations are strictly bound to follow the business values, self-responsibility, equity, democracy, solidarity from the legal perspective.

2.7 Sustainability management:
According to Borade and Bonsad (2008), the sustainability management helps to form a good society and there are few aims that need to be identified. They are to fulfil the needs of the stakeholders, response to its members as well as share the profit. It is necessary to focus the ethical leadership, to become commercially successful and become an exemplary organisation. It determines the issues those are either arises in annual general meetings or half-yearly meets and issues arises on the elected committees. Clendenin (2013) believed that it deals with the participation of the customer's ethical policy. It helps to influence the customer's participation regarding asset management as well as ethical engagement policy. The sustainable management policy in relation to the suppliers helps to influence their performance of the company and directs the financial impacts over the organisation.

The sustainable management took decision regarding the business values as well as business principles. It helps to resolve the specific benchmark corporate issues of the reported and it includes the social reports. The sustainable management emerged the legislation regarding social, ethical and environmental matters. Therefore, a separate forum is required to establish to resolve those legal issues.
It can be said that sustainable management is something that brings together the concepts of sustainability and management. There are three main branches to sustainability. Carter and Rogers (2011) opined that they are : the environment, the needs of the present and the future generations and the economy. These branches are used in order to create the ability to keep a system running without a time limit. This of course must be done without the resources getting depleted, without the economic viability fluctuating and while making sure that the needs of the present and the future generations are taken care of. Clendenin (2013) commented that from all of this, it can be inferred that sustainable management is the process of applying sustainable practices to the areas of business, society, personal life, agriculture and the environment. All of these must be managed in such a way that it benefits the current and the future generations as well.

2.8 Integrating issues of sustainability along with supply chain management:

Jüttner et al. (2013) stated that the supply chain management of an organisation needs to survive in the competitive market by combine the issues of sustainability. Therefore, lack of sustainability of ended with loopholes in the supply chain management. The research work gives some guidelines that help to conduct the research more effective way. The development of a supply chain system measures the environmental performance that includes more targets. The responsible issues, barriers, drivers, moderators and its consequences have tried to frame together. This research work has done by literature review and interviewing of the managers of the supply chain. The research work emphasis the issues of SCM and has done the framework regarding this context. These issues are depending on the resources, economics cost of transaction and effects of population from the viewpoint of the organisation. Therefore, Seuring and Müller (2008) opined that several issues have framed regarding the sustainability of the SCM.

In this research, the researcher has determined the growth of price of past few years as well as issues regarding sustainability. The strategies of the supply chain management help to determine the values of innovation. Those help to reduce the impact over the environment to deliver the measurable outcome. Through motivation, it creates sustainable innovation all over the business.

2.9 Loopholes found in integrating sustainability in relation to SCM:

The supply chain management includes some life cycling costs that are very sensitive issues regarding environment, society economy goals of the organisation. The research has done by combination of the supply chain management and sustainability. The signification of the sustainability has identified by the literature review of the SCM. In this research, the relationship between the environment and the SCM not as strong as expected. Sikdar (2013) believed that the necessity of recognizing of literature review has done before decades. The guidelines as well as the frameworks had combined the sustainability issues were established. There are various tools to analyse the research work.

The terms ‘sustainable development' as well as ‘sustainability' frequently appears in the five-fold from the tear 1990 to 2005 at 15 per 1000 articles (1.5%). Linton et al. (2011) observed that the rest of 98.5% articles involving economic as well as business issues. There is a long gap between the behaviour and the intension that affects the theory of stakeholders' behaviour. As a result, there is unwanted delay to transform implementation on the behaviour.

Carter et al. (2011) opined that there are few areas that may challenge to the sustainable supply chain management. Applying the sustainable supply chain management the cost of the product may increase. Adopting the eco-friendly strategy to produce a product is expensive. Therefore, it increases the cost of the product that is not good for the manufacturers. The process of sustainable development affects the supply chain process.

When it comes to integrating sustainability in supply chain management, the problems can be divided into five basic areas. These areas are: increase in cost, sustainable development operationalization, changes in mindset and culture of the people, strain issues in control and tradeoffs and uncertainties management. Harland (2014) stated that while sustainability is a desired attribute to have, it cannot be ignored that the companies pay in their own way in order to be sustainable.

2.10 Competitive advantage of sustainable supply chain:
Pieters et al. (2009) discussed that the companies utilizes the advantages through the improvement of the supply chain management. On the other hand, it enhances the environmental presentation of the suppliers of the organisation. That leads to increase the competitiveness as well as help to improve the economic performance.

According to Charter and Kielkiewicz (2011), cost reduction of a particular product is to reduce the cost per unit of that product. It is necessary to reduce the cost per unit of goods that helps to increase the sale volume and profitability. Therefore, the organisation is required to purchase it raw materials at a low rate from the suppliers. The researcher has stated that if the organisation will able bargain with its supplies to provide the raw materials at low cost, the cost per unit will reduce accordingly. The researcher also discussed that the wastage of the raw materials must be reduce during production process. Otherwise, this wastage will increase the cost of production of the product. Therefore, the organisation is needed to adopt some strategies that help to reduce the cost of the product.

Brandenburg et al. (2014) opined that the terms operational efficiency means to increase the efficiency of the process of the production. The researcher has highlighted that the production techniques as well as technologies required modifying time to time. It helps to increase the techniques of productivity. Therefore, it is the duty of the management to take necessary strategies to invent new techniques to improve the operational efficiency. The researcher also stated that it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the employees by adopting various reward strategies that can give good output. Another process is required to reduce the wastage. Otherwise, it results loss for the organisation.

Companies must understand the fact that their supply chains can no longer remain opaque. Stakeholders are getting more and more demanding with each passing day and they want more accountability and want to know more about the ethics of the suppliers when it comes to the workers and the environment they are working in. Hutchins and Sutherland (2008) explained that in wealthy and developed countries however, a responsible and clean supply chain is about more than just satisfying the consumer. The middle class is growing in the emerging markets and consumers are more aware of the concept of sustainability. Thus, expectations in this field in the developing countries is much higher than in the economies that are already established.

