HRM and Employer Branding


  • Introduction
  • Employer Brand
  • Benefits of efficient Employer Brand
  • Developing an efficient employer brand
  • Development of employer brand by Human Resource Management
  • New Talent Acquisition
  • Interviewing process and On-boarding
  • Retention of the organizational talent
  • Employee Exit
  • Evaluation and monitoring for employer brand of the organization
  • Conclusions
  • References


The ability of the organization to attract and retain the talent in the organization is quintessential for sustainable growth and success of the organization. The employer branding plays an important role in communicating the values, personality and culture of the organization to the external stakeholders and prospective applicants for the job openings in the organization. Hence, it becomes essential for the HRM department of the organizations to create a strong employer brand.

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Employer Brand

Dell and Ainspan (2001) cited that Employer Brand for the organization is the reputation and brand image of the organization as an employer. The employer brand is the image of an o1rganization as perceived by the prospective candidates that can become employees for organization. The employer brand also ensures that retention of the employees can be done. The employee value proposition defines employment offer for the organization. Employer branding plays a crucial role in attracting the talent to the organization and to engage the employees with organization. Hence, Human Resource Management of the organizations are increasingly focusing on developing, implementing and sustaining employer brand. Employer branding is how the external stakeholders view the organization and how the organization wants to be perceived in the market. The efficient employer branding ensures that the organization has an image of a good employer and is considered as great place for working. The efficient employer branding helps the organization in recruitment process, retention of employees and generating market perception. The employer band impacts the employees of the organization at all the touch points such as recruitment, on boarding of new employees and developing employee satisfaction. The impact of employer brand on the employees of the organization also extends to the training and development, developing of career paths and in the exit of employees from the organization as well (Minchington, 2006).

Benefits of efficient Employer Brand

Sartain and Schumann (2006) pointed out that there are various benefits of employer branding in the long term as well as it creates positive image which can be used by the organization for recruitment activities along with consideration of public relation issues. The employer brand also increases the number of spontaneous candidates that apply for the job vacancies of the organization. The applicants for the job openings increases with strengthening of employer brand. The applications for job opening have been found to increase even five times or more within a year by enhancing employer brand image. The quality of job applicants also increases with strengthening of employer brand. The offer acceptance also increases for the organization that have good employer brand image. The employees of the organization are also motivated to perform better with good employer banding and the existing employees of the organization also feel proud to be associated with the organization.

The efficient employer banding also aids in development of strong corporate culture in the organization which makes the working environment of the organization conducive for efficient employee performance. The strong employer brands also counteracts the negative publicity if any in the market against the organization. The satisfaction of the employees in the organization that have good employer brand is also high and the managers of the organization also have increase interest to perform the managerial functions. The strong employer brand also increases the value for the shareholders as the good employer branding has positive impacts on the prices of the shares. The employer branding also supports the product branding of the organization. The organizations with stronger employer brand can reap the benefits as products and services of the organization also receive positive response with good employer branding image. The employer brand provides help specially for the newly launched products and services of the organization in the market. For example, Nike has strong employer brands and hence the products offered by Nike are perceived good in consumer markets as well (Baid and Rao, 2006).

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Developing an efficient employer brand

For developing an effective employer brand of the organization, it is imperative that various questions that are related to the fundamental employer branding is answered. Some of the questions that HRM department of organization needs to ask to self for developing an effective organizational brand are as illustrated below:

What are the factors and aspects that attract and compel the potential as well as existing employees of the organization?
What are the roles in the organization are crucial for organizational success and how talented employees serving these roles can be attracted, recruited and retained?
What are the current attributes and characteristics of the employees and what are the future requirements of existing employees?
What are the present perception and employer brand image of the organization and how is it affecting the ability of organization to recruit talented employees?

The answers to these questions aids the organization in identifying what is the current organizational employer brand and what is the desired organizational employer brand. This also forms the basis of framing the employer branding strategy of the organization.

The ownership for the employer brand falls in the responsibility of the organization as a whole, but the HRM department of the organization has the onus to ensure that efficient employer branding strategies are implemented. The employer branding cannot be coerced on the employees, the employer branding needs to be developed and reflected in the organization and it has to be lived in the organization. The management of the organization has to believe in creating and sustaining an effective organizational employer brand. The HR management of the organization has to campaign the employer brand internally as well as externally (Budhwar and Bhatnagar, 2008).

Kotler et al (2005) stated that the HRM department of the organization also has to ensure that the external brand of the organization is aligned to the employer brand. The alignment of the external brand and organizational brand is essential to present a consistent and effective image of the organization. The disconnection between how the organization is perceived by the external world and by the existing employees and applicants who want to apply for the job can result into perplexing situation for the external as well as internal stakeholders of the organization. The strong employer brand is quintessential as employees of the organization can either be one of the biggest critics or can also be the most efficient brand ambassadors. It is essential that the employees of the organization live the brand image of organization and the effective and desired behaviors related to employer brand are represented by the employees. However, the HRM department of the organization has to put consistent efforts to make certain that the employer brand is sustained, believed and represented by employees of organization. The HRM department of the organization needs to develop the efficient organizational culture that has opportunities for ambition, innovation, training and development for the employees of organization. It is because the good word of mouth from the employees of organization plays the most important role in framing the strong employer brand image. The best employer brands in the world tend to accentuate various positive factors of the organization and employer brand image is created which the external stakeholders and public can relate.

