Research Methodology - How employees are motivated in the service industry

Case Study Of Emirates Airways

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Research Methodology
  • 1 Introduction:
  • 2 Method Outline:
  • 3 Research Onion:
  • 4 Research Philosophy:
  • 4.1 Justification for choosing post-positivism research philosophy:
  • 5 Research Approach:
  • 5.1 Justification for choosing deductive research approach:
  • 6.1 Justification for choosing descriptive research design:
  • 7 Data Sources:
  • 7.1 Data collection process:
  • 7.2 Data analysis techniques:
  • 8 Sample population:
  • 9 Sample techniques:
  • 10 Sample size:
  • 11 Reliability and validity:
  • 12 Ethical considerations:
  • 13 Limitations:
  • 14 Time Horizon:
  • 15 Summary:
  • Chapter 2: Data Analysis and Findings
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Quantitative questions for 50 employees of Emirates Airways:
  • 3 Qualitative questions for 5 managers of Emirates airways:
  • 4 Summary
  • Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendation
  • 1 Conclusion:
  • 2 Objective linking
  • 3 Recommendations:
  • 4 Limitation of the study;
  • 5 Future scope:

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Chapter 1: Research Methodology

1 Introduction:
Research methodology is basically a theoretical and systematic investigation of the methods that is applied to a specific research work. It encompasses several concepts such as paradigms, qualitative and quantitative techniques, theoretical models etc. In this present study ‘How employees are motivated in the service industry: A case study of Emirates Airways', the researcher has selected a particular methodology that will be discussed in this chapter.

2 Method Outline:
The researcher has chosen an appropriate method, design and approach for this study. The research onion has been used as a framework or outline by the researcher. In the study, the researcher has considered a post positivism research philosophy, deductive research approach and descriptive research design in order to carry out the study. The researcher has collected the data using both primary and secondary sources. These data has been analysed by using quantitative and qualitative techniques.

3 Research Onion:

Saunders et al. (2009) opined that research onion is a well-known analogy that illustrates various stages and methods to conduct a research successfully. It consists of six layers namely research philosophy, approaches, strategies, choices, time horizon and techniques of data collection. The utility of research onion lie in the fact that it offers systematic steps that helps to fulfil a research work.

4 Research Philosophy:

Cooper and Schindler (2010) commented that research philosophy primarily focuses on belief that is linked with the nature of reality being analysed. There are mainly three forms namely, Interpretivism, Realism and Positivism. Post positivism emerged as a challenge to positivism. Positivism emphasises that the researcher and the researched element are independent of each other. On the other hand, Bryman and Bell (2011) opined that post positivism emphasises that the values, knowledge, background of the researcher has an influence on the research object. Interpretivism stresses the intellectual values and ideas have the capability to interfere with human actions and thoughts. However, realism states that phenomena are not abstract. They are present in the real world.

4.1 Justification for choosing post-positivism research philosophy:

In this case, the researcher has chosen a post positivist research philosophy. Researcher's own understanding and knowledge has helped to analyse and investigate the collected data. Moreover, post positivism is highly compatible with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. The researcher has adopted post-positivism as the data and evidences are analysed based on the meta-theoretical stances.

5 Research Approach:

Riege (2008) noted that research objects are of two kinds, namely inductive and deductive approaches. Based on observation, the researcher is able to deduce the tentative hypotheses in inductive approach. On the other hand, deductive approach mainly deals with testing the tentative hypotheses from which patterns are derived.

5.1 Justification for choosing deductive research approach:
In this current study, the researcher applies a deductive research approach. The existing literature is thoroughly analysed and assessed. On the basis of the data, the assumptions are derived and hypothesis is empirically tested.

6 Research Design

Bergh and Ketchen (2009) opined that there are three forms of research design namely exploratory, explanatory and descriptive research design. Exploratory study primarily focuses on the issues and aspects that have not been precisely defined. Explanatory study attempts to investigate and explain cause-effect relationship of a phenomenon. Lastly, descriptive study tries to describe specific phenomenon.

6.1 Justification for choosing descriptive research design:
For the purpose of this study, the research has considered descriptive research design. The researcher tries to critically investigate and analyse how employees are motivated in the service industry. Relevant pros and cons have been provided throughout the study. Hence, descriptive research design is considered to be most suitable.