2.10.1 A cooperative model:
Reinhardt (2011) stated that the sustainable supply chain management determines the material flow that is considered to be a primary stage of the supply chain. The SCM includes the large range of the raw materials that determines improvement of the process of supplying. It is necessary to improve the sustainability of the SCM by working together with the suppliers by developing new product or mentoring or providing good skills to the workers that is necessary. According to Sarkis (2009), the organisation needs to deal only with those suppliers who are able to meet their benchmarks by maintaining environment friendly performance.

The models of partnership are shifting from a command and control approach to answering the environmental questionnaires of the suppliers. Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to determine the facilities to increase the communication with its suppliers. It has found out that there is a necessity of voluntary cooperation with the partners to improve the environmental performance. Sarkis et al. (2011) stated that the firm and the suppliers are interdependent to each other and it replaced the traditional model that is opposite to this new models. This model enhances the relationship and improves the coordination in the market. On the other hand, it helps to achieve the shared goals also.

2.11 A brief overview of the Indian Mattress manufacturing Sector:
The Indian mattress manufacturing industry is divided into two segments - organised and unorganised. There are various types of mattresses are available, for example, spring mattress, coir mattress as well as foam mattress. Different types of mattresses are available to different class of people like, for urban, rural, foreign as well as domestic brands irrespective of price range as well as others. The research discusses on the present condition, growth drivers, developments as well as the brand image of the industry. It also includes competitive scenarios that play an important role in the mattress industry.

The Indian mattress market has dominated through unorganised as well as small manufactures. This type of manufactures produces foam and coir mattresses. According to Abbasi and Nilsson (2012), it fulfils 90% of the mattress requirements of the country. The concept of the spring mattress has just come into existence and still progressing. The large number of urban people is investing their money for comfort and luxury. Therefore, it helps to attracts major manufactures to invest in the Indian mattress industry. These major manufacturers have set up their manufacturing facility in Indian market. Snoozer, King Koil as well as Tempur are of those manufacturing concerns. Indian mattress manufacturers possess more than 18% share of the Asia Market in 2008. In the year 2013, the volume of the revenue increased and CAGR has registered more than 1.5% growth in this period. Aronsson and Brodin (2010) stated that India sold a huge number of mattresses in 2013 to other countries.

The coir mattresses are eco-friendly, suitable, durable and are good for health. Therefore, this mattress has held a big proportion in the Indian mattress market. In the year of 2013, the sale volume of this mattress was huge from the year of 2008. The percentage of the spring mattress is very low in comparison with coir mattresses. The unorganised manufactures include local and small Indian brands and hold major shares in the mattress market. According to Carter and Jennings (2011), unrecognised manufacturers contributed 4% from 7% in 2008. The south India had considered as the hub of the coir mattresses especially for rubber coir mattresses. The mattress market had successful to settle in the urban areas. However, sale volume of branded mattress in rural areas is less than the urban areas.

The domestic manufacturers dominate the Indian mattress market. They are Sleepwell, Kurlon, Springift, Springwell and others. Sleepwell has 14% share of the total revenue earned from the Indian mattress market and becomes the leader in the Indian market in the year 2013 as discussed by Gold et al. (2010). On the other hand, Kurlon having 11% of share in the total turnover achieved by the industry and becomes the second largest manufacturer of mattresses in terms of revenue earning. Springift is still progressing as a mattress brand. It sells their mattresses to the big companies namely, Taj hotels, Ramada and other big retail organisations.

2.12 Feasibility of sustainable supply chain in the Indian mattress-manufacturing sector:
Indian mattress manufacturers used to export their mattress to other foreign countries. It has faced the constant pressure to maintain the environmental standards from their international clients. Hutchins and Sutherland (2008) stated that it is extremely important for the Indian manufacturing companies, including the mattress manufacturers, to adopt environment friendly business practices. It causes harm, which the companies are causing to the environment, is alarming. In 2009, India is one of the top emitters of GHG. The country emitted about 2 billion tonnes of Carbon dye oxide gas in the environment. The country has ranked on third emitters of the world after china and US. Therefore, it has become necessary for the mattress manufacturers of India to maintain the environmental standards. Presently India being a non-Annexure 1 country, reduction of those emissions has still not become compulsory. Though Indian mattress manufacturers facing pressure from other developed countries to cut the emission mandatorily. It has ascertained that following the sustainable supply chain management will help India to reduce their carbon footprints in future days.

The concept of the sustainable supply chain is at early stage. Domestic customers are either not aware of sustainability in supply chain or they do not want to pay required price for eco-friendly goods. Koplin et al. (2010) stated that the concept of the sustainable supply chain has not developed in India yet. A recent survey adopted by Klendorfer et al. (2015) highlights the extent to which the sustainable supply chain management is used by the Indian mattress manufacturing companies. The effects of adopting the SSCM are far inconclusive regarding performances of the mattress manufacturers. If a positive relationship between SSCM strategy and performances of the mattress manufacturers can be established, it will help to encourage Indian manufacturers to adopt sustainable supply chain process and control the practices of sustainability.

It is necessary for the manufacturers to create benchmark in order to develop the SSCM practices. It is also mandatory to identify the key factors to success and the indicator of performance for successful implementation of the SSCM. The last objective is to ascertain the implementation of supply chain management to achieve the goals of the SSCM. It will help a positive contribution by the Indian mattress manufacturers to protect the environment as well as the country's economy.

The environment laws, Corporate Social responsibilities of companies as well as ISO 14000 certification compel Indian mattress manufacturing firms to improve their environmental operations. Therefore, the Indian mattresses manufacturing companies are bound to maintain the environmental standards. However, a question has aroused that whether these practices will be applied to the supply chain management or not. Lieb and Lieb (2010) said that it is necessary for the Indian mattress manufacturers to combine the environmental concern of the organisational management process with supply chain. It will help to achieve the goals of sustainable supply chain as well as help create competitive advantages.

GSCM (Green Supply Chain Management) states that there are number of drivers that make an impact on the implementation of the GSCM. The challenges for Indian manufacturers are shortage of resources, creating awareness among the customers; strict laws that are becoming more environmentally aware and demand of the foreign clients. Therefore, it is necessary for the Indian mattress manufacturers to utilize the resources properly. It is necessary to build awareness of sustainable supply chain management among the customers that can also help to improve the environment condition. The laws of the nation have become more rigid. As a result, the mattress manufacturers are bound to follow those rules and regulations. At the time of export, the foreign county clients those are conscious about environment, demands eco-friendly products. Another factor is that after the globalization it has become more important to the Indian manufacturers to combine the supply chain management into their management practices. However, this huge growth of opportunities to India possesses environmental challenges.

