Qualification - Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit Name - Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

Unit Number - Unit 35

Assignment Title - Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

Learning Outcome 1: Analyse employee knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR professionals.

Learning Outcome 2: Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance.

Learning Outcome 3: Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage.

Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment.

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Assignment Brief:

Task 1
You need to create a development portfolio which shows your ‘own' learning progress and acquisition of key skills. The portfolio should include evidence for the planning and monitoring of progress towards the achievement of personal and professional objectives.

Students are to produce a portfolio containing the following documents:
• Skills and attributes analysis required by HR professionals, based on a range of different roles within an organisation.
• Personal SWOT analysis.
• Personal development plan based on the SWOT analysis for a one of the job roles.
• Reflective statement.


My Personal Portfolio

1.1 Skills and Attributes analysis
Different skills and attributes are required by HR professionals to perform diverse roles within an organization, which are the following:
Leadership skills: For every HR, leadership skills are necessary to manage, guide, operate and control tasks and team (Jenco and Lysá, 2018). HR professionals are required to facilitate organizational tasks by utilizing experience.
Management skills: It is necessary for HR managers to manage the tasks by giving proper directions to subordinates which could be possible with top-quality management skills.
Communication skills: It is identified that HR managers have to deal with individuals from diverse background and thus, effective communication is essential to develop relationship and trust. In order to explain the basic functioning of the organization to team members, HR managers must have communication skills.
Problem-solving skills: It is a significant skill needed to deal with the complicated tasks related to the allocation of resources. Good problem-solving skill is beneficial for HR managers to solve problems and handle complex tasks effectively (Hamilton and Davison, 2018).
Trustworthy: It is identified as the key attribute necessary for HR manager as it helps in gaining credibility. Trustworthy makes HR manager do the right thing and allow subordinates to trust him or her.
Impartial and objective: Another significant attribute is to be impartial and objective when dealing with an employee issue or work incident (Piopiunik et al., 2020). HR managers have to perform well under pressure and make informed decisions based on facts while being objective and impartial.
Ethics: Every HR manager must be able to keep information related to employees and organization confidential. An HR manager is required to perform and behave in an ethical manner and acts as a trusted advisor to workers.
Active listening: It is a vital skill of HR manager that enables to listen actively to others. With the help of this skill, an HR manager can give proper attention to employees' issues and identify solutions for the same (Cassar et al., 2018).

1.2 SWOT analysis
Carrying out a SWOT analysis would assist in determining personal strengths and weaknesses (Siska, 2020). It would be beneficial to determine the potential for development and factors that create a problem in personal development. However, a SWOT analysis is conducted below of an HR manager to analyze the key areas of strengths along with improvements.



  • Strong leadership skills
  • Communication skills
  • Ethical behavior
  • Supervisory management
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Difficulty in managing time
  • IT skills



  • Feedback from employees
  • Training and software
  • Seminar and internships
  • Handle compound data
  • Changing project scope
  • Rapid change in technology
  • Lack of training

From the above SWOT analysis, several factors have identified that help in improving my career as an HR manager. It is found that the HR manager needs to develop problem-solving skills and time management skills to manage all the tasks and solve any complex problem. Based on this analysis, it is beneficial for me to prepare the personal development plan according to weaknesses to enhance them in a well-structured way. Besides this, by seeking feedback from subordinates, I can enhance my skills and develop my career as an HR manager. Ethical behavior of HR manager aids in managing healthy as well as a friendly relationship with workers (Khan et al., 2019). Effective training can be taken to improve the necessary skills for becoming an efficient HR manager.

