Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care Assignment

Qualification - BTEC Higher National Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit number and title - Unit 5 Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

QFC Level - Level 4 and Level 5


The Stafford Hospital enquiry was triggered off by Julie Bailey, through her ‘Cure the NHS' campaign. Bailey demanded for ‘changes' in the NHS after the death of her mother in the Safford Hospital in 2007. The Healthcare Commission carried out an investigation into the Hospital which brought the National attention to the scandal. The commission was first alerted by the "apparently high mortality rates in patients admitted as emergencies". When the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust which is responsible for running the hospital, failed to provide what the commission considered an adequate explanation, a full-scale investigation was carried out between March and October 2008. The revelations of the abuse at Stafford hospital were widely considered to be deeply shocking for example, patients were left in their own urine by nurses, and forced to resort to drinking from flower vases. Further enquiry was carried out in July 2009 and the report was released on 24th February 2010. This lead to the Trust apologising for its fallings and payouts of up to £11.000 were received by some of the affected families. In June 2010 a new public inquiry was set up by the new government chaired by Robert Francis QC which began on 8th November 2010. A million pages of previous evidence and hearings from witnesses were considered. The final report was published on 6th February 2013 and made 290 local and national recommendations which includes that the regulators should monitor and de- authorize the Foundation Trust.

The care sector was not left out of this as there have been Serious Case Reviews both in the Children and Adult Services such as Adult A, Victoria Climbee, Baby P and Daniel Pelka among others. These reviews investigated cases of abuse, neglect and subsequent death of these vulnerable adults and children and triggered changes in the law and working practices. As a result, new policies, frameworks and strategies have been developed and implemented to drive the prevention of such cases, for example the Children Act 2004 and The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty to Safeguards 2007. The Mental Capacity Act stipulates that those with dementia, mental illness or physical disability cannot be labeled as lacking mental capacity or as being unable to contribute to their own decisions without a prior assessment. Information and guidance on use of the Equality Act 2010 with particular emphasis on protection from harassment related to disability was put in place. The Mental Capacity Act works in conjunction with the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to ensure that vulnerable adults are not a danger to themselves or others. Different policies and government white papers had highlighted the need for collaborative working among Health and Social care providers. Such policies like SOVA (Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults), No Secrets Guidance, Every Child Matters, Laming reports and Putting People First and so on, mandates Healthcare Providers to safeguard vulnerable individuals in their care from harm and abuse. In the Government Response to the Stafford Hospital Scandal ‘‘Patients First and Foremost', the NHS affirmed their commitment to a better care: "Whether in a care home, at the family doctor, in a community pharmacy, in mental health services, or with personal care in vulnerable people's homes, we will ensure that the fundamental standards of care, that people have a right to expect are met consistently, whatever the settings".

Case Study

In view of the above issues in the Health and Social Care Sector, you are required to write a REPORT based on the instructions below to convey your knowledge, understanding of collaborative working and good practice as well as make relevant recommendations for improvement. Your report should be in three sections meeting all the assessment requirements. You are required to relate your answers to any or both of these case studies: THE MID STAFFORDSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST AND ADULT A SERIOUS CASE REVIEW. You should ensure you have studied the case reviews and use them both in and out of classroom. You must relate them to the section/assessment criteria and analyse them using different sources of information. The report must be submitted as one document.

TheADULT A SERIOUS CASE REVIEW and the Francis Inquiry report on THE MID STAFFORDSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUSTare uploaded in the ‘assignment pack folder' on stop online. You must research news reports and other websites including the ones further below to familiarize yourself with the given case studies before starting your report.

Section A
In relation to any or both given case studies explain the philosophy of working in partnership (covering LO1.1)
In relation to any or both given case studies, evaluate the effectiveness of partnership relationships within Health and Social care (covering LO1.2,)

Section B
In relation to any or both given case studies carry out the following:

Analyse models of partnership working across the health and social care sector.
Then review current legislation and organisational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care. Finally, explain how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working (covering LO 2.1, 2.2,2.3)

Section C
In relation to the any or both given case studies carry out the following:

Evaluate possible outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations and then analyse the potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services.
Finally, devise strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services (covering LO3.1, 3.2 3.3)

LO1 Understand partnership philosophies and relationships in health and social care services
1.1 Explain the philosophy of working in partnership in health and social care
1.2 Evaluate partnership relationships within health and social care services

LO2 Understand how to promote positive partnership working with users of services, professionals and organisations in health and social care services
2.1 Analyse models of partnership working across the health and social care sector
2.2 Review current legislation and organisational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care
2.3 Explain how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working

LO3 Be able to evaluate the outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations in health andSocial care services.
3.1 Evaluate possible outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organisations
3.2 Analyse the potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services
3.3 Devise strategies to improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services.







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BTEC Higher National Diploma in Health and Social Care, QFC Level - Level 4 and Level 5

Unit 5 Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

Finding it difficult to write a quality assignment for good grades? Grab an opportunity to get good grades on your task with MiracleSkills now!

To achieve excellence in Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care Assignment Help, we simply need to understand its meaning & aspects. It means working with one or more organizations or people with the purpose of sharing profit, advantages and benefits of the business for the welfare of healthcare and society. The partnership can be of many types depending upon the partner organization long term or short term partnership. Employee's behaviour and the relationship between the partners play a vital role in the collaboration of health and social care. Implementation and maintenance of business strategies are very much crucial for the long-lasting, durable and functional partnership of health and social care. Effective implementation can bring the advantages of knowledge, confidence and skills for the planning of working in partnership in health and social care. We at MiracleSkills, provide the best strategies and models for working in partnership in health and social care. Check it out some of the models of business.

Models of Partnership are nothing but the organizational structure for working in partnership in health and social care. These models help in understanding how this business strategy of cooperation works if implemented practically. There are various models of working in partnership in health and social care. First one is the Unified model, which includes management aspects like overall management and administration, staffing and training of the employees. The primary purpose of this model is the distribution of integrated services to the needy. The main advantage of this model is, it includes a single system for all the services to be delivered. Also, it consists of all health and social care activities. This model has a separate financial system, which is a beneficial benefit of this model. Another advantage of this model is, it carries a set of well-defined goals and objectives in only one strategic approach that is to be followed.

The second model is the Coalition Model. This model includes the association of various activities that work separately, which means, management, staffing & training works individually but is associated with each other by the help of federation. There is no any involvement of staffing with the training activities. The primary benefit of this model is that the services and events cooperate jointly. Working individually avoids data overlapping of segments & activities. The part only performs the given task.

The third model is the Hybrid model. This model is the combination of both the above-explained models. It includes the benefits of the models, the Coalition model & Unified model. Therefore, it is a more effective model used for working in partnership in healthcare & social care.

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