Q How you used information processing tools Unit 6 Business Decision Making Marks and Spencer Assignment Help - Unit 6 Business Decision Making Marks and Spencer - Level 5 Diploma in Business Previous << >> Next Program: Diploma in Business Unit Name: Unit 6 Business Decision Making Marks and Spencer Level: Level 5 Need business assignment help online? Contact us! We have several business professionals to offer you plagiarism-free and high-quality Level 5 in Business assignment help services online at a reasonable cost. Task-1Question 1 Create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data regarding how sales can be improved in the food sections of the business?Question 2 Here, you will present the survey methodology and sampling frame used (Please be reflective in your explanation?Question 3 Design a questionnaire to collect the data relating to the reasons why sales have fallen and how revenues can be improved in the food department of Marks and Spencer? Task 2: Be Able To Understand A Range Of Techniques To Analyse Data Effectively For Business PurposesQuestion 1 Create information for decision making by summarising data using representative values.Question 2 Analyse the results to draw valid conclusions in the context given in the scenario above (You have to make sure the Information is created using representative values and Analytical Report).Question 3 Analyse data using measures of dispersion to inform the strategy to improve sales.Question 4 Explain how quartiles, percentiles and the correlation coefficient are used to draw useful conclusions in the given business context? Task 3: Be able to produce information in appropriate formats for decision making in Marks and SpencerQuestion 1 Use the data collected in AC 2, to produce graphs using spreadsheets and draw valid conclusions based on the information derived( please ensure that it is a report with relevant graphs to aid relevant conclusions?Question 2 Now create trend lines in spreadsheet graphs to assist in forecasting for specified business information (this should be a well created graphs or statistical diagrams to aid business to forecast future information.Question 4 Produce a formal business report Task-4 Appropriate information processing toolsQuestion 1 Write a reflective report on the how you used information processing toolsQuestion 2 Prepare a project plan for an activity and determine the critical path (Make sure that various activities are used for critical path analysis)Question 3 Use financial tools for decision making regarding the strategy to improve sales. You have to apply practical calculation of data analysis linked with appropriate tools to aid decision making? Unit 6 of the Level 5 Diploma in Business covers the business decision-making process. The assignment for this unit requires students to apply the concepts of business decision making to a real-world scenario. In the case of Marks and Spencer, the assignment could involve analyzing the company's current situation, identifying the problems it is facing, and developing solutions to those problems. Students would need to consider a variety of factors, such as the company's financial performance, its competitive environment, and its customer base. The assignment can be challenging, but it is an important opportunity for students to develop their skills in business decision making. With careful planning and preparation, students should be able to complete the assignment successfully. Stop being so overwhelmed with the assignment work then get the HND assignment help in the UK to do your work on time and meet professor expectations. Hospitality Marketing Essentials Assignment Help Creative Digital Media Production BTEC Level 2 Unit 5 Management Accounting Assignment Help - Level 5 BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Advanced Programming Assignment Help, Diploma in Computing Teaching Assistant - Child and Young Individual Development Advanced Diploma of Business Assignment Help Evaluating and improving the performance of site staff Innovation and Commercialisation Assignment Help Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management Assignment Help Specific Need in Health and Social Care Assignment Help Procurement Risk and Contract Management Assignment Help Level 4 Diploma in Office Administration and PA with Official Certification Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now