Case Study of Toll Global Forwarding
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Research Methodology
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Method outline
- 3 Research Onion
- 4 Research Philosophy
- 4.1 Justification for choosing Post-positivism Research Philosophy
- 5 Research Approach
- 5.1 Justification for choosing Deductive Research Approach
- 6 Research Design
- 6.1 Justification for choosing Descriptive Research Design
- 7 Data Collection Technique
- 7.1 Data Sources
- 7.1.1 Primary
- 7.1.2 Secondary
- 7.2 Data Collection
- 7.2.1 Quantitative
- 7.2.2 Qualitative
- 8 Population Size and Sample size
- 9 Sampling Methods
- 10 Data Analysis
- 11 Ethical Considerations of the Research
- 12 Limitations of the Research
- 13 Time table
- 14 Summary
- Chapter 2: Data Analysis and Findings
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Part 1: Quantitative Analysis
- 2 Part 2: Qualitative Analysis for the Mangers
- 3 Summary
- Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendations
- 1 Conclusion
- 2 Objective linking
- 3 Recommendations
- 4 Limitations of the study
- 5 Further Scope of the Study
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Chapter: Research Methodology
1 Introduction:
Research methodology is the chapter where the methods used in the particular research are explained by the researcher. Particular methods of the research help the researcher to perform the research in the most scientific way. Method outline provides the particular research philosophy, research approach and research design those are used by the researcher to perform this research. The justifications behind choosing a particular research philosophy, design and approach are also explained by the research in this chapter. Other than the chosen methods, other methods are also described in this chapter.
2 Method outline:
According to Denzin and Lincoln (2011), the methodologies used in the research help the researcher to conduct the research in the most appropriate and scientific way. Method outline shows these different methods those are used in the research. The researcher performed this particular research study in the most effective and scientific way by using post-positivism research philosophy, deductive research approach and descriptive research design. The researcher has collected both the primary and secondary data those are relevant for this research. The researcher has collected all the secondary data from the recent books and journals on the research topic. On the other hand, the research has collected all the required primary data from the managers of the chosen organization through face-to-face interview.
3 Research Onion:
As per the view of Saunders et al. (2009), research onion has different layers. The researcher needs to unfold these layers of the research onion one by one. Cameron (2009) added that research onion helps the researcher to conduct the research through a specific direction. The outermost layer shows different research philosophies. The next layer shows the research approaches. The next layer after the research approaches shows the research strategies including survey, case study, action research etc. Research method is the next layer. After this layer, the layer of time horizon comes. The inner most layer of the research onion shows the data collection and data analysis. As per the opinion of Knox (2008), unfolding the inner most layer of the research onion is very crucial for any research. This inner most layer ultimately helps the researcher to come the conclusion of the research.
4 Research Philosophy:
Toloie-Eshlaghy et al. (2011) stated that research philosophy is a term that relates the nature of knowledge and the development of that knowledge. Research philosophy helps the researcher to gather the required knowledge for the research. There are three types of research philosophies including Ontology, Epistemology and Pragmatism.
There are mainly four types of research philosophies those are used by the researcher. These philosophies are Positivism, Realism, Interpretivism and Post-positivism research philosophy. Truscott et al. (2010) explained that Realism research philosophy helps the researcher to make an analysis based on the relevant collected data. Positivism research philosophy helps the researcher to imply different methods. The researcher in conducting the analysis of the collected quantitative data uses these methods. It also helps to build up logical explanatory theory. On the contrary, Ellis and Levy (2009) observed that Realism research philosophy helps the researcher to grow a practical sense of feelings in the mind. Positivism philosophy is related to the scientific enquiry. It always helps the researcher to understand the reality. Interpretivism research philosophy research philosophy helps the researcher in making the analysis of different roles of the individuals. Post-positivism research philosophy is the most recent research philosophy.
4.1 Justification for choosing Post-positivism Research Philosophy:
For this particular research, the researcher has chosen Post-positivism research philosophy. This philosophy is the combination of realism and positivism research philosophy. As per the view of Cooper and Schindler (2010), Post-positivism research philosophy helps the researcher in collecting all the required data for the research. This research philosophy also deals with the reality of the research. This philosophy has helped the researcher to perform the research with the help of Meta-theoretical stance. Post-positivism is the most recent and most scientific research philosophy. It helps the researcher in cross-checking the authenticity of the collected data.
5 Research Approach:
According to Gummerson (2010), there are two types research approaches those are mainly used by the researcher in conducting a research study in the most effective manner. These approaches are including Deductive research approach and Inductive research Approach. Deductive research approach works from top to downward. It helps the researcher to conduct the research from the general to a specific mode. The deductive research approach aims to collect the existing theories only. It is not aimed to produce any new theory.
