Course - Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training


The term inclusive practice elaborates an understanding of strategy that acknowledges student variations and makes use of them to guarantee that all students are entitled to study materials and can fully engage in their learning (Finkelstein et al., 2021). It makes sure that classes and activities take into account the fact that no two students are the same. The task 1 report will be expanding an understanding contrast between cultural, social and political factors in inclusive practice. Followed by the report will also have a detailed explanation of different cognitive, physical and sensory learning abilities.

Unit 417: Inclusive Practice

Unit code: L/503/5384 and Level 4

Table of Contents
Task 1

  • Introduction
  • Impact of cultural, social and personal factors
  • Impact of sensory, physical and cognitive learning abilities
  • Conclusion

Task 2

  • Introduction
  • Regulatory frameworks and policy in inclusive practice
  • Regulatory frameworks and policy influencing organization policies
  • Regulatory frameworks and policy influencing own inclusive practice
  • Conclusion

Task 3

  • Introduction
  • Own responsibilities and role in inclusive practice
  • Relationship between other professional roles and own role in inclusive practice
  • Referral points available to meet the needs of individuals
  • Conclusion

Task 4

  • Introduction
  • Benefits and features of an inclusive learning environment
  • Promote value diversity and equality
  • Ways to promote inclusion
  • Strategies for effective liaison between involved professionals
  • Conclusion

Task 5

  • Introduction
  • Effectiveness of own inclusive practice
  • Own areas of improvement and strengths concerning inclusive practice
  • Opportunities to improve self-skills in inclusive practice
  • Conclusion
  • References

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Task 1:Report

In the College that you are working at, you should:

Question: Review the impact of personal, social and cultural factors on learning

Solution: Impact of cultural, social and personal factors

Specific customers respond to change by looking into, selecting, purchasing, and using services and products to meet specific needs. The act of purchasing involves both emotions and bodily functions (Ainscow, 2020). By knowing about how individuals consider, why they choose certain items, and where they shop, one may perfectly fit company services and products as well as your marketing and advertising campaigns, to their needs.

Personal factors: People are different from one another in terms of their ancestry, personalities, temperaments, and worldviews, thus what is important to one person could not be to another.

Self-concept and personality: These are the two most important individual factors that marketers and organizations consider. The things that people purchase, from books to clothing, are greatly influenced by personality attributes like boldness, conscience, intelligence, and empathy (Hutzler et al., 2019). In advertising, the term "self-concept," which refers to how a person perceives or hopes to perceive oneself, is widely used.

Lifestyle: People's interests, worldviews, and leisure pursuits all influence how they interact with their surroundings and make purchases. There is a lot of interaction between lifestyle, financial situation, and cultural influences.

Social factors: The "classroom climate" is defined as the "intellectual, sociological, moral, and physiological context in which instruction takes place." The classroom climate is influenced by the instructor's setting of the tone for the class, relationships with the students and professors, course demographics, sociological subjects discussed in class (such as politics and ethical dilemmas), and student-to-student interactions (Yada et al., 2018). It's important to keep in mind that not every kid will have the same opinions regarding the surroundings. According to a study, the environment in a classroom can range from being blatantly minority, which is hostile, unpleasant, and limited, to being openly centralizing, which makes overt and purposeful efforts to accommodate a variety of opinions.

Cultural factors: Youngster is more likely to internalize these principles if they are taught in an inclusive atmosphere and supportive school climate. Whether or not children could live independently and must therefore depend on some of those made by employees or officials depends on the culture of the school. Language, effects, biological adaptation, ecological tightness, sociocultural cohesiveness, and early socialization are some of the elements that affect early learning(Ainscow, 2020).

Question: Review the impact of different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on learning

Impact of sensory on student learning
Solution: Children who have problems with sensory processing may have academic difficulties. Sensitive children may be overpowered by, for instance, loud noiseslights orextremely bright, such as kids shouting at the playground. As an alternative, wearing uncomfortable clothing might make it harder for people to focus (Meo et al., 2020).