7 Data Sources:
3.7.1 Data collection process:

Serrant-Green (2007) contended that data sources can mainly be of two types. These are primary and secondary sources. The first-hand information and direct evidences are regarded as primary sources. For this study, 50 employees and 5 managers of Emirates Airways have been interviewed. Secondary data has also been collected in this study with the help of existing literature and data.

7.2 Data analysis techniques:

Toloie-Eshlaghy et al. (2011) contended that there are two kinds of data analysis techniques. These are qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative data analysis techniques emphasises on using graphical and statistical tools like tables, charts and figures to interpret the data. On the other hand, qualitative technique attempts to analyse and interpret specific views and experiences of the respondents. In the current study, both the techniques have been used.

8 Sample population:
Serrant-Green (2007) stated that sample population refers to the entire universe of a specific study. For the researcher, the total universe becomes difficult to quantify and analyse. In such a situation, the researcher chooses a sample from the population. The authenticity of the research will depend on how much resembles the population

9 Sample techniques:

Cooper and Schindler (2010) asserted that there are two kinds of sampling techniques namely, probability and non probability. As per the notion of probability sampling, every unit has an equivalent chance to be selected. One of the types of probability sampling is simple random sampling. It is impossible for the researcher to conduct interview of all the employees of Emirates Airways. Through simple random sampling techniques, 50 employees have been selected.

The researcher has utilised non probability sampling for the managers of Emirates Airways. The managers are chosen on basis of certain features and characteristic that suits the study the most. On the basis of quota sampling, the age group of the managers have been considered. Moreover, convenient sampling has helped to choose the mangers most accessible to the researcher.

10 Sample size:
For the present study, the total sample size is 55. Out of which, 50 are employees and 5 are managers of Emirates Airways.

11 Reliability and validity:
Reliability has helped the researcher to understand whether the chosen research tool can provide stable and consistent results. On the other hand, validity has helped to analyse whether the tool measures accurately what it is supposed to. Success of a research depends on the degree to which the research tool is reliable and valid.

12 Ethical considerations:
Data Application: The research is conducting by following the Data Protection Act 1998. The researcher has avoided all kinds of ethical dilemmas and plagiarism. Moreover, the researcher has ensured to publish the results derived from the study.

Participant involvement: The researcher has conducted the researcher with integrity, openness, honest and sincerity. Confidentiality and objectivity has been maintained throughout the study (, 2015).

13 Limitations:
The researcher has faced significant time limitation in conducting this research. Along with this, the researcher has also faced budgetary problems. Hence, various aspects and areas are overlooked. Authenticity issues have also been faced. The data received from managers and employees are not always consistent in nature.

14 Time Horizon:

Tasks of the study

Done by

Week 1-3

Week 4-7

Week 8-10

Week 11-13

Week 14-16

Week 17-18

Week 19

Week 20

Study of existing literature


Finding the knowledge gap


Selection of topic


Formulation of aim, objectives and questions of the study


Conducting literature review


Selection of appropriate research methodology


Collecting the primary data


Analysing the primary and secondary data


Finding out the results and concluding the study


Providing few recommendations


Presentation of the research study


Table 1: Gantt chart

15 Summary:

This chapter provides the learning a comprehensive understanding about the research methodology that has been undertaken by the researcher. Suitable research philosophy, approach and design had been selected by the researcher to conduct the study smoothly. At the end, limitation, ethics and time horizon of the study has also been discussed.

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis and Findings

1 Introduction
In this present chapter the researcher has analysed the quantitative and qualitative questions and provided his own critical analysis. The quantitative data have been analysed with the help of tabular and graphical representations. The qualitative data obtained from the company managers have been analysed in the form of narratives by the application of the researcher's own perspective.

2 Quantitative questions for 50 employees of Emirates Airways:

Q1. What is your gender?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents









Table 2: Gender wise categorisation of the Emirates employees

As the above tabular and graphical representations demonstrate, the number that constitutes the majority of the employees is females. Among the total 50 respondents, 60% constitute the females while a comparatively lower percentage that is 40% falls in the category of male.