5.1 Justification for choosing Deductive Research Approach:
For this research, the researcher has selected the Deductive Research Approach. This approach helps the researcher in expressing the research hypothesis. It also helps to test the operational hypothesis. Ellis and Levy (2009) stated that the comparison of these existing theories helps the researcher to come to the conclusion of the research. The collected quantitative data are analysed with the scientific methods including statistical and graphical methods. It also helps in analysing the qualitative data.
6 Research Design:
According to Cooper and Schindler (2010), research design defines the problems of the research. Research design provides the aim and objectives for the research. It is the arrangements to collect the relevant data for the research and also analyse those data. As per the opinion of Cameron (2009), there are mainly three types of research approaches including Descriptive, Explanatory and Exploratory research design. Descriptive research design helps the researcher to find out the appropriate goals and objectives for the particular research. On the other hand, Knox (2008) opined that Explanatory and Exploratory research design help the researcher to set the quantitative and qualitative questionnaire.
6.1 Justification for choosing Descriptive Research Design:
The researcher has chosen Descriptive Research Design for this particular research study. This research is a cross sectional research and the descriptive research design helps the researcher in conducting this cross sectional research. As per the opinion of Brannen (2009), Descriptive research design helps the researcher to conduct the research successfully within the limited allocated time period. This particular research design helps the researcher in obtaining the particular research aim and objectives against the issues of this particular research. The researcher can be able to analyse the collected data with the help of this descriptive research design. This research design also helps the researcher to collect a huge range of the sample.
7 Data Collection Technique:
Likert scale is chosen by the researcher to collect the required primary data for this particular research study. The Likert Scale is a proven scientific technique for collecting the relevant data for any research. This technique helps the researcher to measure the attitudes of the sample people from whom the required data are collected. As per the view of Gummerson (2010), Likert scale is a psychometric scale. This scale helps the researcher in properly utilising the prepared questionnaires.
7.1 Data Sources:
According to Bernard (2011), there are two data sources are present. These data sources show that from where the researcher needs to collect the required data for the research. The data sources are including Primary data sources and Secondary data sources. For this research, the researcher has collected both the Primary and secondary data. These data have helped the researcher to perform the research through a more deep study. These data sources are discussed below.
7.1.1 Primary:
Primary data are the raw data collected by the researcher. These data are collected from the sample group of people those are directly or indirectly related to the chosen research topic. Primary data represents more realistic data.
7.1.2 Secondary:
Secondary data are not the raw data. These data is all about the previous research on the same research topic. These data are already published data. The researcher has collected the needed secondary data from the recent books, journals, articles, websites etc. those are relevant to the research topic. These data can also be both the qualitative and quantitative data. The secondary data have helped the researcher to increase the knowledge from the researches done by the previous research.
7.2 Data Collection:
Primary data can be divided into two parts. It includes quantitative data and qualitative data. For this research, the researcher has collected only the Qualitative data. The details of these two different kinds of data are described below.
7.2.1 Quantitative:
Quantitative data are the data those come in the numeric forms. The researcher prepares quantitative questionnaire to collect these kinds of data. Quantitative questionnaire includes the close ended questions. The quantitative data are collected through survey. The researcher represents the quantitative data through different tables and charts and graphs. For this research, the researcher has not collected the quantitative data. For this particular research work, the researcher has collected the quantitative data by surveying 30 employees of Toll Global Forwarding.
7.2.2 Qualitative:
Qualitative data come in descriptive form. The researcher has prepared qualitative questions to collect these data for this particular research. Qualitative questions are the open ended questions. The researcher has collected the qualitative data through the face-to-face interview. For this research, the researcher has collected all the qualitative data through interviewing the managers of Toll Global Forwarding (TGF).
3.8 Population Size and Sample size:
In this research work, the total population of the employees is 50 and among them 30 employees has given proper feedback. Therefore, total respondents for quantitative data analysis are 30 employees. The researcher has collected the qualitative data from 10 managers from Toll Global Forwarding (TGF). The researcher has approached 15 managers of Toll Global Forwarding. Among the 15 managers, only 10 managers were agreed to provide their valuable time for the face-to-face interview. So, for this research the population size is 50 employees and 15 managers where the sample size for this research is 30 employees and 10 managers from Toll Global Forwarding.
9 Sampling Methods:
There are two sampling procedures those are commonly used by the researcher to select the sample size to collect the required data for the research study. These sampling methods are Probability sampling method and Non-probability sampling method.
The researcher has used both probability sampling and non-probability sampling method for this particular research. The researcher here has collected the quantitative data from 30 employees and the qualitative data from the managers of Toll Global Forwarding. The researcher has chosen this sample group of managers based on some specific criteria. This non-probability sampling method helps the researcher to choose the sample group of managers from the logistics department of Toll Global Forwarding.
