Course - BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Unit - Digital Technology Management

The usage of the Internet of Things (IoT) for predictive maintenance by British Airways is examined in this research. The strategic management of information systems within the aviation industry is examined in this article. To examine scholarly research and recently published works about this digital technology, this study employs game theory. Using information from the most recent sources, this research aims to investigate how game theory affects strategic decision-making. To do this, this report draws attention to the competitive dynamics and strategic positioning of British Airways in the fast-evolving aviation sector, which is a result of the digital revolution.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Overview of the Organisation
  • Identifying the Strategic Information Systems (SIS) Opportunities for British Airways
  • SIS Opportunities in Digital Transformation
  • Predictive Maintenance: Redefining Operational Reliability
  • Fuel Efficiency Optimization: Sustainable Cost-Saving Strategies
  • Elevating Passenger Experience: Personalization for Loyalty
  • Game Theory Perspectives on Predictive Maintenance
  • Interconnected Decisions in Digital Transformation
  • Evaluating SIS Opportunities and their impact on the company's strategic position
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Fuel Efficiency Optimization
  • Enhanced Passenger Experience
  • Critical Analysis
  • Conclusion
  • References

Assignment title - Strategic Information Systems (SIS) Opportunities

Overview of the Organisation

One of the top airlines in the world and a symbol of aviation perfection is British Airways. The airline, which was established in 1974, is recognized for its creativity, dependability, and superior customer service. From its primary base at London Heathrow Airport, which serves more than 200 destinations, British Airways links travelers worldwide. With its state-of-the-art fleet, dedication to sustainability, and emphasis on digital transformation, British Airways keeps setting new standards for air travel (, 2023). The airline is renowned for providing top-notch amenities, including opulent lounges and cutting-edge in-flight entertainment, and it remains a top choice for both business and leisure visitors. British Airways has shown it can expertly combine tradition and technical innovation to provide a top-notch travel experience in a sector that is always changing.

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Question: Identifying the Strategic Information Systems (SIS) Opportunities for British Airways

SIS Opportunities in Digital Transformation

British Airways is using Strategic Information Systems (SIS) to put itself strategically ahead of the curve in the age of digital change in the aviation sector. IoT for Aircraft Maintenance and Operations, the chosen digital technology, sets the stage fora transformative journey and strategically aligns with academic findings. British Airlines sees a future where real-time data drives decision-making, promotes operational efficiency, and enhances customer experience. To this end, British Airways has integrated IoT into its operational framework (, 2019).With this strategic launch, SIS has established itself as a driving force behind innovation and a source of competitive advantage, reflecting our commitment to being at the forefront of the digital world.British Airways promises to achieve unprecedented levels of operational excellence and customer pleasure, and this promise becomes even more apparent as it begins this process of technological integration.

Predictive Maintenance: Redefining Operational Reliability

British Airways is now recognized as a leader in operational dependability within the aviation sector because of the revolutionary effort of introducing predictive maintenance using the Internet of Things. British Airways is redefining its leadership in uninterrupted service and ensuring proactive maintenance by leveraging IoT sensors to do predictive maintenance on aircraft components. This tactic has a big effect on rivals in the field of game theory mechanics, making them reconsider their retention plans to stay competitive (Brenner, 2018). The industry environment is changing as a result of the domino effect, with operational dependability becoming the primary point of distinction.British Airways is establishing new benchmarks for quality that will affect the whole cutthroat aviation sector in addition to solidifying its reputation as a reliable airline by leading the way in predictive maintenance.

Fuel Efficiency Optimization: Sustainable Cost-Saving Strategies

Beyond more conventional cost-cutting methods, British Airways is finding that boosting fuel economy through IoT data analysis has a substantial SIS potential (Torenbeek, 2020).British Airways seeks to both save operating expenses and be in line with its sustainable aviation goals by thoroughly evaluating data on fuel use, weather, and flight patterns. In addition to setting British Airways on a road toward environmental responsibility, this calculated step also urges its rivals to do a similar analysis. To develop flexibility to the shifting dynamics of the business, rival airlines need to assess their operational strategies and environmental effects.In addition to providing quick financial benefits, integrating IoT into fuel economy establishes British Airways as a pioneer in the pursuit of environmentally friendly flying methods and gives rival airlines a competitive edge in a changing aviation landscape. Additionally, the business has the power to establish guidelines that force you to reconsider and improve your strategy to keep doing so.

Elevating Passenger Experience: Personalization for Loyalty

Within British Airways' digital transformation initiatives, one of the primary Strategic Information Systems (SIS) possibilities is to improve the passenger experience. British Airways is incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, namely intelligent luggage tracking, to move beyond traditional travel. With the help of this creative solution, luggage can be monitored in real-time, guaranteeing guests a stress-free and easy trip. By giving passengers greater control over their journeys, British Airways increases operational efficiency while simultaneously giving them more information. This SIS project goes beyond simple technology development.Passengers now actively participate in their travel experience, marking a paradigm change (Ma and Ma, 2022). Because British Airways goes above and above the norm to provide individualized travel experiences, our dedication to customization fosters a sense of loyalty among our clients. In addition to ensuring customer pleasure, this calculated decision establishes British Airways as a leader in the airline industry's customer-centric digital transformation.