The last study determines a number of operators that have capacity to create motivation to the organisations to protect the environment. Lopez-Gomero et al. (2010) stated that these drivers proceed from the enforcement of the stakeholders of the organisation as well as the government and competitors.

2.13 Comparison between previous and present research:
The research work tries to examine the practices as well as the theories of the SSCM. The present research has explored a wide range of the SCM processes used in different levels. On the other hand, Orsato and Wells (2011) explained that the previous researches were based on traditional approaches and they were not that much wide as present research. The data collection of the research made by interviewing the middle managers was more accurate than the previous research work. The present research is wider than the previous one. Before, there was existence of the supply chain management but now it is sustainable supply chain management. Before, the SCM concerns were limited scope regarding supply chain system. It did not notify the environmental concerns, instead of emphasised more on the supply of the raw materials or of the other finished product. The Indian mattress manufacturers were not conscious to maintain the environmental standards. However, existing sustainable management has compelled the mattress manufactures to adopt the eco-friendly Supply Chain Management Policy. According to Rao and Hold (2015), India is one of the top countries that emitted a large quantity of carbon dye oxide through manufacturing. Therefore, the Indian mattress manufactures needs to control this GHG (Green House Gas). The sustainable SCM compelled the Indian companies to protect the environment by adopting strategies by the management.

The environmental laws have become stricter to save the environment. The green supply chain management has introduced by adopting eco-friendly policies. The mattress manufacturers also required to provide good quality of mattresses to its consumers. Simpson et al. (2010) opined that the consumers are also a part of the ecological system. Any health hazard mattress will affect the environment. Therefore, the manufacturing companies have needed to produce eco-friendly product. The new supply chain management enables to fulfil its economical goals more actively by providing raw materials for example cotton, were depends on the seasonal impact and the cost of production become high. However, now the manufactures are getting those raw materials any time in the year due to improvement of the technologies and techniques of providing that they are maintaining a storage system. This modified processes are more eco-friendly than the previous one. As a result, there is reduction on the cost of production through negotiation with the suppliers and cost per unit of the mattresses.

2.14 Summary:
The sustainable supply chain management not only deals with the process of supplying from the point of raw materials to consumption by the consumers. It also deals with how to sustain its management policies through adopting different strategies. The SSCM discussed the effects of manufacturing mattresses in India from the viewpoint of the environmental standards. The Indian mattress manufacturers are not that much conscious to protecting the environmental standards. Therefore, these manufacturers help to increase the GHG (Green House Gas) that is not good for the environment. Another factor is that Indian customers are either not aware or not willingly wants to protect the environment. The loopholes of the research topic have also discussed. The concept of the sustainability of environment issues and supply chain management both are different. However, it may be ascertained that through a cooperative model those problems can be solved and will be able to achieve their goals.

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Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
This chapter helps in defining the most appropriate approach that should be taken in order to attain complete and detailed results. The theories and concepts that are adopted in this chapter help in attaining a deeper understanding of the research topic that has been chosen. Application of research methodology helps in understanding the procedure that was adopted to analyse the chosen topic. The researcher had already set some objectives in place. These objectives included identifying the actual condition of the sustainable supply chain management in the Indian mattress manufacturing companies, understanding the concept of sustainable supply chain, to ascertain its feasibility and to make the business sustainable. This chapter proved helpful in determining which methods would be most helpful in fulfilling these objectives.

3.2 Method Outline
In this research, the researcher has chosen to work with post positivism philosophy. Bernard (2011) opined that post positivism philosophy has been derived from positivism philosophy. This philosophy is based on the belief that the reality that exists can only be known imperfectly. The deductive approach was chosen so that the study can be conducted based on the secondary data that was collected. This secondary data helped in understanding the primary data. The descriptive design was chosen because it helped the researcher in defining the concepts that have been used and applied.

3.3 Research Onion

Bryman and Bell (2011) commented that the research onion is a very important part of the research methodology. It can be said that the research onion is the process by which the researcher has an opportunity to analyse the entire work properly. Each layer of the research onion helps in understanding how the entire research work has been conducted. Its utility lies in the fact that it presents the researcher with the various methods with which to conduct the research.

3.4 Research Philosophy
The application of the research philosophy helps in determining an appropriate manner in order to gain details on the chosen research topic. The research philosophy is helpful in explaining the process of assumption that has been undertaken by the researcher. Cooper and Schindler (2010) stated that the different types of research philosophies are positivism, interpretivism and realism. Post Positivism is derived from Positivism.

3.4.1 Justification for selection of chosen philosophy
Given the nature of the topic, the researcher felt it was best to work with the Post Positivism research philosophy. Using this research philosophy has helped the researcher in collecting the correct sort of information from the market. The researcher was able to crosscheck all the facts and also make a critical comparison with the research work that has been done on the topic previously. This has helped the researcher describe the psychological aspects of the research and the basic facts regarding the research to the society. The researcher has adopted post positivism philosophy as it deals with data based on Meta theoretical stance.

3.5 Research Approach
Crouch and Pearce (2012) stated that there are two types of research approaches. These research approaches are known as inductive and deductive research approach. The inductive research approach is basically used when the researcher is conducting a longitudinal study. Inductive approach means that the researcher will first observe and then come up with new theories and models. On the other hand, if the researcher uses the deductive approach, then they are free to base the study on previous theories and models that already exist. Crowther and Lancaster (2012) explained that the deductive approach is ideal for being used in cross sectional studies.

3.5.1 Justification for selection of chosen approach
In this research, the researcher chose to work with the deductive approach. The researcher felt it was best to use this approach as they did not have too much time or money allotted to them. Using this approach helped the researcher in basing the study on the previously existing theories and models. This saved a lot of time, effort and money on the part of the researcher.

3.6 Research Design
Dul and Hak (2012) said that research designs are of three types: exploratory, explanatory and descriptive. Adopting the exploratory design helps the researcher in acknowledging various kinds of thoughts and ideas that are required to complete a research paper. Adopting the explanatory design, on the other hand, describes the occurrence of events and incidents and their corresponding effect. Finally, if the researcher chooses to work with the descriptive design, then it helps in gaining details about the occurrence of events.

