Q Unit 4 Management and Operations - Amazon Unit 4 Management and Operations - Amazon Assignment Help - Acquire Top Quality Unit 4 Management and Operations - Amazon Assignment Help & Assessment Writing Service Previous << >> Next Unit 4 Management and Operations - Amazon LO 1 and LO 3 Introduction: Operation and management are the key factors of strength in an organization. The management and operations assignment - Amazon report will discuss the role of management and leadership in organization along with quality and waste management in workplace. The report will present the theories and models of leadership and cost of quality. The management and operations assignment - Amazonreport will discuss the Amazon organization in term of operational strengths and weakness through the role of managers to meet the changes and capacity management. The report will present the recommendation to improve the management in workplace. 1 Roles of management and leadership 2 Difference between leadership and management functions 3 Analysis of management by objectives 4 Three management roles theory 5 traits of leadership and leadership styles 6. Hard management skills and soft leadership skills 7. Three transformational processes in operation management 8. Quality and four cost of quality 9. Total quality management 10. Just-in-Time approach and waste reduction in operations 11. Capacity management in operations 12. Conclusion on role of managers and leaders LO2 and LO4 1. Introduction of Amazon organization 2. Department of work in Amazon 3. Background of management team 4. Strengths and weaknesses of managerial approaches 5. Three roles and duties of management in organization 6. Occasion description as evidence of management strengths 7. Leadership styles 8. Types of transformation process 9. Impact of adjustment for capacity management 10. Recommendations for future improvements in management Pearson BTEC Level 4 Diploma in Business Administration with Official Exam BTEC Diploma in Performing Arts Level 2 Research Project Planning Assignment Help Unit 3 Human Resource Management - HND in Business BTEC Education and Training Assignment Help Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches Pearson Level 5 HND Diploma in Business and Marketing RQF Working in Health and Social Care Assignment Help Sport - BTEC Level 2 Diploma Website Design and Development Assignment Help Mechatronics Assignment Help Ethics, Data and Security Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now