Game Theory Perspectives on Predictive Maintenance

A complex network of strategic interdependencies exists within the aviation sector, as shown by examining predictive maintenance through the perspective of game theory. In addition to improving operational dependability, British Airways is proactively altering its competitive landscape by implementing IoT for predictive maintenance. This action establishes a new benchmark for the industry and puts pressure on rivals to either adjust and make comparable technology investments or risk lagging. Strategic interdependence is seen in this game theory scenario, as each contestant's actions both impact and are influenced by those of other participants (Chen et al., 2023). Because of the unpredictability brought about by British Airways' IoT deployment, the game is not strictly zero-sum; a player's win does not always equate to a player's direct loss.Instead, it is altering the terrain by pressuring rivals to reconsider their approaches and encouraging a culture of ongoing innovation in the aviation industry.

The strategic decisions made by each participant in this fast-paced game will eventually influence how the industry develops in the future.

Interconnected Decisions in Digital Transformation

Beyond merely an update in technology, British Airways' strategic use of IoT for predictive maintenance demonstrates a strong commitment to operational excellence in the digital era (Lykou et al., 2018). British Airways establishes industry standards for dependability by keeping an eye on and maintaining aircraft parts proactively. Using IoT is not a decision that is taken in a vacuum. Competitors are forced to modify their strategy to stay competitive as a result of the domino effect it causes. In the larger context of digital transformation and game-theoretic dynamics, this interwoven web of decisions emphasizes the difficulty of making smart judgments. As it demonstrates the mutually beneficial link between strategic decision-making and technology innovation, British Airways is emerging as a major force in determining the direction of the business. A new age of operational efficiency and competitive strategy is being paved by these interrelated decisions as the aviation industry environment continues to change, and British Airways is dedicated to strengthening its leadership in the dynamic and interconnected sector of digital transformation.

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Question: Evaluating SIS Opportunities and their impact on the company's strategic position

Predictive Maintenance

Degree of competitive advantage:British Airways' introduction of predictive maintenance through IoT integration is seen as a significant competitive advantage in the aviation sector (Altaf and Khalil, 2016). By taking strategic steps to increase operational dependability, British Airways will stand out from the competition and establish a unique selling point that will greatly influence customer happiness and loyalty. In a competitive market, British Airways stands out thanks to its operational stability, which also enhances the traveler experience.

Costs and Feasibility Associated:From a financial and practical standpoint, the idea-to-implementation process has moderate-to-high upfront expenses. It will be expensive to invest in his state-of-the-art IoT sensors and to construct a strong data analytics infrastructure. But in the long run, the advantages are compelling and outweigh the upfront expenses.A proactive, forward-thinking approach to maintenance cost reduction will help British Airways realize long-term, sustainable operational efficiency and cost reductions. The potential to keep this competitive advantage gives rise to the medium risk that has been identified.

Risk:The industry's capacity to adjust to comparable technology poses a risk. British Airways' distinct edge may be diminished if rivals swiftly incorporate the Internet of Things (IoT) for predictive maintenance. To resolve this problem, British Airways has to continue innovating, being watchful, and staying ahead of the curve in the business. Challenges with technical integration are a significant obstacle. It takes careful design and implementation to seamlessly integrate IoT into current maintenance systems.

Challenges: More challenges might arise from possible opposition to cultural and technical change. To guarantee a seamless transition and optimize the potential of predictive maintenance, proper personnel training is crucial. With the potential to boost customer happiness and loyalty, predictive maintenance presents a substantial competitive advantage. However, there are cost, risk, and technology integration problems that need to be properly addressed. The achievement of British Airways in this undertaking is contingent upon strategic innovation, proactive risk management, and a collaborative effort to address the technological and organizational obstacles presented by this cutting-edge technology.

Fuel Efficiency Optimization
British Airways has demonstrated that utilizing IoT to optimize fuel economy has been a strategic decision that has given the airline sector a considerable competitive edge. In addition to providing financial savings, optimizing fuel use supports sustainability objectives, which are crucial in the current ecologically conscious atmosphere.

Degree of competitive advantage: British Airways is setting the standard for fuel economy optimization in terms of competitive advantage, especially when it comes to generating considerable cost savings. The degree to which this advantage is realized, though, will still be determined by how quickly rivals use comparable tactics. The competitive dynamics of the sector are highlighted by the possibility that the unique benefits of IoT may be lessened the quicker it is incorporated to increase fuel economy.

Costs and Feasibility Associated:Optimizing fuel economy through IoT implementation necessitates a substantial upfront commitment from a cost and viability standpoint. Investments in technology and analytical infrastructure must be substantial. Long-term viability and compatibility with sustainability objectives, as well as the possibility of major cost savings, make it a very viable option that may enhance the brand reputation.

