Qualification - Higher National Diploma in Computing

Unit Name - Database Design and Development

Unit Number - Unit 4

Assignment Title - Database Design Double Glazing

Learning Outcome 1: Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem.
Learning Outcome 2: Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design.
Learning Outcome 3: Test the system against user and system requirements.
Learning Outcome 4: Produce technical and user documentation.

Assignment Brief: You should design and develop a relational database system to solve a problem of your own choosing. The case study, below, can be used if you are unable to find your own problem.

Case study
You are employed as a Database Developer for a large IT consultancy company. The company has been approached by a double glazing company called Double Pane which is expanding rapidly due to the huge growth in demand of their products and services from building contractors. New housing developments are growing as a result of the government's agenda to regenerate the old disused factory complexes outside the city of Bedford Falls.

Double Pane have, to date, managed their business by using a computerised system which was developed by a college student five years ago. The system is now too slow and no system documentation was produced when it was implemented so changes to the system cannot be made easily. The CEO of Double Pane feels that their business requirements have changed, and they need to invest in new technology and a new system in order to grow and manage their business successfully.

Double Pane currently has sales agents who follow up sales leads which are mainly generated from their marketing material and calls taken by staff in the company office. Sales are also generated by the agents who visit building contractors. Each visit from a lead results in a quote and some of these quotes result in an actual sale, either to supply only, or to supply and install.

Double Pane supplies a huge range of windows and doors. They buy most of their products in bulk from a few large manufacturers and store the products in their warehouse. They also make some bespoke windows and doors in their workshop in the warehouse.

Your company has accepted the contract to develop a database system for Double Pane and to provide the necessary technology to run the system. Your brief is to develop the database system element of the contract from Double Pane.

You have been asked by your manager to investigate the system requirements; and design, create and implement the system. One of the requirements of the contract is that user and technical documentation be made available to Double Pane.

Logical Data Model for A Double Pane Management System

Executive Summary

The objective of this report is to design an sales inventory system that is for Double Pane company.

DOUBLE PANE company need a computerized system that will maintain the inventory and sales purchase. we are a Database Management System. DOUBLE PANE company new database system will handle the items and stockroom employee and sales employee. Then the database model working will smooth running of sales operation and stock management.

The first step of database model design after the study and analyzed is design conceptual database design.
Conceptual Database DesignMethodology

In this report first we would design the conceptual database design process with given below steps.

Identifying entitytypes

According to company case study there are two types of employee ; stockroom employee and sales employee. In database design first step is entity is identifying classifying the entity.
According to case study; our database have three main entities
Identifying stockroom entities
Stockroom entities:-
Stockroom employee, items, suppliers, Sales_Invoices
a. Identifying sales entities
Sales entities:-
Sales employee, items, Clients, Sales_Invoices, OrderPayment_Receive

b.Entity types

Data Dictionary

Entity Name





Define            all    the

employees in Double Pane


Stockroom            and

sales       mainly    two types ofemployees


Define all the items the Double Pane  will be sales and purchase

Sales and Purchase items

Each item  has its own supplier and is different fromother


Manufacturer          or manufacturers' supplier who supply


Each supplier deals with its own item


Retailer shops who

Sales_Invoices                     itemsfrom theDouble Pane

Retailer shops

There       are     many

retailer       shops     in one localarea


Sent by the retailer shop demand

ClientSales_Invoices for items

Many Sales_Invoices come from Clients or Client


OrderPayment_Receive                             are made byClients for Invoice items

ClientOrderPayment_ Receivepartial balance or complete balance

OrderPayment_Receiveare either  balance amount or complete balance

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Part 1

Before you start the development process, your manager has asked you to produce a report for the CEO of Double Pane, containing:

1. The design of the relational database system using appropriate design tools and techniques. It should contain at least four interrelated tables.
2. Clear statements of user and system requirements.

You would prefer to produce a more detailed document, so you will produce a comprehensive design for a fully functional system which will include interface and output designs, data validations and cover data normalisation.

Your manager would like a separate report on your assessment of the effectiveness of the design in relation to user and system requirements.