1.3 Development plan

Personal development plan is created for the role of HR manager, which is as below:

Development aim



Initial time

Training days

Concerning body

IT skills

HR management software

Software-based assignment

Specialized individual



HR department

Database management

Data reviewing problems and modules

MS project, MS Excel and modules



IT department

Problem-solving skills

Formation of contracts

Learning from expertise

Expert in contract make modules



HR department

Offering training

Internal training and seminars

Training module



Training department


Verbal presentation

Managers responsibility



HR department

Time management skills

Complete task timely

Time management workshop

Time management activities



Training department

1.4 Reflective Statement
The HR manager must provide a detailed professional skills audit that demonstrates evidence of personal reflection. It is my responsibility to look after all the tasks and operations as an HR manager. I can take care of subordinates and all duties carefully. According to the SWOT analysis, I possess strong leadership skills that assist me in controlling, guiding and managing workers along with organizational tasks. Besides this, I have effective communication skills which aid me in managing individuals from a diverse cultural background. As an HR manager, I serve as a medium to take issues of staffs to the top-level management to solve them. Considering my supervisory skills, management can obtain feedback from workers regarding the efficiency of my supervision. I do not have strong problem-solving skills, IT skills and time management skills and thus, I need to focus on such areas to improve and work well as an HR manager in future. Hence, I needed to focus on my personal development plan to improve my weaknesses and increase my strengths.

Moreover, I as an HR manager need to produce a detailed personal development plan that sets out learning goals and training to accomplish sustainable business performance objectives. However, I observed that inexperience subordinates is a major barrier in overcoming the weaknesses and thus, it is crucial for me to access data in an appropriate manner. Shortage of time can be another barrier which could be overcome by providing proper training and attending seminars (Kumar et al., 2017). In addition to this, work load act as another barrier in improving time management skills and thus, work needs to be segmented as per the abilities and competencies of the employees. Nonetheless, I required to provide training to subordinates to tackle short deadline situations.

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Task 2

You are recruited as an external Learning and Development Consultant by a large global organisation [insert here either a given organisation or an organisation of your choice, students should be encouraged to use their workplace for this assignment]. The Director of Human Resources of this organisation requires you to produce an individual report which must address the following question:

‘To what extent does the organisation effectively utilise learning and development to support individuals and teams to help it to operate high-performance working (HPW) in a high-performance culture?'


2. Organization and Team Analysis

2.1 Organization background
Amazon Incorporation is the leading online retailing business which deals with software, clothing books, electronic software and many more. The overall revenue of the corporation is $177.866 billion and employs more than 100,000 workers across the world (Amazon, 2021). Amazon Incorporation is regarded as the most influential economic and cultural forces along with the most valuable brand in the globe. It is an American technology firm that emphasis on cloud computing, digital streaming, e-commerce and artificial intelligence. The mission of the corporation is to consistently raise customer experience by utilizing the internet and technology to empower business and increase success. Amazon Company uses continuous feedback for managing the performance of the employees and top management. It also uses Workday Human Capital Management and Workday Payroll software for HR managers across the world. It offers a range of products as well as services through websites and manufacturer electronic devices.

2.2 Analysis of CPD for organizational development
The organization can effectively use learning and development for supporting teams and individuals. Self-learning programs and professional skill development needs both personal and professional success of the organization (Darwin, 2017). The set of training and development plan must involve training needs assessment, developed learning objectives, the process of training, methods of training and learning principles. Continued professional development is necessary to drive the organization to achieve sustainable business performance. Continued learning or CPD helps in accomplishing skills and lifelong knowledge which are essential to achieve success in the organization (Barão et al., 2017).

In the context of Amazon, organizational learning is featured as learning and developing while working for an organization. It is identified that the majority of organizations like Amazon have well-defined culture and growing environment where employees can innovate and learn. On contrary, the procedure of individual learning is all about grabbing things as well as meeting personal development needs. Individual learning is associated with the self-improvement of professionals whereas organizational learning is focused on overall needs for organizational change (Price and Reichert, 2017). Continued professional development involves both individual and organizational learning which helps in the improvement of HR professional and employees and the overall group learning. As Amazon has individuals from different background, skills level and ethnicity, it is essential for the top manager to consider them while developing organizational strategies. It is useful for the HR manager to manage the subordinates in an appropriate way.