Risk:Industry adoption rates are connected to the medium and high dangers that have been identified. Enhancing fuel economy can provide a competitive advantage, but it can also be compromised if rivals swiftly use comparable tactics (Raza et al., 2019). Exogenous variables like variations in gasoline prices introduce intricacy and influence projected cost reductions.

Challenges: Difficulties with technical complexity make it difficult to adjust to changing external circumstances that affect fuel economy. It takes careful preparation to overcome the challenges involved in integrating IoT into current fuel management systems and guarantee a smooth transition to improved operations. To tackle these obstacles, British Airways needs to make deliberate technological investments in addition to keeping a close eye on and reacting to market developments. Maintaining the competitive edge offered by IoT-enabled fuel efficiency optimization requires constant innovation, flexibility in response to outside circumstances, and an openness to technological complexity.

Enhanced Passenger Experience
Degree of competitive advantage:A significant Strategic Information Systems (SIS) potential exists for British Airways to enhance the traveler experience through individualized travel, giving the airline sector a significant competitive edge. Enhancing consumer pleasure and loyalty via personalized and distinctive travel experiences is what defines the scope of this benefit. Not only does British Airways set itself apart from its rivals, but it also fosters deep emotional bonds with its clientele and maintains brand loyalty via customizing the passenger experience.

Costs and Feasibility Associated:Depending on the degree of customization, implementation costs vary, but both are reasonable.Investing in technology that provides individualized services like the following can have additional advantages, such as smart luggage monitoring and a tailored travel experience, which can boost customer loyalty and enhance the passenger experience while also improving branding (Martínez-Peláez et al., 2023).

Risk: The dangers that are involved are mild to moderate. One of the main selling points of the tailored passenger experience is its distinctiveness. There's a chance, though, that the sector won't be able to keep up and adopt comparable customization tactics. It takes constant innovation to keep this edge and to stay one step ahead of rivals in providing fresh, interesting, and customized services.

Challenges: Privacy and data security are crucial factors to take into account. To gain and keep the trust of customers, it is imperative to provide strong security safeguards for passenger data (Mishra et al., 2022). British Airways has to strike a careful balance between privacy and customization by putting in place rules and technologies that enhance the traveler experience without jeopardizing sensitive data. Maintaining the competitive edge obtained by strategically adopting enhanced passenger experience through tailored services requires addressing these obstacles head-on.

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Critical Analysis
The strategic evaluation of British Airways' Strategic Information Systems (SIS) capabilities elucidates the many advantages, expenses, practicability, hazards, and obstacles linked to the chosen technologies. Predictive maintenance has a strong competitive advantage and offers a notable improvement in operational dependability (Gayialis et al., 2022). To preserve this edge, nevertheless, rivals' quick adoption of comparable technology poses dangers that underscore the necessity of ongoing innovation and careful risk management. While both increasing passenger satisfaction and fuel efficiency have certain advantages, there are differences between the two. The former has a strategic justification while requiring a substantial investment due to its long-term viability and compatibility with sustainability objectives.The difficulty in enhancing the passenger experience is weighing the potential for increased customer loyalty against the expenses of implementation, which calls for careful consideration of privacy and data security issues. The crucial roles of efficient risk management, strategic flexibility, and overcoming organizational and technological obstacles are shared by these SIS possibilities (Ramos, 2019). British Airways' capacity to handle this complexity, follow market developments, and promote an innovative culture will determine if it can sustain these advantages. The capacity to adjust and have strategic vision in seizing these SIS possibilities will be crucial in maintaining British Airways' position as a frontrunner in the digital transformation space as the aviation sector continues to change.

To sum up, British Airways is leading the way in the airline industry's digital transformation with its strategic use of IoT for predictive maintenance, fuel efficiency optimization, and passenger experience enhancement. Significant competitive benefits are promised by predictive maintenance; yet, obstacles related to cost and industry flexibility underscore the necessity for ongoing innovation. Adapting strategically to the complexity of the business is necessary to maximize fuel economy and realize cost savings as well as sustainability advantages. British Airways has made a name for itself as a leader in customer service by striving to enhance the traveler experience, but data security presents difficulties.

Effective risk management, strategic adaptability, and prompt reactions to market developments are key components of all these opportunities. The success of British Airways hinges on effectively handling this complexity and cultivating an innovative culture.The flexibility and vision shown in seizing these SIS possibilities will guarantee British Airways' position as a leader in the rapidly changing realm of digital transformation as the aviation industry continues to change. Through this comprehensive endeavor, airlines are not only restructuring their operational landscape, but also impacting the competition, enhancing the passenger experience, and solidifying their leadership position in the constantly changing aviation industry.


  1. What are Strategic Information Systems (SIS)?
  2. Why is identifying SIS opportunities important for British Airways?
  3. What are some potential SIS opportunities for British Airways?
  4. How can British Airways identify and prioritize SIS opportunities?
  5. What is the goal of evaluating SIS opportunities?
  6. What factors should be considered when evaluating SIS opportunities?
  7. What evaluation methods can be used?
  8. How can you measure the impact of SIS on a company's strategic position?

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