10 Data Analysis:
The researcher has gathered both the primary and the secondary data those are relevant for this particular research study. The collected primary and secondary data help the researcher to fulfil the aim and objectives of the research study. The research has collected the secondary data from the recent books, journals etc. on the chosen research topic. The researcher has collected both quantitative and qualitative data for this research. The researcher first has prepared the qualitative questionnaire. Then, the researcher has performed face-to-face interview for the chosen sample group of managers from Toll Global Forwarding. This face-to-face interview has helped the researcher to gather all the qualitative data for this particular research. The researcher has chosen 10 managers from Toll Global Forwarding for collecting the qualitative data. The researcher has represented those collected primary qualitative data with the help of Microsoft word. After collecting all these data, the researcher has analysed the data to come a concrete conclusion.
11 Ethical Considerations of the Research:
The researcher through this entire project maintains the code of ethics properly. The researcher has promised to protect all the primary data. The researcher collects the primary qualitative data from the managers of Toll Global forwarding. The researcher promised to use these only for this particular research purpose. The researcher also promised that these data will not be used for any other purpose or these data will not be published anywhere else other than this research paper. The researcher has given his word that these data are collected from the sample group of people without creating any force towards them. The researcher has prepared the qualitative questions for the face-to-face interview in a way that these questions cannot hurt the feelings of the sample group of people anyway. The researcher has properly considered the emotions of the chosen managers of Toll Global Forwarding. The researcher did not force the respondents to reveal any confidential data or news about the organization.
12 Limitations of the Research:
Access of library: The researcher has faced problem in accessing the library. The researcher needed to get the permission from the librarian to access the library after the closing hours. The researcher also needed the permission to bring the needed books and journals home, so that the researcher can study these books and journals thoroughly.
Time limitation: The limited time was another limited for the researcher to conduct this research. The researcher got limited time to complete the research. The researcher divided the whole task into some small tasks and divided the total time accordingly to complete each job. This strategy has helped the research in time management and the researcher could complete the job within the fixed time period.
Limited budget: Limited budget was also a big limitation for the research. If the researcher would get more money to conduct the research, then the result of this research would be more appropriate.
13 Time table:
Main Objectives
1st week
2nd week
3rd + 4th week
5th + 6th week
7th + 8th + 9th week
10th week
11th week
Selection of topic
Literature Review
Research Methodology
Secondary data collection
Primary data collection
Results and findings
Analysis and discussion
Conclusion and recommendation
Final submission
Table 1: Gantt chart
14 Summary:
Research methodology shows the most appropriate ways to perform the research study. It helps the researcher to conduct the research in the most scientific manner. The researcher for choosing particular research methodologies does proper justifications. The researcher effectively follows the research ethics.
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Chapter 2: Data Analysis and Findings
1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the quantitative and qualitative analysis of primary data. The researcher has collected the quantitative data from 30 employees of Toll Global Forwarding. The researcher has prepared questionnaires and distributed them to the employees. The researcher has then noted down the responses and carried out statistical analysis on the data. The data was the represent through tables and charts. For the qualitative analysis, the researcher has interviewed 10 managers of Toll Group Forwarding. The researcher is going to link up the findings of this chapter with the literature review part of the study.
Part 1: Quantitative Analysis
Survey Questions (Collecting data from 30 employees of Toll Global Forwarding)
Q1) What is the percentage of male and female employees in logistics in Toll Global Forwarding?
Gender Response % No of respondents Total respondents
Female 30% 9 30
Male 70% 21 30
Table 2: Percentage of male and female employees in logistics of Toll Global Forwarding
Mean 1.7
Median 2
Mode 2
Standard Deviation 0.466092
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation:
The above table and chart clearly indicate that the number of female employees in the logistics department of Toll Global Forwarding is less than the percentage of the male employees. The standard deviation value of 0.47(approximately) indicates that the data is convergent, non-risky and non-scattered. The approximate mean value is 2 and the median and mode valued are equal at 2.
Q2) What is the percentage of workers in different age groups working in the logistics department of toll Global Forwarding?
Age Groups Response % No of respondents Total respondents
Below 25 60% 18 30
25 to 35 20% 6 30
35 to 45 10% 3 30
Above 45 10% 3 30
Table 3: Percentage of workers in different age groups, who work in the logistics department of Toll Global Forwarding
Mean 1.7
Median 1
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 1.022168
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
The above table shows that most of the employees of the logistics department of Toll Global Forwarding belong to the agr group of 25 years (60%). The next age group that follows is 25 to 35 years (20%). The approximate mean value of the distribution is 2. The median and the mode values of the distribution are exactly 1 each. The standard deviation of the distribution is approximately 1. This indicates that the distribution is highly risky. The researcher will face difficulties in analyzing the data, as it is divergent and scattered.