Individual learning is about promoting an organizational environment where employees can acquire equal opportunities, growth and respect and thereby, positively influence customers. Implementing CPD is beneficial for the development of the organization as it makes employees learn and develop their skills along with competencies. Continued professional development increase professional knowledge which assists in making the growth of the organization by improving the processes of the company (Obedgiu, 2017). In addition to this, it also improves productivity in the organization and enhances decision-making in HR professionals to make informed decisions that affect the company operations. Increased professional knowledge would help the HR manager in Amazon to take strategic decisions and emphasis on the productivity of the organization.

2.3 High performance working

HPW (high performance working) is regarded as an approach used to manage the organizations and aims to contribute to employee engagement and motivation for enhancing the high level of performance. Moreover, HPW efficiently contributes to employee engagement and motivation in different ways. HPW is a group of management practices which creates an environment within the organization where employees can have greater involvement as well as responsibility (Ansari, Siddiqui and Farrukh, 2018). By applying HPW in the organizational situation of Amazon, the HR manager can develop skills, motivation and empowerment of the employees. It would also help in building empowerment of organization and accomplishment of strategic goals of the organization. Other than this, HPW assists for commitment in strategy, values to individuals, performance system and motivation of workers. This approach is highly associated with the human resource management attitude of staffs and high usage of HR practices along with clear vision with integrated values. However, HPW approach can positively influence HR to accomplish high performance as well as productivity. It is recognized that the competitive environment of the organization requires competitive HR to overcome new competitive tactics formed worldwide.

Furthermore, HPW is an effective strategy used by many organizations to engage their personnel. It is an efficient approach for managing Amazon Incorporation as it aims to stimulate high engagement and commitment of personnel to accomplish a high level of performance (Jeong and Shin, 2019). Implementation of HPW system such as Human Resource Initiative can help the organization in providing information and making interventions at the workplace level. Besides this, the usage of HPW practices helps in improving the overall performance of the organization. HPW practices such as team working, selective recruitment, performance appraisal system and intensive work training are all significant to enhance the engagement of employees and maximize high performance working in the firm. In addition to this, the HPW system is positively associated with a positive attitude and work satisfaction of employees and thus, lead to the high involvement of personnel. High level of engagement of personnel leads to low absenteeism and high retention as well as improved performance within the organization (Mackay, 2017).

In order to create and sustain a culture of high performance working, it is essential to adopt certain steps which are the following:
Implement an efficient performance management process - By implementing an effective performance management process, the organization can develop a culture of high performance working as it clearly defines standards and builds transparent reward systems.

Develop empowerment and authority - It is essential to strengthening empowerment as well as an authority at all organizational level which would develop high performing work culture.

Improve training and development - It is beneficial to provide proper training to employees for continuous development and growth which makes them high performing in the organization.

Raise communication and collaboration - Improved communication and collaboration among employees helps in developing a culture of high performance working as the flow of communication makes it easy for them to understand the issues and resolve them quickly.

2.4 Gap analysis
It is essential for the organization and HR managers to conduct professional development and performance gap analysis for developing the skills as well as the performance of employees. Skills gap analysis is beneficial for gaining insight into the overall workforce and boost individual learning and development. Besides this, conducting a gap analysis of skills and performance would help the organization to foster learning and development of HR managers and other subordinates (Patacsil and Tablatin, 2017). When there is a gap in the current performance of an employee and potential performance, it is beneficial to conduct a gap analysis. Nonetheless, gap analysis would also show that organization value training and development of workforces. Through gap analysis, opportunities and strategies can be identified to enhance training, recruitment and organizational structure. It would also help in identifying the training needs of personnel and thus, improve skills to create a high performing work environment.