Sensory is very important in student learning as it helps to provide information about an individual sense and helps them to involve in another activity which promotes their self-involvement and helps them to interact successfully with people around the world (Awidi andPaynter, 2019). The children going through the sensory learning abilities are required to be focused as they face various difficulties in their academic journey which are to be focused on.

Importance of impact of physical abilities on student learning
Physical abilities have a direct connection with the attention and concentration of the students which classifies their Behavior in the classroom. Physical activeness for the students is important as they help them in improving their day-to-day activities of walking and strengthening their muscles and bones which reduces the causes of diseases and engages towards better health and smoother conditions of an individual brain (Di Pietro et al., 2020). Physical development has a greater and a positive impact on the learning of a child as it helps them in developing positively.

Impact of cognitive learning abilities on student learning
Cognitive skills are important as they improve and result in increased experiences for learners and students. This could be more concisely understood with the help of for example that is when a student cannot effectively rise affected as compared to the other readers (Thuneberg et al., 2018). Many readers do not have abilities to read concisely and effectively they might face difficulties in the classes because they have poor cognitive learning abilities.

The whole task helped in understanding a brief analysis of social, cultural and personal factors. An identification of how these factors have an impact on the learning abilities of the individual student. The analysis of the term inclusive practice has also been performed at the start of the section to have an understanding of the term and to have a good hold of what the section is including. The section further has the involvement of impact of cognitive, physical and sensory learning abilities of students.

FAQ: Learning and Individual Differences

  • Q: How do different abilities impact learning?
  • Q: How can these differences affect students?
  • Q: What can educators do to support all learners?

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Task 2:

You are required to respond to the following questions after reviewing one article in each question. You need to ensure you review recent policies at your workplace and state how this may affect the general work environment.


In this section, a detailed description of different frameworks regarding inclusive practice and its policies will be identified. There will be an analysis of various legislations and laws which are in respect to inclusive practices and an explanation of the policies and frameworks which influence a company's particular policies. The last section of this task will include understanding various involvement of practices and policies which left an impact on own inclusive practices. The section will be having a detailed understanding of various laws and regulations which reflect and have an impact on own working policies and how they create a problem and how could it be applied to engage towards a better understanding.

Question: Summaries policy and regulatory frameworks relating to inclusive practice

Regulatory frameworks and policy in inclusive practice

Solution: The involvement of inclusive practice has become an important factor in the coming years which makes it essential for the company to follow the government policies and implement every law which avoids their business to get into any running issues. An important act which could be identified under the involvement of companies to avoid any mismanagement in the form is the Equality Act 2010. This law focuses on making assurance to every individual working in the organization that they will be treated on an equal basis irrespective of their gender, religion, race and sex (Wong et al., 2021).

The next framework which focuses on inclusive practice of organization is the disability Act 2010. The act focuses on avoiding any situation with discrimination against people working in the company as they belong to different regions or are discriminated against based on their gender, or race (Hardy et al., 2018). There is section 142 from the handbook of off today's school inspection identifies that the importance of inclusive practices in the institution of academics is very essential. This law by the handbook attains that the team members of a unit are required to be included completely in the judgment so that equal participation in the team could be enhanced. Another act to be focused on is the health and Safety Act of 1974 which focuses on ensuring that academic institutions and safety policies in an organization are initiated successfully. The curriculum of the educational practices also identified that students coming from the age group of 14 to 19 years Further improve discipline and educational practices in inclusive learning(Wong et al., 2021).

Question: Explain how policy and regulatory frameworks influence organisational policies relating to inclusive practice

Regulatory frameworks and policy influencing organization policies

Solution: The policies of the organization are impacted due to the framework of national regularity. The institution develops these policies with the aspect to keep the organizational development managed (Rees and Gold, 2020). This promotes inclusive policies in an organization which gives a minimum target to the companies so that they could accomplish what's planned. This could be certainly explained with the help of an example that is an organization that includes all the inclusive standards so that selection criteria and appointment criteria could be successfully met. This is also influenced by the Equality Act which focuses on avoiding any discrimination practice in the company and ensuring that all the measures related to discrimination practices and equality after initiated in the organization so that no student could face wrong practices in aspect to the laws (Malinauskaite et al., 2019). There is also another act of health and safety of 1974 which focuses on providing proper health and safety security to the students I did institution.