3.6.1 Justification for selection of chosen design
The researcher avoided using the explanatory design as it is something that is better suited for longitudinal studies and this is a cross sectional study. The researcher felt it was best to adopt the descriptive design in order to conduct this study. This design helped the researcher to describe the detailed process involved in researching the feasibility of certain supply chain management concepts in the Indian mattress manufacturing industry. Descriptive design is also the ideal design to be used for conducting a cross sectional study.

3.7 Data collection Procedure
Gummerson (2010) opined that data is the useful information and facts that is collected by the researcher in relation to the chosen research topic. This data helps the researcher understand the chosen topic in a better manner. The process of data collection is very helpful in deriving accurate results for a research topic. It also helps in setting a standard format for the research work.

3.7.1 Data Sources: Primary and Secondary
Data sources are of two types: Primary and Secondary. Hair and Money (2011) commented that primary data is the data that is collected from the people who will be the best choice for providing information on the chosen topic. This data is collected with the help of surveys, interviews etc. On the other hand, the secondary data is collected from newspapers, journals, blogs, websites, books etc.
In this case, the primary data was collected from suppliers and distributors working in the Indian mattress manufacturing industry. On the other hand, the secondary data was collected from various books, journals, websites, blogs and the annual financial reports of famous mattress companies in India like Kurl-on, Sleepwell, Rubco and Dunlopillo.

3.7.2 Data Techniques: Quantitative
Hakim (2007) stated that there are two techniques of analysing the data that has been collected by the researcher. These two techniques are: Qualitative and Quantitative. In this research, the data that has been collected by the researcher has been analysed using the quantitative technique. The researcher had included close ended questions in the questionnaires. Due to this, the researcher received quantifiable and to the point data. The researcher used tables and charts to explain the findings. MS Excel was made use of in order to do this.

3.7.3 Justification for questionnaire/survey
The researcher chose to use the survey or the questionnaire method over other methods in order to collect the primary data because the number of suppliers and distributors were vast. It was not possible to conduct interviews with so many participants. It would have taken up a lot of time and effort. Another reason is that the researcher wanted to analyze the data quantitatively. Interviews would have provided more in depth and descriptive answers rather than quantifiable answers that are needed.
The questions in the questionnaire are all close ended. They are also linked to the objectives and hence based on topics such as the condition of the sustainable supply chain in mattress making industry in India, its feasibility etc. The questions help in finding answers to the research questions.

3.8 Population and Sample
Handwerker (2008) explained that the sample is a small group of people who have been chosen by the researcher from amongst the people who make up the population of the research. In this study, the researcher has conducted the study with 50 suppliers and distributors who work in the Indian mattress-making sector. The researcher had sent out online questionnaires to 100 distributors and suppliers, out of whom only 50 responded with properly filled in questionnaires. Thus, the sample size of the study is 50.

3.8.1 Sampling technique
There are two types of sampling techniques: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Hesse-Biber (2010) said that probability sampling means that the researcher chooses people at random from amongst the people who make up the population of the study. On the other hand, using the non-probability sampling technique means that the researcher handpicks the participants with some specifications in mind.
In this study, the researcher had chosen the participants using the probability technique. This means that the 100 distributors and suppliers that the researcher reached out to were chosen at random from amongst all the distributors and suppliers working in the mattress-making sector in India. Among these 100 distributors and suppliers, only 50 got back to the researcher with properly filled in questionnaires.

3.9 Reliability and Validity
Reliability does the job of assessing the quality of the measurement procedure that was used by the researcher in gathering information for the research. It is important that the results that were obtained from the study are valid. For this to happen, the procedure that was chosen for measurement needs to be reliable.

This research can be considered reliable because all of the data that the researcher used was authentic. This can be said of the primary data as well as the secondary data. The researcher did not use their own interpretation to come to a desired result. The researcher simply analyzed the data that was collected.

Validity looks at the degree to which the research has managed to measure what it set out to measure in the first place. Validity is external and internal. Internal validity measures the degree of bias that the researcher had towards the topic and the study. External validity looks at if the study was able to generalize the findings to the target population.

The researcher can vouch for the fact that this study is internally valid, as they were not biased towards any one outcome. They remained neutral in the entire procedure. The researcher can also say that the study is externally valid because they feel that the findings from the research can easily be generalized for the target population.

3.10 Ethical Considerations
Certain ethical considerations were kept in mind by the researcher when they conducted this study.
Participants: All the participants who took part in the study did so, on their own accord. No one was forced. They were also given the option to withdraw from the study any time they wanted. Their identity was kept a secret and no such questions were asked that would cause them discomfort.
Data: All the data that was collected was simply analysed. Nothing was changed and no commercial data was used in order to emphasize the point of view of the researcher. All the data that was collected has been used for academic purposes only.

3.11 Research Limitations
The limitations to the research arise out of constraints on time and money. The researcher is a student and hence was not allotted too much time or money to conduct the research. Lack of time and money prevented the researcher from conducting a more in-depth study of the topic that was chosen.

3.12 Time Horizon

Main activities/ stages

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Topic Selection







Data collection from secondary sources






Creating layout







Literature review





Formation of the research Plan






Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques






Primary data collection






Analysis & Interpretation of Data Collection






Findings of the Data







Conclusion of the Study







Formation of Rough Draft






Submission of Final Work






Table 1: Gantt chart

3.13 Summary
In summarising this chapter, it can be said that first of all an introduction has been provided that stresses on the importance of the chapter. After that all relevant information like the methods used, the sample size, the sampling techniques etc have been talked about. Finally, a timetable has also been provided so that the readers understand how much time it took for the researcher to complete the study.

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Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings

4.1 Introduction
The researcher had collected the data from the suppliers and distributors of the Indian mattress-making sector. This data has been presented in this chapter and has been analysed. The researcher has made use of tables and charts in order to make the data more understandable to the readers. The researcher hopes that after going through the data in this chapter, the readers will feel like they have more knowledge about the issues in the supply chain management of the mattress-making sector in India. The research objectives have been met and as such the data should prove to be very informative for the readers. This chapter has been structured rather simply. First, the quantitative questionnaire that was sent to the distributors and suppliers has been presented along with the answers. The outcomes have then been discussed. Finally, a summary of the chapter has been presented.

