Qualification - Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit Name - Organisational Behaviour

Unit Number - Unit 12

Assignment Title - Culture and Management Style


Learning Outcome 1: Analyse the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in an organisational context.
Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal.
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others.
Learning Outcome 4: Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation.

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Purpose of this assignment
The structure and culture of an organisation are key factors which contribute to motivating the workforce at all levels of the organisation. The Japanese were instrumental in developing a culture of 'continuous improvement through teamwork' in their manufacturing industry. This culture has now been exported around the world and encapsulates the way in which structure and culture contribute to patterns of behaviour in the workplace. This unit will develop learner understanding of the behaviour of people within organisations and of the significance that organisational design has on shaping that behaviour and review their importance in the successful management and leadership of a business.

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The case is about US-based consumer electronics company Apply, Inc.'s (Apple), known for its abilbity to come out with path-breaking products.

Apple was founded by Steven Paul Jobs (Jobs), Stephen Gary Wozniak (Wozniak) and Ronald Gerald Wayne (Wayne) on 1st April 1976. Wozniak, who was an electronics engineer, visualized a personal computer (PC). Since its inception, Apple had focused on innovation and ventured into those markets where it could make a significant contribution. Analysts were of the opinion that Apple skipped the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in terms of organizational hierarchy. Besides, Apple was an Equal Opportunity Employer and promoted diversity within the organization. The employees came with diverse experiences and from diverse backgrounds. Employees cited corporate diversity as one of the most positive aspects of the corporate culture at Apple. Besides, Apple offered various benefits to its employees. While benefits packages varied depending on location and employment status, the common benefits included Insurance Coverage, Flexible Spending Accounts, an Employee Stock Purchase program, and Saving and Investment Plan etc.

Experts have associated the innovation at Apple with its corporate culture. The case focused in detail the corporate culture at Apple. At Apple, the work culture was driven by a passion for new products with no end to challenges and opportunities and it leads Apple became the pioneer of the "Work Hard Play Hard" ethic. The corporate culture at Apple was exemplified by its intense work ethics. Though the work environment was relaxed and casual, there was a very strong commitment to deadlines. Analysts summarised the work culture at Apple as "Fun, yet Demanding".

The employees at Apple had to run their own show and work in a challenging and creative environment. Apple adopted a style that was not too formal or hierarchical and a more results-driven approach which worked best for them. Apple also focuses on the career opportunities and employability security, compensation and benefits offered to the employees.

The Apple's culture largely influenced by its CEO, Steve Jobs (Jobs) who had a very quirky style, some appreciated would say that it valued creative people; others felt that it was dysfunctional from a management standpoint.

Experts felt that Apple's obsession with maintaining secrecy could hurt the company and its brand in the new milieu. They felt that the biggest challenge for Apple was to move out from under the shadow of Jobs. The performance of the company in his absence was a key concern for all stakeholders, they said.

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Task 1
'The proliferation of definitions and explanations of culture, its anthropological origins and lack of clarity undermines its value to our understanding of organisational behaviour. It is too ambiguous a concept for the effective day-to-day management of the organisation.' Do you agree? What role do you think culture plays in the management of Apple, Inc.'?

Explain how can idea likes the organizational iceberg or the concept map of cross-cultural communication might help internationally mobile managers become effective in a new context.

Task 2
Explain what you understand by the underlying concept of motivation. Summarise the main needs and expectations to be taken into account in considering the motivation of people at work.

Task 3
Detail fully the main factors to be considered in a review of effective teamwork.

Task 4
Prepare a briefing paper that compares the effectiveness of different leadership styles of Apple.

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Learning Outcome




LO1 Analyse the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in an organisational context.

P1 Analyse how an organisation's culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance.

M1 Critically analyse how the culture, politics and power of an organisation can influence individual and team behaviour and performance.

LO1 & 2


D1 Critically evaluate the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation that enables teams and organisations to succeed providing justified recommendations.


LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal.


P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an organisational context.

M2 Critically evaluate how to influence the behaviour of others through the effective application of behavioural motivational theories, concepts and models.

LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others.






P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team


M3 Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development of dynamic cooperation.


LO3 & 4

D2 Critically analyse and evaluate the relevance of team development theories in context of organisational behaviour concepts and philosophies that influence behaviour in the work place.

LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation.

P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational context and a given business situation.

M4 Explore and evaluate how concepts and philosophies of OB inform and influence behaviour in both a positive and negative way.








