Q Explain the workforces reaction to the changes Unit 44 Business Psychology Assignment Help - Unit 44 Business Psychology - BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Business Previous << >> Next Unit 44 Business Psychology Level 5 Worries about your assignment and need someone who can provide you a good quality HND assignment help then miracleskills.com is the best place for you. TASK 1 Understand the different perspectives in Occupational Psychology Question a) Give a short explanation of each of the three approaches and then, for each one separately, explain how it might be used as a means of starting to change the situation that currently exists at Swan-Cooper. Question b) Make an assessment of the usefulness of a scientific approach in investigating the behaviour of the work force at Swan Cooper now that the new management has decided to make such big changes. Question c) Make an assessment (evaluation) of the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative approaches to understanding the situation in the company. TASK 2 Understand the role of psychology in the assessment of individual differences in the workplace. Question a) Describe two kinds of assessable individual differences and explain how these might be used in choosing workers for the new teams at Swan-Cooper. Question b) Suggest two types of psychometric instruments that might be used in this situation and make an assessment of the likely usefulness of each of them with reference to their reliability and validity. Question c) Choose any two types of measures of individual difference and make justified recommendations for how these might be used in making decisions regarding the size and composition of the new teams at Swan Cooper. TASK 3 Be able to apply knowledge of impact of change in Business. Question a) Explain the workforces reaction to the changes taking place at Swan Cooper Question b) Using John Kotter’s 8-Step process of change explain exactly how you will implement the changes that are planned for Swan Cooper. Question c) Explain and justify exactly what you will do to achieve attitude change in each of those three groups. TASK 4 Understand the impact of culture and climate on performance. Question a) Contrast the type of culture evident in the original Swan Cooper with the type the new owners clearly want to develop. Explain how each is likely to influence the company’s performance in ways both positive and negative. Question b) Evaluate the climate for the rope makers on the shop floor before and after the change in ownership. Question c) Make recommendations for improving the performance of the rope makers on the shop floor through consciously making use of the new culture and company structure. The Unit 44 Business Psychology Assignment Help Service is a valuable resource for students pursuing insights into the human psyche's impact on organizational success. Geared towards Level 5 BTEC HND in Business, this service delves into the application of psychological principles in various business contexts. It covers topics like employee motivation, organizational behavior, leadership styles, and consumer behavior, fostering a deeper understanding of human decision-making and its influence on business outcomes. Through case studies and practical exercises, students develop the ability to apply psychological theories to real-world scenarios, making informed decisions that promote employee well-being, productivity, and customer satisfaction. The Unit 44 Business Psychology service empowers learners to thrive in diverse business settings with a keen grasp of human behavior. Hire a professional Diploma assignment help from our professional writing service. We can give you quality solution in no time. Contact us today for quality work. Managing Financial Resources in HSC Assignment Help Unit 5 Management Accounting Assignment Help - H/508/0489 Engineering Maths Assignment Help Construction And Built Environment Assignment Help Assignment Help & Academic Writing Service Management and Leadership Assignment Help Evaluate the energy demand to determine the technology and methods of energy production Systems Architecture and Internet of Things Assignment Help Pearson BTEC Diploma in Management and Leadership - Level 4 Unit 3 Construction Technology in Quantity Surveying Assignment Help Reflective Report Based On Business Plan On New Software Company, MBA Strategic Planning Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now