2.5 Performance management
Performance management refers to the process of identifying, measuring, managing and building performance of human resources in the organization. There are different approaches to performance management which involve comparative, attribute, behavioral, result and quality. However, efficient performance management is critical for human resource managers as it assists in aligning their workers and resources to fulfill their strategic objectives. The overall objective of performance management is to establish a good culture in which teams and workers take accountability for the improvement of their own skills and organizations (DeNisi and Murphy, 2017). In addition to this, high performance management leads to success and growth of the organization because it allows HR manager to review the performance of subordinates. HR managers can create a work environment that enables the employees to improve their performance and achieve organizational growth. It is recognized that performance management is essential for managing employees in the organization.

Considering the behavioral approach of performance management, it is identified that the performance of employees is evaluated based on their behaviors and efforts. The approach is beneficial for providing detailed feedback on behaviors of personnel at work. Other than this, the performance of workforces is evaluated on the basis of objective criteria in result approach of performance management. The resulting method is useful when there are numerous ways of doing a job and emphasis made on quality as well as quantity. Performance management aims to align personal goals with organizational goals in a strategic process which is a key to drive success in the organization. Meanwhile, performance management of Amazon can offer efficient communication to support high performance culture along with a commitment.

Culture can positively or negatively impact performance in the organization. The positive organizational culture within the organization motivates employees to work hard and accomplish organizational goals. It is beneficial to have a robust culture as it affects the performance and raise productivity and thereby, achieve desired success. In addition, high performing culture motivates employees to perform their task efficiently and work in a team to accomplish the company's goals. Having a strong and high performing culture in the organization would inspire employees to innovate ideas and increase their retention for the benefit of the business.

3. Conclusion and Recommendation
The paper demonstrates an understanding of the skills and attributes needed for HR professionals and the usage of HPW in the organization for increasing engagement of employees. It is concluded that communication, management, leadership and problem-solving skills are necessary for HR managers to perform well in the organization. Besides this, HPW is an effective approach used by every organization to increase the engagement of employees and enhance the performance of the overall organization. Continued professional development is necessary for the personal and professional development of the employees and organization. Both individual and organizational learning is effective for promoting organizational environment and developing skills.

It is strongly recommended that an organization must develop different approaches of HPW to increase employee engagement and motivation. It is essential for the organization to recognize the major areas of improving personnel engagement and developing high performance working in the organization. Team work should be encouraged in new projects which would enhance overall positivity and productivity. It is highly recommended that extensive training, selective hiring, team working, work-life balance, performance related pay, and sharing information are the diverse approaches to HPW. These approaches of HPW required to be used by the organization for improving the involvement of employees, enhancing good communication, maximize the quality of work and integrate values with organizational culture. It would help in attaining a competitive position in the modern economy. It is suggested to implement the HPW model to enhance the workforce and make them involve at work and as a consequence, obtain high performing organization.







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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Learning Outcome




LO1 Analyse employee knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR professionals.

P1 Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by HR professionals.


M1 Provide a detailed professional skills audit that demonstrates evidence of personal reflection and evaluation.

LO1 & 2


D1 Produce a detailed and coherent professional development plan that appropriately sets out learning goals and training in relation to the learning cycle to achieve sustainable business performance objectives.


P2 Analyse a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours and develop a professional development plan for a given job role.


LO2 Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance.


P3 Analyse the differences  between organisational and individual learning, training and development


M2 Apply learning cycle theories to analyse the importance of implementing continuous professional development.

P4 Analyse the need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance.

LO3 Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage.






P5 Demonstrate understanding of how HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage within a specific organizational situation.


M3 Analyse the benefits of applying HPW with justifications to a specific organisational situation.


LO3 & 4


D2 Provide valid synthesis of knowledge and information resulting in appropriate judgements on how HPW and mechanisms used to support HPW lead to improved employee engagement, commitment and competitive advantage.

LO4 Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment.


P6 Evaluate different approaches to performance management (e.g. collaborative working), and demonstrate with specific examples how they can support high-performance culture and commitment.


M4 Critically evaluate the different approaches and make judgements on how effective they can be to support high-performance culture and commitment.


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