The data as revealed from the primary survey of the emirates employee suggests that the company does not have any gender discrimination towards the female. As per the layman's view Middle East countries are conservative and they have a general biasness towards women. Such stereotypical attitudes are broken by the fact revealed in this survey.

Q2. In which age group do you belong to?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents













Above 41




Table 3: Age wise categorisation of the Emirates employees

The above demonstrations suggest that majority of the respondents that is 70% respondents fall in the age group of 15 to 35 years. However, a mere 10% constitute the age group of above 41 years.

The data suggest that majority of the Emirates employees are young and hence enthusiastic. A considerable number of employees are the fresh graduates and have recently started their career with the company.

Q3. Which cultural background do you belong to?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

















Table 4: Cultural background of the Emirates employees

The above data reveals that majority that is 40% of the respondents of the Emirates employees are Chinese. Indians constituted the second majority group of 30%. The Europeans and Africans were 20% and 10% accordingly.
The data as revealed in this study points toward the multiculturalism of the United Arab Emirates as well as the company in particular. The company believes that the talented individuals cannot be defined on the basis of nationality, culture or religious background. It has enriched the organisations by bringing new ideas, thinking styles and innovations from distant corners of the world.

Q4. How far do you agree that Emirates Airways provides rewards and appraisal to their employees as per their performance?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 5: Reward and Appraisal system of Emirates employees

As noted in the above depictions, 44% of the employees agreed on the presence of the strong appraisal systems of the employees. A considerable 20% expressed their strong agreement in this regard. Although one employee remained neutral, a considerable 14% of the respondents expressed their disagreement regarding the presence of reward and appraisal system in the company.

From the above analysis it is understood that most of the business firms in services industry mainly focus on intrinsic needs of employees in order to motivate them. An organisation in service industry mainly adopts rewards and appraisal system for satisfying the needs of employees and motivates them. However, the issue that emerged was the disagreement of few employees. This might be because of a poor performance or personal incompetency of the employees.

Q5. How far do you agree that Emirates Airways motivates its employees through satisfying the basic needs of the employees?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 6: Satisfaction of basic needs of Emirates employees

The data as depicted in the above chart and table suggests that 80% of the Emirates employees stated that the company satisfies the basic needs of the employees. While 2 out of 50 employees remained neutral, a considerable 16% expressed their disagreement in this regard.

As highlighted in the literature review, the fulfilment of the basic needs of the employees is the pre-condition for preventing employee dissatisfaction. For instance pay and salary are the basic requirement of the employees that must be fulfilled by the organisation. If these are not adequately met employee motivation becomes extremely difficult. However, as revealed in the above analysis a considerable number of respondents pointed out the dissatisfaction towards the fulfilment of basic requirements. This might be because of their lack of work experience or educational qualification that they are lowly paid. Hence, these employees cannot be motivated towards the achievement of higher order needs. These employees will be egoistic and will not exhibit their organisational citizenship behaviour.

Q6. Do you ever get due recognition by the management of Emirates Airways for your tiniest achievement at workplace?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

















Table 7: Management recognition for employee's achievement

The data as revealed in the primary survey of the employees of Emirates Airlines, suggest that majority of the respondents that is 50%, are at times recognised for their achievement. However 24% that constituted the second majority stated that they are always recognised by the company management for their accomplishments.

As highlighted in the literature review, recognition of the employee's achievement is a factor for employee motivation. If the employees are not recognised and praised for whatever they have achieved, they lose the zeal to work hard. Moreover, a meaningful contribution to the work of the company helps the employee to gain a sense of responsibility and makes them accountable. This leads to enrichment of jobs and achievement in the challenging work itself becomes a fulfilling experience for the employee concerned. This in turn also promotes organisational citizenship behaviour and increases company profitability.

Q7. How far do you agree that Emirates Airways provides career growth opportunities to its competent employees?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 8: Provision for career growth opportunities

The as revealed from the primary data collection of the Emirates employees, 52% of the employees agreed that the company provides ample opportunities for career advancement. While 28% expressed strong agreement in this regard, a mere 6% contradicted in the same. 12% though did not express strong at this point; however disagreed company's provision for career growth opportunities.