Question: Explain how policy and regulatory frameworks influence your own inclusive practice

Regulatory frameworks and policy influencing own inclusive practice

Solution: The frameworks are the aspects through which a person tends to ensure that they are successfully involving the practices to work in the company. This puts all remembering factors in the minds of individuals working in the organization so that in case if they are taking a decision they keep certain rules and regulations and policies in their mind while pursuing it so that no negative impact could be identified(Rees and Gold, 2020). The Data Protection Act of the UK from 2018 also identifies that no individuals are misplaced or misguided concerning the company policies and frameworks including all the people suffering from any disabilities. At my workplace, both genders are working in the organization. The author is focused on promoting all genders and individuals Who can perform all the particular tasks to be promoted. The procedures of quality assurance are also one of the factors which are focused so that no visual elements could be incorporated the material of the text is also read in front of the students of the class so that no issues could be identified and problems could be faced by the students even from disabilities.

There were problems identified by the learners and identification that how inclusive practices helped the author to help those individuals in that particular situation. The loaner one identified that student who was suffering from ADHD identified that they have issues concerning concentrating on a particular subject. To help them with the engagement towards visual aids so that they could concentrate properly and proper instruction provided while they use them so that they could succeed on an outcome through it. Another problem identified by the author was an individual what's suffering from blindness and had an issue regarding quests and tests due to the problems of blindness(Rees and Gold, 2020). To support the individual author provided them with a Braille script and also focused on providing clear and concise communication instructions so that they could be clear about what is required to be performed by the individual in the paper.

This section provided a thorough discussion of several frameworks about inclusive practice and its policies. Analysis of numerous laws and laws about inclusive practices was performed, and those laws' frameworks and policies that have an impact on a company's specific policies were attained. Understanding the many behaviours and policies that have an impact on one's inclusive practices were covered in the final component of this work. The part also provided a thorough explanation of the numerous rules and regulations that influenced and reflected one's working policies, as well as how they pose issues and could be used to further one's understanding.


  • Q: How do policy and regulatory frameworks influence organisational policies relating to inclusive practice?
  • Q: How do policy and regulatory frameworks influence your own inclusive practice?

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Task 3: In this task, you are required to summarise your own role in the organization where you work. You should produce your reflection on inclusive practices on your role and responsibility, motivating and devolving responsibility from lecturer to learners including recognising the need for boundaries.


In this section of task 3, the author's responsibilities and roles have been involved to identify their self-roles and responsibility and inclusive practices. There has been an elaboration on what are an individual's roles and responsibilities while walking in the inclusive practices and how are they different from other professional roles. There is the identification of certain referral points which have been provided to meet the individual needs certainly. There is also the identification of benefits and referral relevance of the learners in the inclusive environment.

Question: Summarise your own role and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice

Own responsibilities and role in inclusive practice

Solution: It has been identified by me that providing experiences which are dynamic for the learners is very essential as an Ironman part of the organization of the education industry and it makes me an important aspect for initiating the decisions which are in positive contributes and attributes of the company (Sulasmiand Akrim, 2020). This makes it essential for me to understand my core responsibility and strictly get stacked to it. This becomes crucial for me to make the students aware of their practices of inclusion in the educational industry and promote their experiences for better learning and to have a better future. This acts also as my core responsibility to make sure that my students do not encourage themselves in practices which are promoting discrimination. I focus on engaging them which certain plans and conversations which promote their understanding.

To make awareness among colleagues and people working together I play an active role. As and when a new individual or faculty takes a step into the organization I focus on providing a brief overview of the policies of company and how they can assure that all these practices and policies are initiated effectively. I am aware of different practices and changed factors in the government the educational policy so that I could make all the people working in the educational industry make aware of it with the help of social media. I focus on making every individual student a participant in the group to engage towards better learning and encourage them involved in different activities so that they could develop themselves and be part of inclusive practices.