Development of employer brand by Human Resource Management

Mitchell (2002) pointed out that the HRM department of the organization has to make certain that the employer brand of the organization is developed efficiently and throughout the lifecycle of employment. The development of the employer brand is long term organization process with the existing employees of the organization, but the impact of employer brand is visible on the prospective employees and job applicants for the job openings in the organization even before the recruitment process is initiated. There are various stages of employee lifecycle during which the HRM department of the organization has to focus on developing the employer brand as illustrated below:

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New Talent Acquisition

The first step of the recruitment process of the organization is to attract the new talent and it is essential that the various strong aspects of the organization are communicated to external world so that talent pool for job openings can be attracted. The pre existing employer brand perception of the organization are to be addressed so that the talent acquisition can be done efficiently. The previous encounters that the various job applicants in the market had with the organization also plays a crucial role in developing the organizational employer brand. These previous encounters of various job applicants decide that how many job applicants may apply for the job openings and what will be the perceptions of the current job applicants. The job applicants also research the company website and job portals which have relevant information for the organization that also frame the employer brand image. The word of mouth for the organization on various social media marketing channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc also contribute to the development of employer brand (Smith and Wheeler, 2002).

The proper understanding of the existing employer brand image in the minds of the public can help the organization in creating more attractive and compelling scenario as an employer. There are various factors that can aid in enhancing the appeal of employer brand to job applicants for examples, the job specifications should clearly mention other aspects such as educational background, soft skills required, experience etc so that the job opening is attractive for applicants. The offerings of the organization in terms of organizational work culture, work life balance in organization and various employee benefits should also be published along with the job vacancies so that the job vacancy offering is more attractive. The organizational website of the company also should have complete information for the values, culture and working environment of the organization. It is essential that all the job applicants are treated equally with courtesy and respect, whether they are selected for the organization or even if they are not competent. All the job applicants should experience courtesy and warm welcome for the recruitment process from the organization so that they can form a positive image for the organization (Machtiger, 2004).

The employer proposition of the organization should be strengthened so that effective employer brand image can be created. The good organizational work culture and polices for rewards and recognition should be promoted to improve the employer proposition. The current important employees of the organization should be introduced and the success of employees in the organization should be represented. The organization should also show its commitment towards corporate social responsibility activity and the organization should show the commitment towards developing the career of existing employees and providing training and development facilities to them. The awards, accreditations and recognitions of the organization as investors in People, Top 100 Forbes employers, Top 100 employer of the country etc. boosts the employer brand image significantly (Minchington, 2006).

Interviewing process and On-boarding

The interviews conducted by the organization are also crucial for reinforcing the employer brand and hence the interviewers have to make sure that employer brand value is sustained across the interview process. The interviewer should have a positive, professional and well prepared attitude towards the interview and should send the correct impression for the organization as well to the interviewees. The candidates that are selected in the recruitment process should be taken to the on boarding process of the organization. The employer brand image should be reinforced with the induction process of the organization (Mosley, 2007).

Retention of the organizational talent

Rosethorn (2009) said that the strong employer brand has to make certain that the existing talent of the organization is retained and there is a compelling employer band image that provides the reason to employees to stay with the organization for long term. The employees of the organization are the most important and valuable asset. The companies also have to make expenses for training and developing the employees so that they can improve their skills and competencies so that they can perform better. Hence, the exit of talented employees from the organization can have significant losses for the organization. The employer branding also develops good relation with the existing employees so that employer engagement can be enhanced and there are better employer and employee relationship in the organization. The HRM department of the organization has to make certain that the employer branding is reinforced regularly in the organization. The employees of the organization should also be reminded for the qualities and skill set which they posses and the job responsibilities for which they have been employed. The HR managers of the organization should ensure that the employer brand promises that have been made by the organization during recruitment process are fulfilled. The employer promises can be fulfilled by the organization with various HR strategies such as rewards and recognition, training and development and providing clear and growing career path. The HR managers have to make sure that the employer brand perceived by the employees are met so that employer brand reputation is sustained.

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Employee Exit

Minchington (2006) said that there will always be some employees that will tend to exit the organization even after strong employer brand and best HRM practices followed by the organization. The exit interviews should be conducted for the employees that are leaving the organization to ascertain the reasons for exit of employees. The employees of the organization that exit the organization can still function as the employer brand ambassadors, if the exit of employees is good and cordial.

Evaluation and monitoring for employer brand of the organization

The organization should also ensure that the monitoring and evaluation for the employer brand image of the company is done consistently. The employer brand of the organization should be developed on regular basis and the changing needs and requirements of employees and job applicants should be considered for monitoring, evaluation and developing of employer brand. The employee surveys, workshops for employees and exit interviews are imperative for monitoring the employer brand (Lloyd, 2002).


Employer brand refers to the image of the organization in the minds of current employees and prospective job applicants. The employer brand is essential for effective recruitment, employee satisfaction and employee retention. The HRM department of the organization has the responsibility to plan, develop, implement and monitor the employer brand of the organization. The HRM department has to reinforce the employer brand in lifecycle of the employment such as talent acquisition, on boarding , employee retention as well as employee exit.


  • Q: What is employer branding?
  • Q: Why is employer branding important?
  • Q: How can HR build a strong employer brand?
  • Q: What are some employer branding strategies?
  • Q: How can we ensure our employer brand reflects reality?
  • Q: How can we engage employees in employer branding?
  • Q: How can we measure the success of our employer branding?

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