Career growth and advancement is also a factor to be considered in motivation. An employee works for his career development and achievement of success. Here, as revealed in the above analysis, the company provides opportunities for the employees own personal development as well as career growth. For this purpose, the company also conducts periodical appraisal of employee performance and allocate rewards on that basis. Thus the employees tend to assume greater responsibility and assume organisational citizenship behaviour.

Q8. How far do you agree that Emirates Airways has acute concern for the work-life balance of its employees?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 9: Work-life balance of Emirates employees

The data as depicted in the graphical and tabular representations, suggest that majority of the employees that is 38% are not satisfied with the work-life balance mechanisms of the company. 20% of the respondents expressed their strong disagreement in this regard. However, a combined 38% stated that the company do not have concern for achieving a balance between the work life of the employees and their personal front.

Work-life balance has become a key issue in the context of employee motivation. If a fine-tuning is promoted by the organisation itself between the work and employee's personal life, then it restores the employees' stamina. It is the social responsibility of any organisation to consider their employees as human resources and therefore take care of them. As revealed in the above analysis the company although attempt to promote work-life balance, it is not up to the desired level of the employees. This has emerged as a key issue that need to be addressed by the company.

Q9. Do you believe that the tasks you perform are challenging?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

Strongly believe
















Strongly disbelieve




Table 10: Performance of challenging tasks

As revealed in the above data, 40% of the respondents agreed that the tasks the employees perform are meaningful and challenging. However, 30% of the respondents stated that the tasks they perform do not involve any such challenges or criticality.

The researcher from the above analysis derived that the tasks that the Emirates employees perform are challenging. This point toward enrichment of jobs as well as those seems more meaningful to the employees. Successful accomplishment of such jobs gives the employees intrinsic satisfaction.

Q10. How far do you agree that Emirates Airways offers incentives to the employees on the successful completion of the given work target?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 11: Incentives for successful completion of the given work

The data above reveals that 58% of the respondents believe that the company do not provide additional incentives for completion of their jobs. However 20 out of total 50 stated the reverse.

The researcher found that the company although allocates reward on the basis of good performance, it does not provide additional incentives for timely meeting the given targets. The company therefore, need to improve their incentive structure to better motivate the employees.

Q11. Do you agree that you are an organisational citizen?


Response (Frequency)

Response Rate (%)

Total number of respondents

Strongly agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 12: Organisational citizenship behaviour

The concept of Organisational citizenship behaviour has not been properly developed among the majority of the respondents that constituted 66%. However, a considerable number of employees that constituted 30% stated that they consider themselves as an organisational citizen.

Organisational citizenship behaviour plays an important role to the development of business firms. The employees must think about the betterment of an organisation rather personal development only. Employees need to assist their subordinates and co-workers at workplace. They must be a representative of an organisation in which they work in. A poor exhibition of such behaviour points toward egoistic nature of the employees.

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3 Qualitative questions for 5 managers of Emirates airways:

1. How important is employee motivation for the Emirates Airways?

According to Manager 1 and 4 the performance of an organisation in market mainly depends on how employees are dedicated towards their works. Employee motivation is must for increasing the productivity at workplace and increasing competiveness in marketplace. It has been observed that satisfied and motivated employees are more productive at work and they are more efficient in dealing with issues and challenges faced in the service industry.

However, in contrast to this position Manager 3 stated that it is not well established whether motivated employees are productive. From the personal experience the manager added that the productive employees are more motivated. It means that performance of meaningful and challenging jobs give them satisfaction hence they display better motivation to work. Because of lack of motivation employees in service industry are not delivering quality service to the consumers. Changing behaviours of employees at workplace hinder in the path of growth for services quality. Manager 5 added that in order to make the business sustainable in service industry, employees must be motivated for delivering quality of services.

2. What are the major factors that affect organisational citizenship behaviour among the employees?

According to Manager 2, organizational citizenship behaviour is the core concept of motivation. It has been observed that organisational citizenship behaviour among the employees at workplace is very important for the growth of service industry. If an employee feels responsible for the company his performance will reflect that and they will tend to assume greater responsibilities. Empowerment of employees is one of the significant factors that affect development of such behaviour among the employees. The manager added that job enrichment can lead to empowerment as it expands the area of functioning of the employee and he gains better understanding of the work process.