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The Tangled Web: Culture, Politics, and Power in Organizations

Understanding how culture, politics, and power influence behavior is crucial in navigating the complexities of an organization. These three forces are constantly interacting, shaping how people interact, make decisions, and ultimately, perform their jobs.

Culture sets the Stage:

Values and Norms: An organization's culture defines its core values and expected behaviors. A strong, collaborative culture might encourage open communication and teamwork, while a hierarchical culture might emphasize individual achievement and respect for authority. These values guide how employees approach tasks, handle conflict, and interact with colleagues.
National and Regional Influences: Don't forget the broader cultural context. An organization operating in a collectivistic society might prioritize group goals, while one in an individualistic society might value personal initiative more.

Political Maneuvering:

Informal Power Dynamics: Beyond the official hierarchy, organizations have informal networks of influence. Understanding who holds sway and how decisions are really made can be crucial for navigating the organization effectively.
Building Alliances and Agendas: People within organizations often form alliances to promote their interests or ideas. These alliances can be positive, fostering collaboration and innovation, or negative, leading to office politics and backstabbing.

Power Plays:

Formal Authority vs. Informal Influence: Power comes in many forms. Formal authority comes with a title and position, but informal power can be just as influential. This can be based on expertise, charisma, or access to resources.
Influence Tactics: People use a variety of tactics to gain power and influence others, from building rapport and persuasion to lobbying and forming coalitions.

The Impact on Behavior:

Motivations and Decisions: Culture, politics, and power all influence how people are motivated within the organization. Are they driven by a desire for advancement, recognition, or simply to do a good job? Understanding these motivations can help predict and influence behavior.
Risk-Taking and Innovation: A culture that values collaboration and open communication might foster more risk-taking and innovation, while a culture focused on hierarchy and control might stifle creativity.
Ethical Dilemmas: The interplay of these forces can create situations where employees may face ethical dilemmas. For instance, an employee might be pressured by a powerful colleague to compromise quality standards.

Understanding the Dynamics:

By being aware of how culture, politics, and power influence behavior, individuals can:

Navigate the organization more effectively.
Build stronger relationships with colleagues.
Become more influential themselves.
Identify and avoid potential ethical pitfalls.

Remember: These forces are not inherently good or bad. A healthy organizational culture can leverage positive political dynamics and a balanced distribution of power to create a productive and ethical work environment.

Motivating individuals and teams to achieve a goal requires a multi-pronged approach that addresses both intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external) factors.

Here's how to evaluate different strategies:

Setting the Stage:

SMART Goals: Clearly define goals using the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). This provides a clear target and a sense of direction for individuals and teams.
Purpose and Meaning: Connect the goal to a larger purpose or mission. People are more motivated when they understand how their work contributes to something bigger than themselves.

Intrinsic motivators:

Autonomy and Ownership: Empower individuals and teams with ownership over their work. Give them the freedom to make decisions and solve problems, fostering a sense of control and responsibility.
Mastery and Growth: Provide opportunities for learning and development. People are motivated by challenges that allow them to improve their skills and knowledge.
Purpose and Recognition: Highlight the purpose behind the goal and recognize achievements along the way. Public or private praise, expressing appreciation for effort, can boost morale and keep people engaged.

Extrinsic motivators:

Rewards and Incentives: Consider offering rewards or incentives for achieving milestones or reaching the final goal. This can be financial compensation, additional time off, or recognition programs. However, over-reliance on extrinsic rewards can diminish intrinsic motivation.
Positive Work Environment: Create a positive and supportive work environment. This can include fostering teamwork, celebrating successes, and offering opportunities for social interaction.

Tailoring the approach:

Individual Needs: Recognize that different people have different motivators. Some may be driven by achievement, while others may be more motivated by recognition or learning opportunities.
Team Dynamics: Consider the team's strengths, weaknesses, and preferred work styles. Some teams might thrive on healthy competition, while others may perform better with a more collaborative approach.

Monitoring and Adapting:

Communication and Feedback: Maintain open communication with individuals and teams. Regularly solicit feedback on progress, challenges, and motivation levels.
Adapting Strategies: Be prepared to adapt your approach based on feedback and changing circumstances. What motivates a team at the beginning of a project might not be as effective later on.

By understanding these factors and using a combination of strategies, you can create a motivating environment that empowers individuals and teams to achieve their goals. Remember, the most effective approach will consider the specific context, goals, and individuals involved.