Programme - Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing
Level - Level 4
Unit Number and Title - Unit 1 Programming
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes 1. Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the process of programming an application.
Algorithm definition:
Writing algorithms to carry out an operation, e.g. Bubble sort. The relationship between algorithms and code.
The generation process of code; the roles of the pre-processor, compiler and linker, interpreter.
Learning Outcomes 2. Explain the characteristics of procedural, object-orientated and event-driven programming, conduct an analysis of a suitable Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Characteristics of code:
Definitions of: data types (the role of constants/variables), methods (including input/output), control structures, iteration, scope, parameter passing, classes, inheritance and events.
Key components of an IDE with a brief explanation each component.
Learning Outcomes 3. Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE.
Developing simple applications which implements basic algorithms covered in LO1, using the features of a suitable language and IDE. Consider possible security concerns and how these could be solved.
Learning Outcomes 4. Determine the debugging process and explain the importance of a coding standard.
Review and reflection:
Documentation of the debugging process in the IDE, with reference to watch lists, breakpoints and tracing.
How the debugging process can be used to help developers fix vulnerabilities, defects and bugs in their code.
What a coding standard is and its benefits when writing code.
Assessment Criteria
LO1 Define basic algorithms to carry out an
operation and outline the process of programming an
P1 Provide a definition of what an algorithm is and outline the process in
building an application.
M1 Determine the steps taken from writing code to execution.
D1 Examine the implementation of an algorithm in a suitable
language. Evaluate the
relationship between the
written algorithm and the
code variant.
LO2 Explain the characteristics of procedural, object-
D2 Critically evaluate the source code of an application which implements the programming paradigms, in terms of the code structure and characteristics.
orientated and event-driven programming, conduct
an analysis of a suitable Integrated Development
Environment (IDE)
P2 Give explanations of
M2 Analyse the common
what procedural, object-
features that a developer
orientated and event-
has access to in an IDE.
driven paradigms are;
their characteristics and
the relationship between
LO3 Implement basic algorithms in code using an
D3 Evaluate the use of an IDE for development of applications contrasted with not using an IDE.
P3 Write a program that
M3 Use the IDE to
implements an algorithm
manage the development
using an IDE.
process of the program.
LO4 Determine the debugging process and explain the importance of a coding standard
P4 Explain the debugging process and explain the debugging facilities available in the IDE.
P5 Outline the coding standard you have used in your code.
M4 Evaluate how the debugging process can be used to help develop more secure, robust applications.
D4 Critically evaluate why a coding standard is necessary in a team as well as for the individual.