Q3) How far are you satisfied with the existing supply chain system of your company?
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Highly Dissatisfied 50% 15 30
Dissatisfied 20% 6 30
Neutral 10% 3 30
Satisfied 10% 3 30
Highly Satisfied 10% 3 30
Table 4: Satisfaction level of the employees of Toll Global Forwarding based on the existing supply chain system
Mean 2.1
Median 1.5
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 1.398275
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
The above table: 3 shows that half of the employees of the logistics department of Toll Global Forwarding are highly dissatisfied with its supply chain system. However, the data also states that equal proportion of employees are neutral, satisfied and highly satisfied with the existing supply chain system of the company. Thus, it will be somewhat difficult for the management company of Toll Global Forwarding. This is also indicated by the approximate standard deviation value of 1.4. The approximate mean median and mode values of the distribution are 2, 2 and 1 respectively.
Q4) How far do you agree that supply chain collaboration is important for your company?
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Completely Agree 40% 12 30
Agree 20% 6 30
Neutral 10% 3 30
Disagree 20% 6 30
Completely Disagree 10% 3 30
Table 5: Classification of workers in the logistics department of Tool Global Forwarding based on their level of agreement for the need of collaboration of supply chain
Mean 2.4
Median 2
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 1.452703
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
In the above data, 40% of the employees completely agree that there is an urgent need for the collaboration of the suypply chain. This means that the employees are unhappy with the existing system where the supply chains are not collaborated. Therefore, the management should take proper steps to collaborate the supply chains. The data is risky, scattered and divergent with approximate standard deviation value of 1.5. The mean value is approximately 2, which means that on an average the employees to the requirement of supply chain collaboration. The approximate median and mode values are 2 and 1 respectively.
Q5) What, according to you are the challenges in supply chain system of your company?
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Globalization 60% 18 30
Consumers' Preferences 20% 6 30
Growth of the market 10% 3 30
Not Required 10% 3 30
Table 6: Employees' perceptions about the challenges in supply chain system of Toll Global Forwarding
Mean 1.7
Median 1
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 1.022168
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
The above data that has been tabulated in Table: 5 indicates that majority of the employees (60%) consider globalization to be the most important challenge in supply chain systems. This is probably because all the companies receive domestic and overseas supplies. Globalization has resulted in the structural changes in the economies of the countries. Therefore, globalization is a major challenge for the supply chains of the companies. The data is scattered, divergent and risky. The approximate mean value is 2 and the median and mode values are1 and 1 respectively.
Q6) What, according to you are the benefits of supply chain collaboration for your company?
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Increased Profits 30% 9 30
Efficient Cost Management 50% 15 30
Innovation 20% 6 30
Table7: Employees' perceptions about the benefits of supply chain collaboration in Toll Global Forwarding
Mean 1.9
Median 2
Mode 2
Standard Deviation 0.711967
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
The above data table presents a clear picture of the employees' perceptions about the benefits of supply chain collaboration in their company. Haslf of the employees considers efficient cost management to be the top most benefit. This finding, however, tallies with the aim of the research work. The data is risk free, non-scattered and convergent. This is ensured by the fact that the standard deviation value is 0.7, approximately, which is less than 1. The approximate mean value is 2. The median and mode values are exactly 2 each.
Q7) How far do you think that there is a need to include third part logistics in your company?
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Urgent Need 50% 15 30
Not so Urgent 30% 9 30
Whenever possible 10% 3 30
Not Required 10% 3 30
Table 8: Employees' perceptions regarding the urgency of supply chain collaboration in Toll Global Forwarding
Mean 1.8
Median 1.5
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 0.996546
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
The above data represents that a major part of the employees working in Toll Global Forwarding feel that there is an urgent need of third party logistics in the company. The data is risk free, convergent and non-scattered as the standard deviation value is 0.9, which is less than 1. The mean and median values are approximately 2. The mode value is exactly 1.
Q8) What, according to you, will be the benefits of third party logistics for your company?
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Operational Flexibility 40% 12 30
Less use of Capital 30% 9 30
Saving cost and time 10% 3 30
Focused Organization 20% 6 30
Table 9: Employees' views regarding the benefits of Third party logistics in Toll Global Forwarding
Mean 2.1
Median 2
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 1.155198
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
According to the above data, 40% of the employees of Toll Global Forwarding think that operational flexibility is the most important benefit of third party logistics for their company. 30% of the employees consider less use of capital to be the most important benefit for their company. 20% and 10% of the employees consider saving cost and time and focused organization to be the best benefit, respectively. This data is difficult to interpret. This fact is also indicative from the point that the data has an approximate standard deviation value of 1.2, which is greater than 1. The approximate mean value is 2. The median and the mode values of the data are exactly 2 and 1, respectively.