Identifying relationship types

The relationship between the attributes will be different .
1. Double Pane has stockroom and salesemployee
2. Sales employee is manage by Sales manager
3. Sales Sales_Invoices is receive to Sales employee
4. Sales Sales_Invoices has manage according to Sales_Invoices id and Sales_InvoiceingclientNo, Client name.
5. Sales Sales_Invoice contain complete items information.
6. Items has item ID, item name, item itemprice
7. Item belongs to types
8. Types has TYPE id TYPE id
9. Each TYPE item has suppliers
10. Suppliers has supplier ID, supplier name
11. Items are stored in stockroom
12. Stockroom is managed by stockroom employee

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Part 2

Once the designs have been accepted by your manager you have been asked to develop the database system using evidence of user interface, output and data validations and querying across multiple tables.

You want to include more than just the basics so you will implement a fully functional database system which will include system security and database maintenance features.

You have decided to implement a query language into the relational database system. The developed system will be demonstrated to your manager.
Your manager has asked you to produce a report:

1. Assessing whether meaningful data has been extracted through the use of query tools to produce appropriate management information.

2. Evaluating the effectiveness of the database solution in relation to user and system requirements, and suggest improvements.

ER diagram

Employee ID, FName, LName, DOB, Address, role ID, phone No, loginname, password
Client ID, FName, LName, Address, phone, Email, BusinessRegNo,
Sales_InvoiceID, Invoice_number, Employee ID, ClientID, O_Date, DispatchedDate, OrderPaymentID, ErrorMsg, Deleted, Paid,
Sales_InvoiceId, Invoice_number, ItemId, Itemprice, OrdQuantity, DelQuantity, Discount, Total, Size, InvDate, DispatchDate, Sales_InvoiceDetailID, BillDate
OrderPaymentID, OrderPaymentType, CreditAmount, DebitAmount, Balance, BalanceDate,
ItemID, ItemName, ItemDetail, Supp_ID, TYPEID, QuantityPerUnit, UnitItemprice, UnitWeight, Size, Discount, UnitsInStock, UnitsonSales_Invoice, ReSales_InvoiceLevel, ItemAvailable, Curr_Sales_Invoice,Description
TYPEID, TYPEName, Detail,
Supp_ID, SName, ContactFname, ContactLname, ContactName, Address, Phone, Fax, Email, OrderPaymentMethods, DiscountType

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Attributes and Entities




Data Type & Length



Employee ID Name



Address SEX



Uniquely identifies a member employee


First Name of Employee Last Name of Employee Date of Birth of Employee

Home Address or contact address Gender Male M

Job Name ID, Foreign Key Unique to user, for loginfunction

Unique, encrypted,

6 varchar


16 varchar

16 varchar Date

30 varchar

1 char {M/F}

10 Digit id6varchar, F-key 16varchar

8 to 16varchar



No NoNoNoNoNo N0



Uniquely identifies an employee role Job Name of the employeeDetail of role



30 varchar

No NoNo




SRegistedNo Name FnameLname Address Phone Email Employee ID

Uniquely identifies ClientClient PAN resgisterId


Firsta name of Client Last name of Client

Address of Client retailshop Contact phone of Client Email address of ClientEmployee who registersClient


10 digit



16varchar 30 varchar 10 digit

16 var cha

6 varchar

No No


No NoNoNoYes No


Sales_InvoiceIDEmployee ID TID


Uniquely identifies each Sales_Invoice Identifies the sales employeeClient id who Sales_Invoices Incoming Sales_Invoice date

Error message if happens

10 digit id


6varchar Date

30 varchar

No NoNoNo Yes


Sales_InvoiceIDInvoice_numberODetailIDItemID USP

Size OrdQuantDelQuant Discount Total DelDate


Identifies Sales_Invoice that came in Identifies the bill generated Identifies id for Sales_Invoice details Identifies each item

Unit itemprice of each item unit Size of item

Quantity of itemSales_Invoiced Quantity of item delivered Discounts involved

Total amount of bill Sales_Invoice dispatch date

Date when Sales_Invoice came

10 digitid

10 digitid


10 varchar

5      digit S, M,L

6   digit

6 digit id3 digit id 7 digit id Date


No NoNoNoNoNoNo Yes No NoNo


Invoice_number Pay Type CrAmountCrDateDrAmountDrDate


Identifies OrderPayment bill idOrderPayment type, cash or bank Credited amount

Credit date Debited amount Debit date

Total balance

9 digit id

11 varchar

8digit idDate

8 digit idDate

6 digit id

No No Yes YesYesYes



ItemIDINameIDescrTYPEID Supp_IDQPerUnitUitemprice USP

UweightUsize Discount UInStockUInSales_InvoiceReOrLevel


Uniquely identifies itemItemName

ItemDetail Identifies item_TYPE Identifies item supplier Item quantity per unit Item,Rate