4.2 Quantitative analysis for suppliers and distributors
For conducting the qualitative analysis, the researcher had sent out questionnaires to 100 suppliers and distributors of the Indian mattress making industry. 50 of the suppliers and distributers responded with properly filled in questionnaires.

Q1: Benefits of the suppliers in the Indian mattress-manufacturing sector


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents





Strongly agree












Strongly disagree




Table 2: Benefits of the suppliers in the Indian mattress-manufacturing sector

From the data that has been presented in the above section, it can be seen that 40 % of the participants strongly agree to the fact that suppliers are benefitted in the Indian mattress making industry. 20% of the participants agree to the fact that the suppliers are benefitted in the Indian mattress making industry. 10% of the participants are completely neutral to the entire matter. On the other hand, though, 16% of the participants disagree to the fact. 14% of the participants strongly disagree to the statement.

Looking at the data that has been presented above, the researcher has observed that the suppliers in the Indian mattress making industry are benefitted. This means that the suppliers who supply materials to the mattress making industry receive good returns from the companies. Hence, they are benefitted. This reflects positively upon the ethics of the Indian mattress-making industry. 60% of the participants have agreed with this point of view. However, if 30% of the participants have disagreed with the statement and 10% have remained neutral, then that means that there must be some problems. It can be said though, that the benefits outweigh the problems. Hence, it can be said that the situation is more positive than it is negative. Charter and Kielkiewicz-Young (2011) said that the mattress sector in India has a market share of more than 18% in Asia. This shows the positive aspect of the Indian mattress making industry.

Q2: Feasibility factors affecting the sustainability issues of the Indian mattress making industry


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents





Strongly agree












Strongly disagree




Table 3: Feasibility factors affecting the sustainability issues of the Indian mattress making industry

From the data that has been displayed in the table and chart above, it can be said that 6% of the participants strongly agree to the fact that feasibility factors are affecting the sustainability issues of the Indian mattress-making sector. 10% of the participants agree to the fact that feasibility factors are affecting the sustainability issues of the Indian mattress making industry. 4 % of the participants remain neutral in the matter. 30% of them have disagreed with the fact that feasibility factors are affecting the sustainability issues of the Indian mattress making industry. Finally, 50% of the participants have strongly disagreed with the fact that feasibility factors are affecting the sustainability issues in the Indian mattress making industry.

Thus, looking at the findings that have been drawn above, the researcher has found that feasibility factors have no connection with sustainability issues when it comes to the Indian mattress making industry. Abbasi and Nilsson (2012) opined that there is no link between the feasibility factors and the sustainability issues in the Indian mattress making industry.

Q3: The environmental aspects regarding the functioning of supply chain management


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents





Strongly agree












Strongly disagree




Table 4: The environmental aspects regarding the functioning of supply chain management

From the data that has been displayed above through the table and the chart, it can be seen that 12% of the participants strongly believe that the Indian mattress making industry has maintained the environmental aspects in the functioning of the supply chain. 8% of the participants agree that the Indian mattress making sector has maintained the environmental aspects in the functioning of the supply chain. 10% of the participants have remained neutral in the matter. 34% of the participants disagree with the fact that the Indian mattress-making sector has maintained the environmental aspects in the functioning of the supply chain. Lastly, 36% of the participants strongly disagree with the fact that the Indian mattress making sector has maintained the environmental aspect in the functioning of the supply chain.

Hence, looking at the findings above, the researcher has figured out that unfortunately, when it comes to maintaining the environmental aspect in the functioning of the supply chain, the Indian mattress-making sector has fallen behind. 70% of the participants replied negatively when they were asked this question. Aronsson and Brodin (2010) commented that the Indian mattress making sector is one of the highest emitters of GHG in the world. Borade and Bonsad (2008) stated that this sector in India is responsible for emitting about 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide gas in the environment.

Q4: Supply chain reducing the excessive transportation costs and helping the Indian mattress sector to grow globally


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents





Strongly agree












Strongly disagree




Table 5: Supply chain reducing the excessive transportation costs and helping the Indian mattress sector to grow globally

Given the data that has been collected and displayed with the help of the table and chart above, it can be said that 6% of the participants strongly agree with the fact that supply chain has reduced the excessive transportation costs and helped the Indian mattress sector to grow globally. 24% of the participants agree with the fact that supply chain has reduced the excessive transportation costs and helped the Indian mattress sector to grow globally. 10% of the participants have remained neutral in the matter. 16% of the participants disagree with this statement and 44% of the participants strongly disagree with this statement.

From the findings in the above section, the researcher has concluded that the supply chain has nothing to do with reducing the excessive transportation costs and helping the Indian mattress sector to grow globally. Over half of the participants have disagreed with this statement. Carter and Jennings (2011) discussed the concept of supply chain management in detail but nowhere does it say that because of the supply chain, the excessive transportation costs have gone down and Indian mattress sector has expanded globally.

Q5: Supply chain benefitting the products outsourcing of the Indian mattress sector


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents













Table 6: Supply chain benefitting the products outsourcing of the Indian mattress sector

From the data that has been collected and displayed above with the help of the table and chart, it can be said that 20% of the people agree with the statement that supply chain has benefitted the products outsourcing of the Indian mattress sector. 50% of the participants do not agree with this statement. 30% of the participants have remained neutral.

From the findings, the researcher thinks that the supply chain has nothing to do with the products outsourcing of the Indian mattress sector being benefitted. More participants have not supported the statement than participants who have supported the statement. Carter and Rogers (2011) explained that the supply chain does not benefit the products outsourcing of the Indian mattress-making sector in any way.

Q6: Companies facing complexities in respect to supply chain


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents





Strongly agree












Strongly disagree




Table 7: Companies facing complexities in respect to supply chain

From the data that has been collected and displayed with the help of the table and chart, it can be said that 56% of the participants strongly agree with the fact that companies have faced complexities in regard to supply chains. 24% of the participants agree with the fact that companies have faced complexities with supply chains. No one has remained neutral in this matter. 12% of the participants disagree with the fact that companies have faced problems when it came to supply chains and 8% of the participants strongly disagree with the fact that companies have faced problems concerning supply chains.

