Q Systems Analysis and Design Assignment Help IMAT5205 Systems Analysis and Design Assignment Help - Attain Top Grades By Taking IMAT5205 Systems Analysis and Design Assignment Help & Assessment Solutions! Previous << >> Next Never Lose Your Chance To Excel In IMAT5205 Systems Analysis And Design Assignment-Hire Best Quality Tutor For Assignment Help! Module Name: Systems Analysis and Design Title of the Assignment: Assignment - Modelling Specialized Database Design and Development Assignment Help: Excel in Unit 4 of the Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing with expertly crafted, unique solutions tailored to your academic needs-order now for success! Summary of Assignment: Based on a Case Study, students are expected to draw and discuss: an Analysis Class Diagram, a Communication Diagram, and a Sequence Diagram. Students are also expected to discuss and evaluate the usefulness of UML diagrams and a CASE tool during analysis and design. Diagrams should be created in Enterprise Architect and inserted into a Word or PDF file to accompany the discursive aspect of the assignment. Learning Outcomes (from module template) A. Have a comprehensive understanding of the role of the systems analyst/ designer, the context in which the systems development activity takes place and the professional standards that are applied to the activity. Answer: A systems analyst plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between technical and business requirements. They analyze complex systems, identify inefficiencies, and propose innovative solutions. By employing a systematic approach, they gather and analyze data, model processes, and design effective systems. Systems analysts collaborate with stakeholders to understand their needs, translate them into technical specifications, and ensure smooth implementation. Their expertise is invaluable in driving organizational efficiency, improving decision-making, and optimizing operations through the development and maintenance of robust information systems. B. Apply up to date structured techniques to produce analysis and/or design models for a given case study problem Answer: To effectively analyze and design solutions for a given case study, it's essential to employ a structured approach. Techniques like UML (Unified Modeling Language) can be used to create visual representations of system components, interactions, and data flows. Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) help visualize the flow of data through a system, while Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) model the relationships between data entities. Additionally, use case diagrams can capture user interactions with the system. By combining these techniques, analysts can develop clear, concise, and comprehensive models that facilitate understanding, communication, and subsequent system development. Assignment Detail - Tasks Based on the Wide World Tour Management System (attached as Appendix A), complete the following tasks: Section 1: Use Case Realisation for the 'Record New Tour' Use Case Analysis Class Diagram 1) In your own words, briefly describe what is meant by an Analysis Class Diagram, and how class diagrams can be useful in systems analysis and design (100 words approx.). 2) Draw an Analysis Class Diagram for the 'Record New Tour' Use Case, using the Use Case description given. This should include all required boundary, control and entity classes with their associations and attributes. Your diagram should be drawn using the Enterprise Architect software and copied and inserted as a picture into your document. 3) Write a brief summary of the decisions made whilst drawing the diagram, and your reasons for making those (150 words approx.). Do Want To Hire Tutor For Original IMAT5205 Systems Analysis And Design Assignment Solution? Avail Quality IMAT5205 Systems Analysis And Design Assignment Writing Service At Best Rates! Communication Diagram 1) In your own words, briefly describe what is modelled in a Communication Diagram, and how Communication Diagrams can be useful in systems analysis and design (100 words approx.). 2) Draw a Communication Diagram for the use case in your diagram that corresponds most closely to the use case 'Record New Tour', using the Use Case description given. This should include all control, boundary and entity objects involved in the scenario and sufficient detail of the messages to show that the interaction is feasible and would meet the system requirements. Your diagram should be drawn using the Enterprise Architect software and copied and inserted as a picture into your document. 3) Write a brief summary of the decisions made whilst drawing the diagram, and your reasons for making those (150 words approx.). Professional Systems Analysis and Design Assignment Help: Navigate Unit F/617/2266 with ease in the OTHM Level 4 Diploma in Business Management-expert guidance to master systems analysis, streamline design processes, and achieve academic success! Section 2: Sequence Diagram 1) In your own words, briefly describe what is modelled in a Sequence Diagram, and how Sequence Diagrams can be useful in systems analysis and design (100 words approx.). 2) Draw a Sequence Diagram for the use case in your diagram that corresponds most closely to the use case 'Record New Tour'. This should include all control, boundary and entity objects involved in the scenario and the sequence of interactions that take place in order to meet the system requirements. Your diagram should be drawn using the Enterprise Architect software, and copied and inserted as a picture into your document. 3) Write a brief summary of the decisions made whilst drawing the diagram, and your reasons for making those (150 words approx.). Section 3: Evaluation Enterprise Architect is a CASE tool. In your own words and using examples, briefly describe what a CASE tool offers during analysis of the World-Wide Tours scenario, and what tasks the CASE tool supports. Give your own evaluation of how the role of an analyst/designer is supported by a CASE tool. Discuss how UML modelling supports the analyst/designer (750 words approx.). Save Top Grade Using IMAT5205 Systems Analysis And Design Assignment Help Service Of Miracleskills.Com APPENDIX A Wide World Coach Tours: Wide World Tour Management System (TMS) Functional Requirements The main users will be: Tours Manager - has overall responsibility and can carry out any Tour Leader's duties in their absence. Tour Leaders - are responsible for planning all aspects of specific tours. Each Tour Leader can lead several tours. A tour leader is responsible for pricing a tour so that it makes a small profit. Branch Manager - supervises a branch, and can carry out a Clerical Assistant's duties. A branch manager is responsible for balancing costs and receipts in their branch Team Administrator - supervises the headquarters tour support office, and can carry out a Clerical Assistant's duties Clerical Assistants - maintain all the basic records of tours, tour guides, drivers, venues, hotels, catering establishments, customer enquiries, bookings, invoices and payments. Clerical assistants can be found in branches as well as headquarters Finance Officer - is responsible for balancing costs and receipts overall The main system tasks are: Clerical Assistants record new tours, itineraries and venues and can edit them if their details change. Clerical Assistants assign drivers to each tour, using information provided by the Tour Leader. This can happen when the tour record is created, or it may happen at a later time. Tour Leaders can view their own tours, and can make updates but not create new tour entries. Tour Leaders are responsible for adding itinerary and venue details on their tours and updating the cost estimate, either at the same time or separately. Clerical Assistants can also carry out these tasks using information provided by the Tour Leader Clerical Assistants record payments for customer bookings, both deposits and balances. The Tour Leader must check that all customers have paid in full before the start date of their tour. Clerical Assistants record new venue invoices. Tour Leader must approve each invoice on the system before it can be paid. The Tour Leader may update the tour cost estimate at the same time. Venue payments are sometimes required in advance; any advance payments in excess of £1,500 must be approved (on the system) by the Finance Officer before the payment can be made. Payments are processed through a link to the separate accounting system. The new system will record payments for budget monitoring purposes, but other steps in processing the transaction (e.g. production of cheques) will be handled by the accounting system The Tour Management system will produce a variety of reports giving information on tour plans, budgets and spending to date. Tour Leaders can view these reports for their own tours; Branch Managers can view them for their own branches. The Tours Manager and Finance Officer can view them for all tours. Comprehensive Diploma Assignment Help: Expert support tailored to your diploma studies, offering personalized solutions and guidance to help you achieve academic excellence with confidence! 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