Q9) How far, do you think that supply chain collaboration will be effective in reducing the cost of your company?
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Highly Effective 80% 24 30
Less Effective 10% 3 30
Not Effective 10% 3 30
Table 10: Employees' views regarding the effectiveness of supply chain collaboration in reducing the cost in Toll Global Forwarding
Mean 1.3
Median 1
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 0.65126
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
According to the above data, given in table: 9, a larger portion of the employees consider supply chain collaboration to be highly effective in reducing the cost of the company. This data is very non- risky, non-scattered and convergent because the value of standard deviation is less than 1 (0.7., respectively). The management should consider this data and include supply chain collaboration in the company. This will reduce the cost of operational activities and all the other activities of the company. This is an important result. The mean value of the distribution is approximately 1. The median and the mode values are 1 each.
Q10) How far, do you think that third party logistics will be effective in dealing with the problems of existing supply chain system of Toll Global Forwarding
Options Response % Number of respondents Total respondents
Highly Effective 60% 18 30
Less Effective 30% 9 30
Not Effective 10% 3 30
Mean 1.5
Median 1
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 0.682288
Statistical Data Representation Table
Analysis and Interpretation
The above data represents an important result. Majority of the workers consider third party logistics to be highly effective in dealing with the problems of the supply chain system of Toll Global Forwarding. The nature of the data is convergent, risk free and non-scattered as the standard deviation value is approximately 0.7, which is less than 1. Hence, the management of the company should consider this data and make the necessary changes. The approximate mean value is 2. The respective median and mode are 1 each.
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4.2 Part 2: Qualitative Analysis for the Mangers
Q1. How collaboration competition creates huge impact on your company?
The second manager has supported the statement of the first manager and replied that "due to the economic downfall through the world, collaborative effort has become necessary for any company. Thus, our company is maintaining an effective collaborative competition to achieve the competitive advantage." The researcher has found the same view point in the literature review part. The ‘concept of collaboration' has focused on the importance of collaborative effort of supply chain management. It helps in reducing the cost as well as in developing the service level. As the fourth manager has discussed that "collaborative competition minimizes the level of time consumption too", the researcher has identified that in the same point in literature review it has been stated that collaborative competition is helpful in the case of time and cost management.
The negative responses from the managers have focused on the improvement of collaborative competition of the firm. The sixth manager replies that "this is the high time to restructure the strategies about collaboration." In the literature review part, it has been noted that collaboration sometimes increases costs. Thus, proper strategies are needed to direct the collaboration in right way.
Q2. What are the ways through which your company has planned to reduce the cost through effective collaboration among supply chain partners?
The researcher has already mentioned that collaboration is helpful in minimizing cost, time and so on. Toll Group Forwarding is successful in reducing cost through the collaboration. The sixth manager has said that "Toll group has considered as one of the leading logistic provider in world. It has re-financing the Singapore debt almost into $1 billion to the syndicate debt facility." On the other hand, the third and the tenth manager are still arguing about to restructuring the strategies.
In the literature review part, the point ‘concept of collaboration' has discussed that vertical collaboration between the suppliers and the customers can maximize the cost. Thus, almost the same thing has been mentioned by the tenth manager.
Q3. What effective methods you plan to implement in order to reduce the delivery time?
In response to this question, the researcher has mostly gathered the negative answers from the managers. The second manager has mentioned that "our company only focuses on collaboration and this factor hardly helps in reduction of delivery time." Thus, it indicates that this firm needs more strategies to reduce the delivery time. The ninth and third managers have stated that "collaboration is needed for a company as it helps the firm in several aspects." In the previous statement, the researcher has mentioned that collaborative competition helps in cost management.
Now, it has been observed by the statements of the second and fifth manager that the company has implemented some strategies to reduce cost through collaboration. The first manager has similarly mentioned that the company is gaining profit from the collaboration in decreasing the supply time. In the literature review part, ‘benefits and functions of third party logistics' point has noted that third party logistics save time for both the customers and the suppliers. Third party partnership is almost similar with the collaboration. Therefore, it is obvious that the collaborative attitude of this company helps to reduce delivery time.
Q4. What kind of feasibility problems your company is facing due to the collaborative competition of supply chain?
In the response of this question, the tenth manager has stated that "my fellow colleagues are saying the practical thing. This company is suffering from proper management during the collaboration. The company should develop more interaction with the third party suppliers to get the full advantage of collaboration." On the other hand, the seventh manager has completely opposed these statements. According to the ninth manager, "every company faces problems with their partners and this is very common. In our company, I do not find any severe problem."