From the findings above, the researcher has concluded that it is true that companies have faced problems concerning supply chain. Majority of the participants have agreed with this fact. Apart from that, Clendenin (2013) also mentions that new approaches to supply chain management are coming up. Harland (2014) said that it is but natural that the companies will have some problems in implementing these approaches.

Q7: Feasibility factor playing an important role in supply chain management


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents





Strongly believe












Strongly disbelieve




Table 8: Feasibility factor playing an important role in supply chain management

From the data that has been displayed in the table and chart above, it can be seen that 64% of the participants strongly believe in the fact that feasibility factors would play an important role in supply chain management. 20% of the people believe that feasibility factors would play an important role in supply chain management. 6% of the participants have remained neutral in the matter. 6% of the people disagree with the fact that feasibility factors would play an important role in the supply chain management. Lastly, only 4% of the participants strongly disagree with the fact that feasibility factors would play an important role in supply chain management.

From the above findings, the researcher has analysed that feasibility factors play a very important role in the supply chain management. Feasibility factors may not affect the sustainability issues of the supply chain; nonetheless, it is a very important component of supply chain management. Hutchins and Sutherland (2008) has discussed in detail about the importance of feasibility factors because of it being an integral component of supply chain management.

Q8: The development of the economic sector in the Indian mattress-making sector through supply chain management


Total number of respondents


Percentage of respondents





Strongly agree












Strongly disagree




Table 9: The development of the economic sector in the Indian mattress-making sector through supply chain management

From the data that has been displayed in the table and chart above, it can be seen that 40% of the participants strongly believe in the fact that the economic sector in the Indian mattress-making sector has been developed through supply chain management. 30% of the participants agree with the fact that the economic sector in the Indian mattress-making sector has developed through supply chain management. 10% of the participants have remained neutral in the matter. 10% of the participants disagree with the fact the economic sector in the Indian mattress-making sector has developed through supply chain management. Lastly, 10% of the participants strongly disagree with the fact that the economic sector in the Indian mattress making sector has developed through supply chain management.

From the findings in the above section, the researcher has understood that the economic sector of the Indian mattress making sector has indeed developed due to supply chain management. Reinhardt (2011) opined that after proper implementation of supply chain management, the Indian mattress manufacturers now posses more than 18% share in the Asia mattress market.
(For understanding the result of poor supply chain and satisfaction of suppliers, refer to appendix 1)

4.3 Discussion

To identified the actual condition of the Sustainable supply chain management in Indian mattress manufacturing companies

After working on this objective, the researcher has found that the suppliers working in the Indian mattress making industry are being benefitted. However, it has also been seen that a quite substantial amount of the participants have disagreed with this point of view. The Indian mattress sector has more than 18% market share in Asia. This fact had been uncovered while conducting the Literature Review. However, the researcher is of the view that the condition of the suppliers could be improved still. Charter and Kielkiewicz-Young (2011) said that feasibility factors seem to have no link with sustainability issues of the mattress making industry. This is in accordance with what was discovered in the Literature Review. Carter and Jennings (2011) explained that the sustainability of the supply chain in the Indian mattress making industry seems to be in jeopardy as this sector is responsible for the highest amount of emission of GHG in the world. This sector emits about 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the environment.

It has been seen that new concepts are still coming up in the supply chain management in the mattress making companies in India. The companies are experiencing problems initially but they are getting better and better at handling these problems. However, unless the Indian mattress making sector deals with the emission of harmful gases problem, it will not be able to move ahead in terms of sustainability.

To understand the concept of sustainable supply chain
As per this objective, after looking at the responses of the participants and the Literature Review, the researcher has come to certain conclusions. Abbasi and Nilsson (2012) opined that the excessive transportation costs have not gone down because of supply chain management in the Indian mattress-making sector. The mattress-making sector in India has expanded globally but there is no link between this fact and the reduction of transportation costs. The supply chain also has nothing to do with the products outsourcing division being benefitted. Sarkis (2009) said that a lot of companies have faced problems in implementing the new approaches to supply chain management that have come up. This statement can also be backed up by the Literature review.

In recent times, the sustainable supply chain has become a very important issue in business. Seuring and Müller (2008) opined that it affects the logistics network of an organization in terms of harming the environment, risk factors and the cost of wastes. Organizations are understanding that they need to integrate choices that are environmentally sound into their supply chain management. A sustainable supply chain ultimately helps an organization achieve long term benefits as well. Seuring and Müller (2008) commented that if a sustainable supply chain is adopted early on, it provides value creation chances and competitive advantage for the organization.

To ascertain whether it is feasible or not
While working on this objective, the researcher found that feasibility factors play a very important role in supply chain management. Aronsson and Brodin (2010) commented that feasibility factors may not affect the sustainability issues of the supply chain, but is a very important part of supply chain management. The importance of feasibility factors in supply chain management has been mentioned in the Literature review section as well. The Indian mattress-making sector became more feasible and improved economically after supply chain management was properly implemented.

Seuring and Müller (2008) stated that considering that feasibility factors are integral to supply chains, it can be ascertained that the supply chain of the Indian mattress-making sector is feasible. However, just because feasibility is a part of supply chain management, does not mean that it affects the supply chain.

To make the business sustainable in terms of social, economic and environment
As seen in the findings and the Literature Review, if the Indian mattress-making sector is to become sustainable socially, economically and environmentally, then they need to follow certain steps. Sikdar (2013) explained that first of all the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere needs to be reduced. The usage of chemical agents in the manufacturing of the mattresses needs to be controlled. Customers must be made aware of exactly what the composition of the mattress they are buying is. Van Hoek (2011) said that only if the Indian mattress making companies do these things can they become socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

4.4 Summary
In summarising this chapter, it can be said that first of all an introduction has been provided to the chapter. After that the questions that the researcher had sent to the distributors and suppliers along with the answers have been presented. Tables and charts have also been used so that the data becomes more understandable for the readers. The data has also been collated and presented by the researcher. After that the data has also been analysed and interpreted by the researcher. The researcher hopes that the readers will get a good idea about the situation of the Indian mattress-making sector by reading the information that has been provided in this chapter.

