Q Marketing Principles - level 4 in business Marketing Principles Assignment Help - Get accurate Marketing Principles assignemnt help and solution - level 4 in business from highly talented writers! Previous << >> Next Marketing Principles - level 4 in busines Task 1: 1.1 To prepare a SWOT analysis of the organisation and explain the significance of using the SWOT analysis as a marketing tool. 1.2 Next present and evaluate the marketing objectives of Starbucks and explain how defining marketing objectives can help a business to develop marketing strategies. How does this contribute to the benefits of costs such as market orientation as customer satisfaction, desired quality, service and customer care, relationship marketing etc Task 2: 2.1 Start this task by analyzing any three micro and three macro environmental factors influencing marketing decisions in Starbucks. 2.2 After that propose in which segmentation criteria would be mostly pertinent for Starbucks to use for their products in different markets. (Use examples of at least two different segmentation criteria) 2.3 Think about a range of products and services Starbucks offers, choose a targeting strategy for one of them and propose a positioning strategy for this product 2.4 Demonstrate how buyer behaviour affects marketing activities in different buying situations. Provide here two examples of buying situations which marketing managers in Starbucks should in your opinion especially consider. Task 3: 3.1 - Start by explaining how products in Starbucks are being developed in order to ensure the sustainability of competitive advantage. You should focus here on the differences in products between Starbucks and different coffee shop. 3.2 - Next is to explain the various distribution strategies implemented by Starbucks. Think about customers' convenience and satisfaction in relation to distribution channel that has been used. 3.3 - In the next part you have to analyze pricing strategies, used by Starbucks. Provide an explanation how prices are set in relation to company's objectives and market conditions (competition, current economic situation etc.) 3.4 - Promotional activity is a must for every organisation. Make a research into promotional activities of Starbucks and illustrate how promotional strategies used by this organisation are integrated and related to marketing objectives of the organisation. 3.5 - Finally at the end of this task you were asked to provide short analysis of additional elements of the extended marketing mix based on the examples of Starbucks. Task 4: 4.1 To begin with you are asked to plan and prepare marketing mix for two different segments of market in Starbucks. Use here an example of one existing segment and propose the second, new one. Design for both segments marketing mix plan (4P) 4.2 Your task is to also illustrate differences in marketing products and services to business rather than consumers. Next to Starbucks use here an example of another organisation. 4.3 Finally your report will end with the evaluation how and why international marketing differs from domestic one - use here at least two examples of marketing strategies Starbucks used to market to market their products internationally. Financial Management Assignment Help Entry Level Courses Managing a Professional Engineering Project Assignment Help - Unit 4 Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Engineering BTEC Diploma in Performing Arts Level 2 Software Engineering Assignment Help Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance Assignment Help Financial Management Assignment Help Tourism Management Assignment Help Advanced Personal Taxation Assignment Help Games Development Assignment Help Managing Behaviour Assignment Help BTEC Diploma in Countryside and Environment Level 2 Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now