However, the researcher has identified that the drivers of Toll Group Forwarding has faced some low road management problems in California. The drivers were very disappointed as the company does not arrange proper washrooms for them in some port areas. This situation has occurred only due to lack of proper decision. It is the result of non-communication. In the literature review part, the ‘steps for successful collaboration' point has described that proper communication is really essential to generate a long-term and successful collaboration.
Q5. How the pricing effect the collaboration among the supply chain management?
In response to this question, the fifth manager has stated that "collaboration refers to a co-operation from all the partners. This collaboration ultimately profits the mother company." The seventh manager has commented that "our company has gained huge profit every year. It does not mean all our partners are earning profit always. For example, there were some problems in our California branch few years ago and this branch was running in loss. Thankfully, the Asian branches save us and the main company has earned profit."
After composing the literature review part, the researcher has noted that one partner supports others. As it is mentioned in the point "benefits and functions of third party logistics", the importance of third party logistics (TPL) have mentioned. The researcher has found that TPL is mainly benefits the company to make the operation flexible, save time and cost and so on. Even, it supports the company to continue its operation in low capital.
Q6. How much your company work to deliver a healthy working atmosphere for the third party logistics providers?
In response to this question, four managers have responded positively, whereas two managers have provided negative replies. The fifth manager has completely supported the second and the fourth managers and said that "we have almost 40,000 employees in our 1200 branches. This company values teamwork and transparency. I think these all are enough to prove the best working atmosphere of our company." From the point "Steps of Successful collaboration" in literature review, the researcher has come to know that a good collaboration considers some factors like promoting the win-win situation, benefit sharing, establishment of a consistent and uniformed performance management, etc. All of them are indicating towards the healthy working atmosphere.
On the contradictory side of this question, the first and the sixth manager have denied to support the present working atmosphere of the company. According to them, healthier atmosphere is needed for the company. The third party logistics providers will be happier and more satisfied if the company can provide such environment.
Q7. How well your company has maintained its costing policies by engaging in the third party logistics for enhancing the collaboration partnerships?
In response to this question, the fourth and the sixth managers have mentioned that "it was the main reason for which our company became interested in third party collaboration." The ‘benefits of supply chain collaboration', ‘importance of collaborative competition' and ‘benefits of third party logistics' parts in literature review part have suggested that collaboration and TPS both are effective in cost reduction. Even, it has been discussed earlier that Toll Global Forwarding was benefitted in its Asian branches through the collaboration.
On the other hand, eighth manager has stated that "we need to develop the third party logistics more to maximize the benefit." However, it is confirmed that this company is already benefitted from TPS. In spite of that, the organizations should be more active in developing their TPS to earn more benefit n future. Four other managers did not want to respond in this question. Thus, they are not quoted here.
Q8. How your company has managed to analysis value chain management in logistics?
In response to this question, the third, fifth and seventh managers have answered positively. On the other hand, the ninth and the tenth managers have replied negatively. From the point ‘Analyzing value chain in logistics', in literature review part, the researcher has come to know that after sale service is an important part of it. As the seventh manager has discussed this company serves a good customer care relationship, it means they perform proper after sale service. However, as focused by the ninth and tenth managers the distribution part should be taken care for future prospect.
Q9. How your company has managed to invest on the infrastructural needs and recruitment policies benefitting the third party logistics providers?
In this question the second manger has supported to the statement of the first manger by saying, "We invest in strategic workforce management in order to maintain the feasibility of collaborative completion among the supply chain partners". The researcher has found the link of this in the literature review section explaining the ‘value chain model in logistics'. The section has information through which it is evident that proper infrastructural and human resource stability can make the collaborative competition feasible in third party logistics. Manager 7 has replied that "At the time of recruitment the assessing committee tests the knowledge and efficiency of the employees in order to bring feasibility in the collaborative competition in Toll Global Forwarding". The 5th manager has justified the answer of the manager 3 by saying that "Technological up gradation is extremely crucial for an organization to maintain feasibility in collaborative competition". Moreover, the section in literature review that focuses on ‘Steps of successful collaboration in supply chain management' has relation with these particular findings. In the section it clear that investment in the proper infrastructure and people makes organization gain feasibility in collaborative competition. Manager 10 agreed with the answers of managers 8 and 6 stating that "Often required training is not provided to the employees and right infrastructure is not maintained which makes the organization fail to bring feasibility in collaborative competition". The above mentioned sections of literature review justify this statement.
Q10. What are the necessary recommendations that Toll Global Forwarding must adopt in increasing the feasibility in collaborative competitiveness?