Question: Explain the relationship between your own role and the roles of other professionals involved in inclusive practice

Relationship between other professional roles and own role in inclusive practice

Solution: It is important to understand the relationship between different educational teachers and different learners or teachers from different professional roles. There are possibilities that many teachers coming from a junior background or recently stepped into the education industry might face difficulties while communicating with the learners and look out for assistance from the senior teachers so that they could successfully meet the requirements of learners (Van Mieghem et al., 2020). Most of the new educational providers face the fuse as the big challenge whereby I ensure that every aspect of those junior teachers is removed and proper help is provided to them from my end with the involvement of inclusive practices.

I particularly make sure that my principles of inclusive practices relegate to in better development of professionals in the educational industry. An example of its better understanding can be wherever there is a possibility of a student meeting for the children with their parents and students I focus on having open communication between parents so that a clear exchange of ideas could be performed and practices of efficient inclusive could be involved.

I also focus on pitching the board of directors so that they are aware of certain changes in the educational policies and those that could be accomplished in the industry. I focused towards the security department and disciplinary factors as well so that students could successfully encourage themselves and take a step whether they feel discrimination Being performed in their aspect.

Question: Identify points of referral available to meet individual learning needs

Referral points available to meet the needs of individuals

Solution: The term referral points refer to an understanding of how the information about the referee and referral are gathered and included so that complete contact information is developed. The form of referral is mostly provided by the teacher to the students so that they could successfully understand what is the essential requirement and how they could successfully initiate all-day group activities into a particular form so that all their queries and problems get resolved (Hadleyand McGrath, 2021). This results in really focusing to understand that all their issues and problems are registered by the teacher and Could be dealt with professionally.

This results in providing appropriate solutions to the students so that no issues are being faced by the learners and their issues are certainly being resolved by the tutors. Also while the students are provided with this form the teachers of the tutors make a proper acknowledgement about how the students are aware of what are the instructions of the particular form and proper guidance have been provided to them so that they are clear in the aspect of the referral form (Bradbury, 2019). Proper guidance has been provided so that individuals' requirements are successfully met and no issues are identified by them. Proper guidance is therefore initiated by the teachers to their leaders so that they do not face any difficulties while performing a particular task and completing an individual form.

The assignment included the authors in identifying their roles, responsibilities, and inclusive behaviours. The tasks and obligations of an individual when participating in inclusive practices have been elaborated upon, along with how they differ from other professional roles. A few referral sources that have been made available to satisfy each person's needs have been identified. Additionally, the learners' advantages and referral value in the inclusive setting were identified.

FAQ: My Role in Inclusive Practice

  • Q: What's your role in promoting inclusive practice?
  • Q: How does your role relate to others in inclusive practice?
  • Q: Where can I find referrals for individual needs?

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Task 4:
In this task, you need to be motivational, show a positive attitude and stress discrimination points of view and tolerance for each other. In a report format, you are required to address the following issues:

This section will concisely drop down the focus on understanding the various features and benefits of the inclusive learning environment. There will be an elaboration on understanding the importance of value diversity and equality and how it is promoted in the inclusive learning environment. The involvement of various strategies for the effective liaison between the involved professionals has been explored in this section to understand the cooperation between the specialists in a particular sector is performed. There is also an elaboration on ways to promote inclusion and how they are effectively initiated in the professional working environment.

Question: Review the key features and benefits of an inclusive learning environment

Benefits and features of an inclusive learning environment

Solution: The practices of inclusive learning focus on having treatment which is equal for all people and individual learners. This promotes equality among the students as every individual is treated equally and an environment of active learning is Initiated. The environment of inclusive learning results in promoting the students to develop their abilities to perform effectively and provided equal importance to attention to all students (Martin et al., 2019). This results in meeting the requirements of all learners and also developing a sense of respect for each other so that guardians and made aware of the practices that are initiated by the faculties.

The greater feature and benefit of an inclusive learning environment that is included in the classroom activities is that it promotes efficient learning development activities of the students and collaborates them with a higher tendency of productive results and an increased enhancement in work development (Apfelbeck et al., 2020). The involvement of different practices of the Equality Act, and Discrimination Act results in enhancing the collaborative environment of the teaching practices which becomes a better prevalent idea.