Unit Selling itempriceItem unit weight Item unit size

Discount offered by supplier Item units in stock

units in Sales_Invoice from supplier

Item margin for re-Sales_Invoiceing Some description for item


12 varchar

62 varchar

6 varchar


6 digitid

6 digitid

4 digitid

4 digitid

1 varchar(S,M,L) 3 digit idId



No NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo Yes No NoNo



TYPEID TypeName Desc

identifies itemTYPE name of the item TYPETYPEDetail




No NoNo


Supp_IDComNameCon_NameCon_NameConName Address Phone

Email Pay_MethDis_Type

Uniquely identifies eachsupplier SupplierDouble Pane  name Contact person fnameand lname

ContactpersonjobName Address of supplier Suppliers' phone id

Email address OrderPayment methods Discount type





10 varchar

30 varchar

10 digit idId

30varchar Varchar

3 digit i

No NoNoNoNoNoNo Yes Yes No Yes

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Primary, and Alternate keys

Those attributes which can uniquely identify entire entity are the candidate keys. One of these attributes shall be the primary key and the other keys are alternatekeys.

Entities with candidate keys, primary key and alternate keys

Entity Candidate keys Primary key Alternate keys
Employee employeeID, DOB name employeeID DOB
, phone
Role roleID roleID  
Client TID, SRegistedNo, TID SRegistedNo
Sales_Invoice Sales_InvoiceID Sales_InvoiceID  
ODetail ODetailID, Sales_InvoiceID+ItemID ODetailID Sales_InvoiceID+ItemID
OrderPayment Invoice_number Invoice_number  
Item ItemID, ItemID itemName
Supplier Supp_ID, comName Supp_ID comName

Logical Database Design

Deriving relations for the logical data model

Relations in Database Definition Language (DBDL)

a. Employee hasrole
Employee (Employee ID, FName, LName, DOB, Sex, address, phone, loginname, password, Role ID)
PrimaryKey EmployeeID
AlternateKey loginname
Foreign Key R_idrefrencesRole (Role ID) Role (Role ID, rolename,Detail)
PrimaryKey Role ID

b. Employee registers Clients
Client (TID, SRegistedNo, fname, lname, address, phone, email, employeeID)
PrimaryKey TID
AlternateKey SRegistedNo
Foreign Key employeeIDreferences Employee(employeeID)

c. Client makesSales_Invoice
Sales_Invoice (OderID, O_Date, ErroMsg, employeeID, TID)
PrimaryKey Sales_InvoiceID
Foreign Key employeeIDreferences Employee (EmployeeID)
Foreign key TID references Client(TID)

d. Sales_Invoice has Sales_Invoicedetails
ODetail (OdetailID, unititemprice, size, Quantity, discount, total, DDate, billDate, Invoice_number, Sales_InvoiceID, ItemID)
PrimaryKey OdetailID
Foreign Key Invoice_number references OrderPayment (Invoice_number) Foreign Key Sales_InvoiceID references Sales_Invoice (Sales_InvoiceID) Foreign Key ItemID references Item(ItemID)

OrderPayment (Invoice_number, payType, CrAmount, CrDate, DrAmount, DrDate, Balance)
PrimaryKey Invoice_number

Item (ItemID, INameIDescrQperUnit, Uitemprice, USP, Uweight, Usize, Discount, UInstock, UInSales_Invoice, ReSales_InvoiceLevel, Description, Supp_ID, TYPEID )
PrimaryKey ItemID
Foreign Key Supp_IDreferences Supplier (Supp_ID)
Foreign Key TYPEID references TYPE(TYPEID )

e. Item belongs toTYPE
Item (ItemID, INameIDescrQperUnit, Uitemprice, USP, Uweight, Usize, Discount, UInstock, UInSales_Invoice, ReSales_InvoiceLevel, Description, Supp_ID, TYPEID )
PrimaryKey ItemID
Foreign Key Supp_IDreferences Supplier (Supp_ID)
Foreign Key TYPEID references TYPE(TYPEID )

TYPE (TYPEID , TypeName, Detail)
PrimaryKey TYPEID

f. Supplier supplies item
Supplier (Supp_ID, comName, confName, conLname, conName, Address, Phone, fax, Email, PayMeth, DiscType)
PrimaryKey Supp_ID

Item (ItemID, INameIDescrQperUnit, Uitemprice, USP, Uweight, Usize, Discount, UInstock, UInSales_Invoice, ReSales_InvoiceLevel, Description, Supp_ID, TYPEID )
PrimaryKey ItemID
Foreign Key Supp_IDreferences Supplier (Supp_ID)
Foreign Key TYPEID references TYPE(TYPEID )

Relations usingnormalization
Our next step is normalization ;This process helps in reducing of data redundancy and solving update anomalies.Hence we are doing normalization of data up to 3NF.