The manager 3 supported the statement of the managers 1 and 2 by saying, "Collaboration in right area and selecting partner based on certain criteria are extremely important in order to bring feasibility in collaborative competition". This statement is justified in the literature review section ‘Steps of successful collaboration in supply chain management'. Manager 5 agreed to the answer of manger 4 stating that, "Collaboration for a longer period of time is needed for Toll Global Forwarding".
3 Summary
The researcher has analyzed the view points of the managers properly in this chapter. The researcher has come to know that Toll Global Forwarding is performing really well with the collaboration of third party logistics and gaining its competitive advantage. However, the researcher has identified some flaws on which the company should work for its future prospect.
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Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendations
From the above study the researcher has analysed various aspects of importance of feasibility in collaborative competition in order to reduce cost and maintain efficiency in third party logistics. The researcher has begun the analysis with respect of the company, Toll Global Forwarding. The research has been initiated with setting up the aim and objectives. Gradually the planning has been done in order to meet those objectives successfully through the entire research study. For a specific study the researcher has analysed the ways in which Toll Global Forwarding has maintained feasibility of collaborative competition in order to reduce their cost and increase efficiency.
The literature of the topic has been reviewed in order to gather knowledge about the different variables of the topic. It has been observed by the researcher that the major issue for the third party logistics company is the lack of feasibility involved in collaborative competition. Due to this reason, the cost increases and the efficiency tends to decrease the service quality of the third party logistics company. It has been analysed that the successful collaboration requires understanding, trust and uniformity in performance among the collaborative partners in the supply chain management. In order to achieve competitive advantage through cost efficiency, the supply chain managing organizations must bring feasibility in their collaboration. The right collaborative approach is vital according to the requirements of the third party logistics company. It has been learnt by the researcher that collaboration increases profit sharing. Cost efficiency and innovation are the benefits that third party logistics organizations can gain with proper feasibility in the collaborative completion.
2 Objective linking:
Objective 1: To find out and measure the impact of collaborative competition in Toll Global Forwarding.
The previously mentioned object can be linked with Q2, 3, 4 of the quantitative data analysis part. In that question, the employees were asked whether they agree or not that supply chain collaboration is important for their company. The answers provided by the respondents to this particular question help the researcher to understand the impact of collaborative completion competition in Toll Global Forwarding. The answers to the question 1 make the researcher understand the impact collaborative competition has on an organization. Through the analysis of those answers the researcher can successfully meet the above objective.
The question 4 also has a direct link with the above objective. The findings in the 4th question make the researcher understand the feasibility issues faced by the organization in collaborative competition. Analysing the findings, the researcher can successfully meet the objective. The 9th question in the data analysis chapter has a relation with the above mentioned objective. The value chain management in logistics can be analysed through the findings of the 9th questions. With the analysis of the findings, the researcher is enabled to meet the objective successfully. Question no. 7 in the data analysis section has a link with the above objective. The information about the partnership scenario affected by the supply chain management is gathered through the findings of the above question. Thus this enables the researcher to measure the impact of collaborative competition, thus meeting the above objective effectively.
The literature review section that explains ‘the concept of Collaboration' has a direct link with the above objective. The concept of collaboration makes the researcher understand the importance of the same. The section of the literature review that discusses ‘benefits of supply chain collaboration' has link with the above objective. The information provided in the benefits of collaboration in supply chain makes the researcher evaluate the impact of collaborative competition in Toll Global Forwarding.
Objective 2: To analyse different ways to reduce the cost through effective collaboration and partnership among the supply chain partners.
The above objective has direct link with Q6, 7, 8, 9 of the quantitative data analysis part. In this question, the respondents, that is the employees were asked that whether they consider supply chain collaboration to be effective enough in reducing the cost of the company. The above mentioned objective has a direct link with question no. 2 in the data analysis chapter. The findings from this question enable the researcher to understand different ways in which collaborative competition can reduce the cost the services provided by the supply chain management companies. Analysing these findings make the researcher meet the second objective effectively. Moreover, question no. 8 in the data analysis chapter has a direct link with the above objective. The researcher can find out the costing policies of Toll Global Forwarding that brings feasibility in the collaborative competition. From the analysis of the findings the researcher can find out the gap and thus meet the objective successfully. The 5th question in the data analysis chapter also has a direct link with the above objective. The responses in the 5th question explain the pricing effect on collaboration competition among the supply chain management. With the analysis of the findings the researcher can successfully meet the above objective.
The literature review section that deals with ‘Identifying methods to reduce supply chain logistics costs' has a direct link with the above objective. In the literature review section the various methods to reduce the costs in supply chain logistics has been explained. Through the information the researcher can gain knowledge about the methods in which costs can be reduced in order to bring feasibility in collaborative competition. Thus, it helps the researcher to fulfil the 2nd objective successfully. Moreover in the literature review section on ‘Importance of collaborative competition in cost reduction and improve efficiency' the researcher can find a link with the above objective. The value of collaborative competition in order to bring cost reduction and increase efficiency has been analysed in the particular section of the literature review. The information in the section enables the researcher to meet the objective successfully.
