Q Cloud Computing and Web Services Assignment Help MMI223996 Cloud Computing and Web Services Assignment Help - Are You Searching For The MMI223996 Cloud Computing and Web Services Assignment Help – Hire UK Tutors!! Previous << >> Next ENROL WITH MMI223996 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB SERVICES ASSIGNMENT HELP AND HOMEWORK WRITING SERVICES OF MIRACLESKILLS.COM AND GET BETTER RESULTS IN MMI223996 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB SERVICES ASSIGNMENTS! MMI223996 Cloud Computing and Web Services Assignment Capstone Development Lab Requirements - Specification - The purpose of this capstone development lab is to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of cloud application development using a variety of cloud technologies available on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The work to be undertaken is based on the provided Google Capstone Project Performance Lab document. The work is split into sections with details provided below on the work to be undertaken in each section. Expertly Crafted Cloud Computing Assignment Solutions for Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing-Your Ultimate Resource for Top-Grade Success, Ready for Download! Section A - Undertake the following: 1. Complete Google 'Performance Lab' Part 1 2. Open the Cloud Shell again. 3. Using a Cloud Shell command of your choice verify that the test.txt file still exists and that the content is as expected. 4. Using a Cloud Shell command of your choice change the content of the file. 5. Download the new version of the test.txt file to your PC and verify that it contains the updated content. Section B - Undertake the following: 1. Complete Google 'Performance Lab' Part 2 2. Create a second Compute Engine VM using the Cloud Shell command line that is the same as that previously created but which is in a zone closer to the UK. 3. Install an NGINX server in your second VM 4. Create a simple HTML file that displays a welcome message including your name and deploy this file to the NGINX server. Verify that the file is served using an appropriate URL. 5. Enable the App Engine API using the Cloud Console. 6. Develop and test a simple App Engine app using a supported programming language such as Python that displays a message, including your name, when accessed using an appropriate URL. You should test your app both locally using the development server as well as deployed to App Engine. Comprehensive Web and Multimedia Applications Assignment Support for OTHM Level 4 Diploma in IT-Unlock Expertly Written Solutions for Module J/617/2267 and Achieve Excellence! 24/7 AVAILABILITY OF TRUSTED MMI223996 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB SERVICES ASSIGNMENT WRITERS! ORDER ASSIGNMENTS FOR BETTER RESULTS! Section C - Undertake the following: 1. Complete Google 'Performance Lab' Part 3 2. Upload two additional pictures to your bucket and configure the permissions to allow everyone to be able to view the pictures. 3. Modify the HTML file you deployed to your NGINX server in section 2 so that the three pictures in your bucket are displayed 250 pixels wide and 250 pixels tall with a caption provide an appropriate description of each picture . 4. Develop and test a second Google App Engine application that can be used to view the three pictures stored in your storage bucket. Your application should support serving specific pictures on a specific URL as shown in Table 1 and be tested locally using the development server as well as deployed to Google App Engine. Table 1 Picture URL Paths URL Path Picture(s) Displayed http(s)://<hostname>/ <chosenpath> All three pictures http(s)://<hostname>/ <chosenpath>/1 The first picture only http(s)://<hostname>/ <chosenpath>/2 The second picture only http(s)://<hostname>/ <chosenpath>/3 The third picture only NB < chosenpath> should be replaced with the path you have decided to use. GET ASSURED A++ GRADE IN EACH MMI223996 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB SERVICES ASSIGNMENT ORDER - ORDER FOR ORIGINALLY WRITTEN SOLUTIONS! Premium Advanced Programming Assignment Help for Unit 20 in the Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing-Receive High-Quality Solutions from Expert Tutors! Section D - Undertake the following: 1. Complete Google 'Performance Lab' Part 4. 2. Investigate the REST API available for Google Storage and determine the REST API URL that can be used to retrieve the metadata for a resource contained in a storage bucket. Use this to determine the URLs required to obtain the metadata for each of your thr ee pictures. 3. Create a Cloud Shell script which can be used to present the metadata for all three of your stored pictures. 4. Develop and test a third App Engine app which is similar to the one created in Section C but which uses a different <chosenpath> and serves the metadata for the pictures rather than the actual pictures. You should test your app locally using the development server as well as deployed to App Engine. NO PLAGIARISM POLICY - ORDER NEW MMI223996 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB SERVICES ASSIGNMENT & GET WELL WRITTEN SOLUTIONS DOCUMENTS WITH FREE TURNTIN REPORT! Expert Diploma Assignment Help-Achieve Academic Excellence with Tailored Support and High-Quality Solutions! Section E - Undertake the following: 1. Secure the App Engine app you created in Section 4 using Google Identity -Aware Proxy (IAP) so that you are the only user who can access it. 2. Test your application to show that it is no longer publicly accessible and that you are the only one who can access it using your Google account credentials. Documentation - A report is required, documenting the work you undertook to complete each section of this coursework. You should also provide all the files you created while working on the coursework. Your report should include information on the accompanying files you have provided, any appropriate screenshots and any issues you encountered. The report should be provided as a single pdf file. ENDLESS SUPPORT IN MMI223996 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB SERVICES ASSIGNMENTS WRITING SERVICES - YOU GET REVISED OR MODIFIED WORK TILL YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH OUR MMI223996 CLOUD COMPUTING AND WEB SERVICES ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES! Top-Tier Security Assignment Assistance for Unit 05 in BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing-Access the Best Solutions Tailored by Expert Tutors! 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