The responsibilities coming with the inclusive learning environment result in an impactful effort as it helps in having a step towards a better collaboration with each other and increases responsibilities among the students for the effective. There is Maslow's theory suggested that the needs of humans are categorized by five different standards which are named as self-actualization needs, esteem needs, love and belonging needs and Psychological needs (Coates and Pimlott, 2019).

The theory is named Maslow's hierarchy theory. A classroom with successfully implies the needs and the laws of policies of inclusive practices results in the involvement of all the five human factors of master Hierarchy theory (Bozyigit, 2021). this results in improved performances of the students and greater engagement of learners towards various activities performed in the classes. This leads to a greater performance of the students and higher productivity chances among the learners.

Question: Analyse ways to promote equality and value diversity

Promote value diversity and equality

Solution: There are multiple ways for the tutor to engage the learners towards better equality and diversity aspects of good learning. The involvement of various aspects of promoting equality is included in every teacher which focuses on providing the material which helps them reduce the learning gaps and focus towards quality of data and content provided by the tutors to the student so that better learning capabilities could be performed by the students (Coe et al., 2019).

The teacher while performing sessions of teaching in the classes must assure that all the students have been provided with the material which is effective which results in helping the students to identify any gaps that may occur while completing the study materials and raising any issues identified and discussed with the tutors.

The value diversity access is another important factor which A tutor must not look into as every individual learner comes from backgrounds which are of different kinds and thus they should not be judged based on it(Coe et al., 2019). Therefore, this makes an important aspect that all the donors are provided with equal opportunities of standing or taking their stand. The tutors should focus towards the ways through which diversity and equality could be promoted successfully in the industry. There are activities which could be performed by the tutors to engage the students towards equality and diversity platforms so that better involvement in workplace encouragement practices is initiated.

A strategy such as empowering learners could be initiated which will help the learners to have the chance of completing the task individually and highlighting their skills and ideas where they are good(Coe et al., 2019). This results in also identifying the gaps which are to be focused on so that no discrimination could be laid and students have been provided with equal opportunity of equal diversity and equality.

Question: Analyse ways to promote inclusion

Ways to promote inclusion

Solution: There are certain methods which could be effectively initiated for the regulatory frameworks involvement indeed a particular organization. This should be focused on by the tutors so that they involve all the laws and policies which are required to be initiated in the company so that the learners could be motivated for the particular task and not get discriminated against and have unequal opportunities while performing learning in the classroom (Moore et al., 2021).

There are certain suggestions to promote inclusion activities in an organization so that the loners gain a productive output out of their teachings and all the ads are initiated appropriately. It is suggested that teachers or tutors make sure that all the policies and regulations are recorded as per the requirements and strictly initiated such as the cases so that no learners are affected Due to their cultural background or other aspects (Freeman et al., 2020).

Another strategy which could be initiated by the organization is enhancing or taking a step towards the development of a committee which focuses on dropping the focus towards a particular cause and having a brief discussion and analysis so that sorted aspects does not again.

Question: Review strategies for effective liaison between professionals involved in inclusive practice

Strategies for effective liaison between involved professionals

Solution: An inclusive environment can be fostered with strong employee interaction. Among the same, communication is crucial. These professionals can schedule in-person meetings. Covid-19 does not prevent the organization of virtual meetings even when face-to-face meetings are not possible. Work practices that encourage collaboration can also assist to stimulate the classroom (Alshahrani, 2020). For instance, these experts can plan group lessons where they work together to inform the children about the value of inclusivity. The use of technology is crucial for sustaining relationships with the aforementioned professionals because Covid-19 makes it impossible to meet in person. VLEs, LinkedIn, Zoom Meetings, and emails were employed as communication methods in these periods to preserve cooperation with the specialist.

This task focused on the many characteristics and advantages of inclusive learning environments clearly and straightforwardly. The significance of values like equality and diversity and how they are supported in inclusive learning environments were elaborated on. To understand how collaboration between experts in a certain field is carried out, many tactics for efficient liaison between the relevant professionals have been investigated in this section. A discussion of inclusion promotion strategies and how they might be successfully implemented in the workplace is also included.