Referential integrity constraints

Employee (Employee ID, FName, LName, DOB, Sex, address, phone, loginname, password, Role ID)

PrimaryKey                                                                                    EmployeeID

AlternateKey                                                                                   loginname

Foreign Key                                                                                     R_idreferencesRole (RoleID


Role (Role ID, rolename, Detail)PrimaryKey              Role ID


Client (TID, SRegistedNo, fname, lname, address, phone, email, employeeID)

PrimaryKey                                                                                    TID -> ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE NOACTION

AlternateKey                                                                                   SRegistedNo

Foreign Key                                                                                     employeeIDreferences Employee(employeeID)


Sales_Invoice (OderID, O_Date, ErroMsg, employeeID, TID)

PrimaryKey                                                                                    Sales_InvoiceID -> ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE NO ACTION/CHECK

Foreign Key                                                                                     employeeIDreferences Employee (Employee ID) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET TO DEFAULT (SALES MANAGERID)

Foreign key                                                                                      TID references Client (TID) ON UPDAGE CASCADE ON DELETE NOACTION


ODetail (OdetailID, unititemprice, size, Quantity, discount, total, DDate, billDate, Invoice_number, Sales_InvoiceID, ItemID)

PrimaryKey                                                                                    OdetailID ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE NO ACTION

Foreign Key                                                                                     Invoice_number references OrderPayment (Invoice_number) ON UPDATE/DELETE NOACTION

Foreign Key                                                                                     Sales_InvoiceID references Sales_Invoice (Sales_InvoiceID) ON UPDATE/DELETE NOACTION

Foreign Key                                                                                     ItemID references Item (ItemID) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE NOACTION

OrderPayment (Invoice_number, payType, CrAmount, CrDate, DrAmount, DrDate, Balance)



Item (ItemID, INameIDescrQperUnit, Uitemprice, USP, Uweight, Usize, Discount, UInstock, UInSales_Invoice, ReSales_InvoiceLevel, Description, Supp_ID, TYPEID )

PrimaryKey                                                                                    ItemID ON UPDATE/DELETECASCADE

                                                                                                            (Supp_ID)            ON UPDATE/DELETECASCADE 

Foreign Key                                                                                     Supp_ID               references             Supplier

Foreign Key                                                                                     TYPEID references TYPE (TYPEID ) ON UPDATE/DELETE CASCADE


Type (TypeID, catName, Description)

PrimaryKey                  TYPEID ON UPDATE/DELETECASCADE

Supplier (SupplierID, comName, confName, conLname, conTitle, Address, Phone, fax, Email, TypeINFO)

PrimaryKey                  supplierID ON UPDATE/DELETECASCADE

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Part 3

Once the system has been developed, you will test the system and your manager will complete a witness statement indicating how your tests are performing against user and system requirements.

You will produce a brief report assessing the effectiveness of the testing, including an explanation of the choice of test data used.

Lastly you will produce technical and user documentation which will be given to the company.

You want to provide some graphical representations for ease of reference in the technical guide, so you have decided to produce a technical and user documentation for a fully functional system, including diagrams showing movement of data through the system, and flowcharts describing how the system works.

Double Pane Propose Data Model Query

Since Microsoft Access is best suitable for our assignment .We design and develop an Access base database application The application having numerous feature that will help to generate report for inventory and sales.

In this report ,we design logical data model that has been produced during the project is fully capable of defining the data requirements of the Double Pane company. During the analysis the case study of company, all the data requirements, functional requirements were closely observed and accordingly data model prepared;This data model ready for physical implementation of the DOUBLE PANE SYSTEM database system.