However, in this conjunction Manager 3 and 4 stated employee competency is more significant in this context. An employee can only handle an enriched job if he has that ability and competency. In contrast to the response of Manager 2, the two of them emphasised more on employees endeavour in this regard.

3. What are the current strategies adopted by Emirates Airways in order to motivate its employees at workplace?

On the other hand, Manager 2 pointed out that, most of the business firms also give incentive and others extra benefits to employees for recognizing the additional inputs of the employees. Praising employees for their performance is also considered as the factor of employee motivation. The manager added that the employees are recognised for their good performance and accomplishments. In addition to this the rewards that are allocated on the basis of the performance constitute another source of motivation.

However, Manager 5 of the company opined that the job structure has been undertaken in a way so that they are enriched. The accomplishment of difficult tasks through overcoming the challenges makes them more accountable and therefore, they are exhibit better motivation.

Manager 2 stated that the employees often have immense work load and thus there occurs problems in achieving work life balance. The problem in striking a balance between the two often affects employee motivation.

4. How are the altruistic and egotistic behaviours of the employees handled in the Emirates Airways?

Manager 5 stated that employee motivation is also influenced by altruism and egoism. It has been observed some of the employees within the organisation only think about the self-development. They do not think about their co-worker development. The concepts of altruism and egoism are always being there at workplace. These two factors have also major impact on the employee motivation.
In this conjunction Manager 1 stated that it has been found that employees are becoming self-entered at workplace. They are not assisting their co-worker and their subordinates for their skills and knowledge development. Therefore, in order to combat this problem the company has promoted teamwork and attempted at better collaboration of the employees. The employees perform better at team work and thereby transcend their narrow, self-restricted and egoistic behaviour. They attempt to collaborate within themselves and hold themselves accountable as a team for completion of the tasks. They assume organisational citizenship behaviour, overcome narrowness, egoism and contribute towards the success of the company.

Manager 2 on the other hand stated that organisational citizenship behaviour of employees is very critical to success of the business organisation in service industry. Therefore, the company has introduced effective leadership styles whereby the employees perform interdependently but the leader closely controls their performance. They also infuse in them the team culture and form their bonding with the company. Thus they overcome egoism and assume altruistic organisational citizenship behaviour. These two strategies are expected to bring benefits for the company in regard to employee motivation.

5. What should be the future motivational strategies that Emirates Airways can adopt for employee motivation?

Manager 4 stated that the organisation needs to make an effective evaluation of employee behaviours before the implementation of motivational strategies. For instance the manager stated that few employees are dissatisfied with the pattern of reward allocation undertaken in the organisation. Thus they lack in proper motivation and encouragement to work hard. Thus the manager stated that positive reinforcement can be a significant strategy for motivating employees. The achievements and good performances must be highlighted so that the other employees get inspired and practice them in their work practices.
However, Manager 1 suggested more focusing on the organisational design. He added that the organisation structure must be flatter to facilitate communication. A better communication between the levels of organisation can ensure communication of the company mission, vision and goals. Therefore, the employees stay focused and motivated towards its accomplishment.

4 Summary
The researcher has thoroughly examined the qualitative and quantitative data in this chapter. It has revealed a number of important facets of employee motivation with a critical interpretation of the researcher. The company though have been partially successful in motivating its employees. However a better result can be obtained if a greater focus is made on promoting organisation citizenship behaviour and attaining work-life balance. This will be discussed in the following chapter under the section of recommendation.

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Chapter 3: Conclusion and Recommendation

1 Conclusion:

The present research on "how employees are motivated in the service industry" mainly deals with the intrinsic motivation factors that affect organisational citizenship behaviour. The research has take Emirate Airways as case study. From the study, the researcher is able to investigate and analyse the influence of employee motivation on their organisational performance.

From the study, it has been understood that in service industry, the main focus of on the intrinsic needs of the employees. Emirate Airways adopts appraisal system and rewards in order to motivate and satisfy the employees. It pays close attention to the pay and salary of the individual employees. In case these are not met, it will be very difficult to maintain satisfaction and motivation among employees. The researcher has also pointed out that it is important to recognise the achievement and performance of the employees. This also gives incentives to the workers and makes their job more enriching.