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Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion:
The research study has focussed on finding the factors influencing the sustainable supply chain management in the mattress companies in India. It has been found that the mattress companies are neglecting the need of conducting the feasibility study on the economic, social and environmental factors affecting the supply chain management of the company. The economic challenges have been found to be the minimal financial support provided by the stakeholders whereas the social challenge is found to be the growing competition in the market. The climate changes have been counted as the biggest environmental challenge that disrupts the smooth supply chains.

On the other hand, it has been noticed that the environmental factors have been totally avoided by the companies. This has resulted in heavy emissions of harmful gases in the environment causing threats to the inhabitants living nearby the factories of the mattress companies. Along with that, it has been found that supply chain needed for the mattress companies are financially constraining it throughout. The transportation costs have heightened up after the supply chain management that has stressed the different mattress companies in India.

The researcher investigated the fact that other business sectors are opting for better scientific techniques of supply chain management to reduce the costs and incur greater profit levels. The mattress companies are on the same hand facing problems in adapting the new supply chain management methods. According to the responses of the suppliers and the distributers it has been found out that the feasibility studies threaten the mattress companies regarding the complexities and the probable threats of the supply chain in case of the Indian mattress companies. The researcher concluded the fact that the efficiency of the operations undergone by the mattress companies must help the company to achieve market position in the market. The transport needed for supply chain management must be cost efficient as per the standard of the company. In addition to that, the responses of the suppliers during the implementation of new approaches of supply chain must be positive and supportive.

5.2 Objective Linking:

Objective 1: To identified the actual condition of the Sustainable supply chain management in Indian mattress manufacturing companies
This objective has been linked to the quantitative questions 3, 4 and 8. The researcher has understood the fact that environmental aspects exists for the operations of supply chain management of the Indian mattresses companies. The companies have not taken care of the carbon dioxide emissions caused during the production and the supply chain. The importance of sustainable supply chain management needs to be established with respect to the import and exports carried out by the Indian companies. The foreign investors are interested in reducing the carbon emissions by the mattress companies as they possess the awareness regarding the alarming rate of increase in the harmful gases. The researcher concluded that since the Indian masses are not aware of the harmful effects of carbon emissions, they do not show reluctant behaviour in buying the products.

Objective 2: To understand the concept of sustainable supply chain
The quantitative questionnaire 1 and 5 has direct link with this objective. It has been evaluated that if the supply chain management is sustainable the highest profit is incurred by the suppliers. The researcher found out that the current market share of Indian mattress companies cover 18% in Asia. It shows that the sustainability of the supply chain is considerable high. In addition to that, it has been found that the mattresses are outsourced to different countries with the help of a proper supply chain management. For such dealings, a collaborative approach is developed between the domestic and the internationals suppliers. The communication, cost efficiency and availability of required raw materials are found to be the major causes behind the supply chain management. Along with that, the employees also need to work properly towards achieving the objectives of the company. In the present time, it has been found that the technology in supply chain management must be up graded at equal interval of time so that the process can be completed in minimum time.

Objective 3: To ascertain whether it is feasible or not
The above mentioned objective has a link with the quantitative questionnaire 2 and 6. The researcher found that feasibility factors do not affect the sustainable issues in the supply chain management. It can be said that in order to meet the mission statement of the company, the feasibility study must be contemplated on an advance basis. The researcher found that most of the companies operating in the mattress producing sector are prone to certain complexities. The more importance seems to appear for the activities performed by the human resource of the company. In case, the human resource is incapable of performing the required activities the sustainability of the supply chain management is questionable.

Objective 4: To make the business sustainable in terms of social, economic and environment
This objective has a link with the quantitative questionnaire 7. It proved that the feasibility issues do not affect the sustainable supply chain management in the mattress companies in India. The researcher researched that if the supply chain is poor then the business is heavily affected. In this context, it can be said that if the target market is changeable or the identity of the suppliers is not fixed then the business would witness fluctuations in its operations. Similarly, in case the availability of the raw materials needed to produce the end product is out of stock then the supply chain would be disrupted. The relationship between the suppliers, retailers, manufacturers, distributors and the consumers must be cooperative in order to fulfil the social needs.
It implies that in case the costs charged by the transportation or the suppliers goes higher, then the economic turbulence can affect the supply chain. Since, the Indian companies are having prospects in the international market the economic fluctuation of the currencies affect the supply chain. Along with that, the environmental concerns of carbon emissions need to be controlled to attract the attention of the foreign suppliers. It has been concluded that pollutants emitted by the mattress companies are causing a bad impression in the minds of the foreign suppliers. Therefore, the Indian companies need to set up few measures in order to control the emissions. Similar awareness can be spread among the local masses in order to satisfy the objectives of corporate social responsibility.

5.4 Limitation of the study:
The research has been able to find that conducting the feasibility at the time of managing the supply chain is important. It has been seen that the importance of quality control during the supply chain too stands to be a vital factor. The feasibility study included the analysis of the economic, social and environmental factors but the standard of quality control has not been counted in the research. It has limited the research till the measures taken for obstructing the threats found out in particularly three aspects of social, environmental and economical. The researcher has not been able to understand the importance of retaining the quality of the product at the time of translocation.

5.5 Future Scope of the study:
In the future, the researcher can conduct a study on the importance of quality control in supply chain management. It would help the researcher to understand the importance of quality control so that the products do not get hampered during supply chains. It would emphasis on retaining the achieved position with the help of quality products after going through the stages of supply chain. The similar study could be conducted in aspect of some other industry other than mattress producing companies in India.

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Chapter 6: Recommendations

Recommendation 1: Usage of harmful chemicals in mattress manufacturing should be reduced
Many harmful chemicals like petrochemicals, adhesives, dyes, flame-retardants, blowing agents and additives are used in mattress making. Many customers complain of the fact the fact that they feel sick due to the chemical smell emanating from their mattresses. They say that they have woken up with headaches, watery eyes, itchy bodies and sore throats. Hence, the usage of harmful chemicals in mattress manufacturing should be reduced. This will also help the industry become socially sustainable.

Recommendation 2: Emission of GHG and carbon dioxide into the environment should be reduced
Unfortunately, the Indian mattress sector is responsible for emitting the highest amount of GHG into the atmosphere. This sector is also responsible for emitting 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If these conditions are not improved, then the industry will not be able to be environmentally sustainable.

