Q How you would manage those proposed changes at your SBE Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise Assignment Help - Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise - Level 4 (Diploma in Business) Previous << >> Next Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise - Level 4 (Diploma in Business) Have you stuck with your HND Assignment? Get our faultless HND assignment help and finish your work without any stress! Task 1 Question 1 Produce a profile of your chosen small business enterprise (SBE). The profile of the SBE should identify its three SMART objectives, context and competition in which it is operating, strengths and weaknesses and key performance indicators/ measures. Question 2 Carry out an analysis of your SBE using any three different comparative measures of performance. Task 2 Question 1 Based on the findings in Task 1.1, recommend with justification, appropriate actions to overcome the weaknesses in your SBE you identified Question 2 Based on the findings in Task 1.1, and 1.2, analyse ways in which existing performance of your SBE could be maintained and strengthened. Question 3 Based on the findings in Task 1.1, and 1.2, recommend with justification, any two new areas in which your SBE business could be expanded. Task 3 Question 1 Produce an assessment of existing business objectives and plans of your SBE. What are good and bad points in the existing business objectives and plans of your SBE and why? Question 2 Based on your assessment in task 3.1, prepare a revised business plan to incorporate appropriate changes to overcome weakness of exiting plan. Question 3 Prepare an action plan to implement the changes you identified in order to strengthen the performance of your SBE. Task 4 Question 1 Now write a report on the impact of those changes on the operations of your SBE and its personnel Question 2 Plan how you would manage those proposed changes at your SBE. Question 3 Write a report, how you would monitor improvements in the performance on the operations of the chosen business over next two years. Writing the Diploma assignment professionally is not that easy as it seems. But now, you can hire a professional Diploma assignment help provider in the UK to write quality assignments and free yourself from the burden of writing difficult assignments. Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection Advanced Data Analytics Assignment Help Computers, Society and Law Assignment Help Management in Information Technology Assignment Help HND Diploma in Professional Report Writing Skills Computing System and Design Assignment Help Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management Assignment Help Caring for Children BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate Application Engineering Assignment Help Level 3 BTEC Diploma (120 credits) Suite Public Services Unit 4 Management and Operations - Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business HND Diploma in Business and Marketing Management Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now