However, through the study, it has been observed that the service industry is not always able to motivate the employees. Excessive work pressure has an impact on the work-life balance of the employees. Moreover, proper incentive is not offered to the employees in meeting the daily targets. This demotivates the employees and hampers the smooth working of the industry. It has also been noticed that the notion of organisational citizenship behaviour is not developed properly among the people. They are mostly self-centred and work for their personal development and ignore the organisational goals and motive. It is imperative for the organisation to adequately train and develop the employees for enhancing their performance.

2 Objective linking

Objective 1: To understand the importance of employee motivation in the service industry

This objective has been linked with quantitative question 4, 5. 6, 7 and 8 and qualitative question 1. As highlighted in the analysis, the structure of jobs, its sphere of operation, responsibilities involved are the significant factor for motivation. In the qualitative analysis it has been mentioned that if the employees are productive that is if they get to perform meaningful works then their motivation increases. However another significant factor that emerged is the management recognition of the good and exceptional performance of the key employees. A proper reward allocation can also affect the level of motivation and encourage the workers to perform better.

Objective 2: To investigate the factors that affect organisational citizenship behaviour among the employees at workplace

This objective has been linked to quantitative question 11 and qualitative question 2. The researcher has highlighted that organisation citizens are those who are not egoistic or self-restricted and only concerned about their own benefits. This kind of behaviour can be promoted by giving the workers more responsibilities and making them accountable for successful completion and accomplishments of the challenging tasks. In the qualitative analysis, the researcher has focused two most important factors affecting development of such behaviour. These are teamwork effective and leadership styles. Team work shifts focus on the group performance and effective leaders can infuse in the employee's the sense of organisational citizenship behaviour.

Objective 3: To identify different strategies for employee motivation in the service industry
This objective has been linked with quantitative question 9, 10 and qualitative question 3 and 4. To cope with the problem of motivation, the service industries have taken up a number of strategies for motivating employees. This includes providing them more responsibilities and making the work meaningful to them. In addition to this the reward allocation and periodical appraisal of the employees is another important strategy for motivating the employees. Recognition of the exceptional performance and significant contribution to the achievement of company goals is also an important strategy.

Objective 4: To assess the current employee motivation strategies adopted by Emirates Airways
This objective has been analysed in the qualitative question 4 and 5. These include effective leadership styles and teamwork. As per the analysis, introduction of democratic and high spirited leaders can infuse among the members zeal to work hard. On the other hand, teamwork can increase the sense of collective responsibility and emphasise on the group work. Both these strategies are strictly implemented by the company in order to encourage better employee productivity.

Objective 5: To recommend other alternative to Emirates Airways for employee motivation

This objective has been linked with qualitative question 5. As analysed in the analysis, the managers of Emirates Airways are focusing more on positive reinforcement of good performance. In addition to this flatter organisational design has also been adopted by the company as an effective strategy in this regard. While the former strategy recognises exemplary performances of the employee the latter strategy facilitate better communication among the employees.

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3 Recommendations:
Certain recommendations pointed out by the researchers are:
Better work-life balance: Excessive pressure often create work-life imbalance for the employees. The employees should be trained to overcome the stress and strain of work. Adequate breaks should be given in the middle of the work. Paid vacation and allowance of leave will also generate motivation among the employees.

Proper incentives on daily work: It is important for organisations to provide proper incentives to the daily work and services of the employees. This will motivate the employees to work with more efficiency and effectiveness.

Promotion of organisational citizenship behaviour: Organisational citizenship behaviour plays a pivotal role in the development of an organisation. It is extremely important to motivate the employee to work for the betterment of the business rather than for their individual development only. Employee should be motivated to not be egoistic and self-centred. The employees should be properly trained to work for the overall development of the business. It is important for the organisation to practice positive reinforcement of good performance. Moreover, a flatter and better organisational design will develop sincerity and dedication of the employee.

4 Limitation of the study;
Time limitations have forced the researcher to overlook various aspects of motivation. The present study primarily focuses on the how employees are motivated in the service industry. It failed to recognise problems that employees face in the organisation that de-motivate them and hamper their performance such as work-life imbalance

5 Future scope:
Based on the above limitations, the future study can be designed. Future work can focus on problems and issues that employees face in the organization that de-motivates them. Future researchers can study on the work-life imbalances faced by the employees.

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