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Executive Summary

Double Pane Relation data base Model
The aim of this assignment is study and analysis the case study of The DOUBLE PANE company need a computerized system that will maintain the inventory and sales purchase. We are proposing the solution for the Double Pane company according to given scenario. After the analysis we reach out the solution for the company; we will prepare a relational data base model .

The proposed relational data base model will capable for handle the items and stockroom employee and sales employee.

The first step of database model design; is conceptual database design therefore we will design the conceptual database design with given below step:

Identifying entity types
According to company case study there are two types of employee ; stockroom employee and sales employee. In database design first step is entity is identifying classifying the entity.
According to case study; our database have three main entities
Identifying stockroom entities
Stockroom entities:-
Stockroom employee, items, suppliers, Sales_Invoices

our database have three main entities
Identifying stockroom entities
Stockroom entities:-
Stockroom employee, items, suppliers, Sales_Invoices
Identifying sales entities
Sales entities:-
Sales employee, items, Clients, Sales_Invoices, OrderPayment_Receive

Identifying relationship types
The relationship between the attributes will be different .
Double Pane has stockroom and sales employee
Sales employee is manage by Sales manager
Sales Sales_Invoices is receive to Sales employee
Sales Sales_Invoices has manage according to Sales_Invoices id and Sales_Invoiceing clientNo, Client name.
Sales Sales_Invoice contain complete items information.

Items has item ID, item name, item itemprice
Item belongs to types
Types has TYPE id TYPE id
Each TYPE item has suppliers
Suppliers has supplier ID, supplier name
Items are stored in stockroom
Stockroom is managed by stockroom employee

Relations in Database Definition Language (DBDL)
 Employee has role
Employee (Employee ID, FName, LName, DOB, Sex, address, phone, loginname, password, Role ID)
Primary Key Employee ID
Alternate Key loginname
Foreign Key R_idrefrences Role (Role ID) Role (Role ID, rolename, Detail)
Primary Key Role ID

Employee registers Clients
Client (TID, SRegistedNo, fname, lname, address, phone, email, employeeID)
Primary Key TID
Alternate Key SRegistedNo
Foreign Key employeeID references Employee (employeeID)
Client makes Sales_Invoice

Sales_Invoice (OderID, O_Date, ErroMsg, employeeID, TID)
Primary Key Sales_InvoiceID
Foreign Key employeeID references Employee (Employee ID)
Foreign key TID references Client (TID)
Sales_Invoice has Sales_Invoice details
ODetail (OdetailID, unititemprice, size, Quantity, discount, total, DDate, billDate, Invoice_number, Sales_InvoiceID, ItemID)
Primary Key OdetailID
Foreign Key Invoice_number references OrderPayment (Invoice_number) Foreign Key Sales_InvoiceID references Sales_Invoice (Sales_InvoiceID) Foreign Key ItemID references Item (ItemID)

Relations using normalization
Our next step is normalization ;This process helps in reducing of data redundancy and solving update anomalies. Hence we are doing normalization of data up to 3NF.
In this report we create a database ; that normalization of data up to 3NF.

In this report ,we design logical data model that has been produced during the project is fully capable of defining the data requirements of the Double Pane company. During the analysis the case study of company, all the data requirements, functional requirements were closely observed and accordingly data model prepared; This data model ready for physical implementation of the DOUBLE PANE SYSTEM database system.







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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem

P1 Design a relational

M1 Produce a

D1 Assess the effectiveness of the design in relation to user and system requirements.

database system using

comprehensive design for a

appropriate design tools and

fully functional system

techniques, containing at least

which includes interface and

four interrelated tables, with

output designs, data

clear statements of user and

validations and data

system requirements.


LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design



LO2 & 3

D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the database solution in relation to user and system requirements, and suggest


P2 Develop the database system with evidence of user interface, output and data validations, and querying across multiple tables.

M2 Implement a fully functional database system which includes system security and database maintenance.

P3 Implement a query language into the relational database system.

M3 Assess whether meaningful data has been extracted through the use of query tools to produce appropriate management information.


LO3 Test the systems against user and system requirements


P4 Test the system against user and system requirements.

M4 Assess the effectiveness of the testing, including an explanation of the choice of test data used.


LO4 Produce technical and user documentation

P5 Produce technical and user

M5 Produce technical and

D3 Assess any future improvements that may be required to ensure the continued effectiveness of

the database system.


user documentation for a


fully functional system,


including diagrams showing


movement of data through



the system, and flowcharts


describing how the system



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