Unit 3 Health and Social Care - Level 4 Diploma in Health and Social Care

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Program: Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Name: Unit 3 Health and Social Care

Level: Level 4

Task 2

2.1 Compare and contrast different types of organizational structures in health and social care.

2.2 Analyze the concept of organizational culture in health and social care services.

2.3 Analyze theories relating to the behavior of individuals and groups in health and social care.

2.4 Explain how the organizational structure and culture of health and care organizations impacts on service delivery.

Task 3
Executive Summary

3.1 Discuss concepts of leadership as related to health and social care organizations.

3.2 Analyze how leadership can influence the effectiveness of health and social care organizations.

3.3 Evaluate the specific leadership contributions in health or social care organization.

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