FAQ: Building an Inclusive Learning Environment

  • Q: What are the key features of an inclusive learning environment?
  • Q: How can we promote equality and value diversity?
  • Q: How can we promote inclusion?
  • Q: How can professionals collaborate effectively in inclusive practice?

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Task 5: In your own workplace or placement organization, you are required to reflect on the effectiveness of inclusive learning strategies in the college, in the classroom and all learning opportunities.

This is a self-reflective assessment of the author's inclusive learning abilities and methods. The assessment will include the pertinent strategies the author can use to advance inclusion, equality, and diversity in this part. The evaluation will help in identifying the author's strengths and potential growth areas. Last but not least, this will also include a development plan that the author can use to improve his inclusion practices.

Question: Review the effectiveness of own inclusive practice

Effectiveness of own inclusive practice

My activities involving inclusion, in my opinion, have been successful because I completely abide by the regulations and organizational policies linked to inclusion. Additionally, as I involve my students in discussions about inclusion-related themes to inform them about the same, my inclusive practice has been successful (Holmes et al., 2019). By assessing the campaigns I've started for inclusive practices, my peers have also confirmed that my inclusive practices are pretty effective. Additionally, additional inclusive behaviours that my peers valued were teamwork. I frequently provide team projects to children from different ethnic origins so they can learn about one another's cultures and grow to respect one another. Having said that, there are a few areas where I fall short. For example, because I am unfamiliar with Traditional teaching styles, I find it difficult to meet the requirements of the students. As a result, I worry that if a kid in my class has a different educational need than the others, he would feel alienated.

Question: Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to inclusive practice

Own areas of improvement and strengths concerning inclusive practice

• I think that my self-awareness is one of my greatest assets when it comes to inclusivity.
• I always make sure I'm up to date on any new inclusion-related laws and policies.
• My ability to communicate effectively, which I use to raise awareness of the importance of inclusiveness, is another asset.

• Lack of knowledge about Traditional teaching styles
• My ignorance of multiculturalism could cause my students to sense ignored.

• Because I don't understand VARK learning methods, my kids can feel left out.
• It's possible that I won't be informed of any changes to inclusion rules, in which case I may participate in actions that are prohibited by the rule.

• I am aware that I can still develop my abilities in terms of inclusive practices. Therefore, I have the chance to grow in the same way by touring other companies and getting ideas from their inclusion practices.
• In addition, I've also found a chance that requires me to talk to the experts so that I can learn about the most recent inclusive methods.
• To broaden my inclusivity, I also intend to familiarize myself with VARK learning methods.

Question: Plan opportunities to improve own skills in inclusive practice

Opportunities to improve self-skills in inclusive practice

Solution: All learners have access to efficient pathways for reaching learning objectives in settings where they feel connected owing to inclusive learning. Every child, regardless of skill or ability, studies within a time-of-life class in an open educational setting (Holmes et al., 2019). It is predicated on the notion that every family and child deserves to have the same opportunities and is valued equally.




Knowledge about blended learning: I will go to other companies to see what techniques they use.

Knowledge about blended learning: I will go to other companies to see what techniques they use.

2 Months

I feel I have accomplished the stated goal since I have attended 5 organizations.

Announcements on current legal changes and active changes relating to inclusivity: I will consult experts and specialists so that I'll be properly directed in this.

3 Months

I still need to see the specialist twice more despite my three previous visits.

Learning VARK teaching methods: I intend to participate in a virtual classroom that will instruct me on the VARK strategy instruction so that I may guarantee diversity in my class.

3 Months

There are still six classes left in the programme after I have completed 12 of those.

The section has a self-evaluation of the author's inclusive learning methods and talents. The evaluation covered the important tactics the author can employ to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in a particular area. The evaluation assisted in determining the author's areas of potential strength and improvement. There was also a development plan included in this that the author can employ to enhance their inclusion strategies.

FAQ: Self-Reflecting on Inclusive Practice

  • Q: How can I review the effectiveness of my own inclusive practice?
  • Q: How can I identify my strengths and weaknesses in relation to inclusion?
  • Q: How can I improve my skills in inclusive practice?

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