Recommendation 3: Attention should be paid to incorporating new supply chain management techniques
It has been seen that the Indian mattress making sector faced a lot of problems in incorporating supply chain management into their business. It has also been seen that they overcame these problems and emerged as one of the most successful mattress making sectors in Asia. However, new techniques regarding supply chain management will always keep coming up. If the mattress companies pay attention to incorporating these techniques properly, it is they who will benefit from it.

Recommendation 4: The mattress making companies should be transparent with the customers regarding the composition of the mattresses
Many mattress making companies claim that their mattresses are made of 100% natural latex. However, in truth a mattress cannot be made of natural latex alone. It is always mixed with petrochemical fillers to make the mattress durable and firm. The customers should be told about the correct composition of the mattress. If the customers find out about this later, they may feel like they are being lied to by the company.

Recommendation 5: PBDE flame-retardants should not be used for making the mattresses fire proof
PBDE flame-retardants, also known as halogenated flame-retardants are used on mattresses to make them fire resistant. However, when these flame-retardants were used on animals, it was seen that it led to side effects like cancer, low fertility, low IQ, disorders in the thyroid gland and stunted growth. In fact many countries have already banned the usage of PBDE flame-retardants. This is why some alternate method must be found to make the mattresses fire proof.

These recommendations will now be described in a SMART way in the following table.


SMART Analysis

Time frame

Usage of harmful chemicals in mattress manufacturing should be reduced


This recommendation is specific because the researcher wants to make sure that the companies manufacturing mattresses in India reduce the extent to which they use harmful chemicals

6 months

This recommendation is measurable because if the employees of the mattress making companies of India are surveyed after specific intervals of time, the progress in terms of this recommendation can be measured

This recommendation is attainable because if the mattress making industry in India truly wants to be socially and environmentally sustainable, then they can definitely work towards reducing the usage of harmful chemicals. Depending on the determination of the companies, this recommendation will either prove attainable or unattainable

This recommendation is realistic because if the Indian mattress making companies are truly serious about being socially and environmentally sustainable, then there is nothing to make this recommendation unrealistic

This recommendation is timely because the researcher does have a time frame in mind for this recommendation. However, it is quite a lengthy timeframe, because changes like these do not take place overnight.

Emission of Greenhouse Gases and carbon dioxide into the environment should be reduced

This recommendation is specific because the researcher wants the mattress making companies in India to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide they release into the atmosphere

6 months

This recommendation is measurable because the amount of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide that mattress-making sectors of different countries release into the atmosphere is recorded and published. Hence, if the reports show that the percentage of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by the Indian mattress making sector has reduced, then it will be understood that the companies that worked on this recommendation

This recommendation is attainable because the mattress making companies in India realise that the customers these days are very environmentally conscious. Hence, if they want to retain their customers, they will work on this recommendation

This recommendation is realistic because the mattress making companies in India want to be environmentally sustainable. In order to achieve that goal they will work on this recommendation

This recommendation is timely because the researcher does have a timeframe in mind as to how long it will take the mattress making companies to achieve this goal. However, such goals cannot be achieved overnight, hence the estimated time period is a little longer

Attention should be paid to incorporating new supply chain management techniques


This recommendation is specific because the researcher wants the mattress making companies in India to focus on incorporating new techniques of supply chain management into their working regimen

2 weeks

This recommendation is measurable because if the managers or the employees of the companies are interviewed or surveyed after regular intervals of time, they will be able to tell if they are working on incorporating the supply chain management techniques or not

This recommendation is attainable because it is natural that the mattress making companies would want everything to work smoothly regarding their supply chains. Hence, they will work on this recommendation

This recommendation is realistic because the mattress making companies should not face any difficulties in making sure that they are keeping up with the new supply chain management techniques

This recommendation is timely because the researcher does have a timeframe in mind for this recommendation to be fulfilled

The mattress making companies should be transparent with the customers regarding the composition of the mattresses


This recommendation is specific because the researcher wants the mattress making companies to be transparent with their customers regarding the composition of the mattresses

2 weeks

This recommendation is measurable because if the customers are surveyed after regular intervals of time, they will be able to tell if the mattress making companies are being honest with them about the composition of the mattresses

This recommendation is attainable because if the mattress making companies in India decide to be transparent with their customers regarding the composition of the mattresses, they should face no problem in implementing this step

This recommendation is realistic because the mattress making companies in India want to be economically sustainable. If they don't start being transparent with their customers, the customers will stop buying from them. Thus, the companies will work on this recommendation

This recommendation is timely because the researcher does have timeframe in mind within which the companies should be able to rectify the information on their websites and their products

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether flame-retardants should not be used for making the mattresses fire proof


This recommendation is specific because the researcher wants the mattress making companies in India to stop using polybrominated diphenyl ether flame-retardants to make mattresses fire proof. They should find an alternative substance to use instead.

6 months

This recommendation is measurable because if the employees of the companies are interviewed or surveyed, they will be able to tell if the mentioned flame retardant is still being used or not

This recommendation is attainable because if the companies research a little in this field, they are sure to come up with an alternate product

This recommendation is realistic because many countries have already banned the use of this flame retardant, hence India should too

This recommendation is timely because the researcher does have a timeframe in mind within which the companies could come up with alternate flame retardant

Table 10: SMART analysis of recommendations

Quantitative analysis for suppliers and distributors

  • Q1: How far do you agree that the suppliers are benefitted in the Indian mattress manufacturing sectors?
  • Q2: How far do you agree that feasibility factors are affecting the sustainable issues regarding Indian mattress manufacturing sector?
  • Q3: Do you agree that Indian mattress sector has maintained its environmental aspects regarding the functioning of supply chain management?
  • Q4: Do you agree that supply chain has reduced the excessive transportation cost that helped this sector to grow globally?
  • Q5: Do you think that supply chain have benefited the products outsourcing of the Indian mattress sector?
  • Q6: How far do you agree that company has faced complexities in respect to supply chain?
  • Q7: How far do you believe that feasibility factor would play an important role in the supply chain management?
  • Q8: How far do you agree that Indian mattress sector has developed its economic sector through supply chain management?Access

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