Objective 3: To trace the effective methods to minimise the delivery time.
This objective can be linked with Q1, 2, 8 of the data analysis part. Responding to this question, 10% of the employees consider third party logistics to be beneficial for the company because it is able to save cost and time of the company. The above highlighted objective has a direct link with the 4th question of the data analysis chapter. The issues that the organization is facing in order to maintain the feasibility in collaborative competition has been derived from the answers provided by the respondents in the 4th question. Question no.3 of the data analysis chapter also has a relation with the above mentioned objective. Through the analysis of the findings from the 3rd question the researcher can understand the ways in which the organization plans to reduce delivery time. Thus, it helps the researcher in meeting the above objective successfully.
The literature review section that explains ‘Functions and benefits of third-party logistics in collaborative competition environment' justifies the above objective successfully. The information provided in the section makes the researcher understand that reduction in delivery time can make the organization gain benefits in collaborative competition.
Objective 4: To recommend important suggestions for Toll Global Forwarding to increase the efficiency of the third party logistics providers through more healthy collaborative competition.
Q7, Q8 and Q9 are directly linked with these objectives. All these questions reveal that the employees consider that supply chain collaboration aidefd 6with third party logistics will be highly beneficial for the company. Beside, Q6 reveals the perception of the mployees regarding the challenges of supply chain collaboration. These findings will help in providing suitable recommendations for54 the company. The 6th question in data analysis chapter has a direct link with the above mentioned objective. The answers of the respondents in the above question make the researcher analyse the working conditions of the organization for the third party logistics. The 10th and the 11th questions in the data analysis chapter are directly linked with the above objective. The 10th question makes the researcher gather data regarding the infrastructural and recruitment policies of the organization in order to benefit the third party logistics. The 11th question makes the researcher directly gain information regarding the ways in which feasibility in collaborative competition can be increased in supply chain logistics. The analysis of the findings enables the researcher to fulfill the above objective successfully.
The sections in the literature review discussing ‘Steps of successful collaboration in supply chain management' and ‘Comparing different supply chain collaborative approaches' have link with the above objective. The sections bring out information that helps researcher understand the gaps in the organization. Therefore making recommendation becomes possible fulfilling the objective successfully.
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5.3 Recommendations:
Recommendation 1: Collaborate in areas where Toll Global Forwarding has solid footing.
Toll Global Forwarding must build collaboration on strength rather than on compensating their weaknesses. The areas in which Toll Global Forwarding has strong footing the collaboration should be done in such areas. The organization must its own performance forecasting in order to build feasibility in collaborative competition. Collaboration must not be done in order to increase sales volume. Toll Global Forwarding must make the collaboration effective in order to make use of data from the efficient partners in the supply management. Toll Global Forwarding should also be sure that it has right supporting infrastructure in place. The commitment of the top management in Toll Global Forwarding is also quite vital in bringing feasibility in the organization's collaborative competition.
Recommendation 2: Select partners based on capability, strategic goals, and value potential
Toll Global Forwarding must not collaborate with the biggest supply partner in the market. The best outcome might come from the big collaboration with smaller supply chain partner of Toll Global Forwarding. Better approach through assessing the current customers or suppliers across the key dimensions must be taken by Toll Global Forwarding in order to gain feasibility in collaborative competition.
Recommendation 3: Invest in the right infrastructure and people
The up gradation in right infrastructure of the organization must be done by Toll Global Forwarding. Training the employees with the proper knowledge is required by the organization in order to gain feasibility in collaborative completion. The right assessment of the employees at the time of recruitment should be done with more efficiency by Toll Global Forwarding. Through this approach the organization will be able to reduce cost and thus gain feasibility in collaborative competition.
5.4 Limitations of the study:
This particular study has been conducted on a single organization, Toll Global Forwarding. Due to the lack of time a cross-sectional study has been conducted by the researcher. The time allowed the researcher to limit the research study to a single third party logistics company. The research would have received an in depth analysis with more time invested in it. Multiple organizations could have been selected in order to conduct a comparative study.
5.5 Further Scope of the Study:
The present study is reflecting on the feasibility of collaborative competition for reducing cost and improving efficiency of third party logistics providers. This study is not only limited to the topic but has different variables focused upon. Future researchers will be able to gather information about the feasibility of collaboration in order to make an organization work effectively. The ways of cost reduction and efficiency maintenance through collaborative feasibility is also discussed.
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