Q Develop personal and career development plan Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Help - Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development - level 4 BTEC Higher National Diploma In Business Previous << >> Next BTEC Higher National Diploma In Business - Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development - level 4 Grab the best HND assignment help from our professional writing service. We can give you a well-written and fully customized solution before the promised timeframe. Task 2: Question 1 A Skill audit by identifying the key knowledge/skills which you consider to be important for your current studies and for your future career. Provide an explanation for the rationale behind your decision. Question 2 For each type of knowledge/skill you have listed, rate your current ability using the five-point rating scale (rating scale can be found at the bottom of the skill audit word document). Question 3 A personal SWOT analysis listing your strengths and weaknesses in relation to your current skills. Also evaluate opportunities that might arise from your strengths and evaluate threats/challenges that might arise from your weaknesses. (AC 2.1, 2.2; 2.3) Question 4 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan (AC 3.1) Question 5 Develop personal and career development plan which will include the following: Indicate in your plan how you will achieve the targets set in the short and long term. Identify how you will monitor and evaluate your development with timescales, (AC 2.4; 3.2) Question 6 Prepare a critical reflective statement, resetting at least one of the original objectives of your personal development plan after critical reflection on your learning experience. (AC 3.3, 3.4) Task 3: Question 1 Select appropriate solutions to the above work-based problems. (AC 4.1) Question 2 Write a formal letter to the CEO of Global link UK to organise meeting for all staff members and management team in order to communicate solutions to the identified work based problems at Global link Question 3 Evaluate how you have effectively used time management strategies to communicate solutions to the work based problems. (AC 4.3) Stop being so overwhelmed with the assignment work of Diploma course and get the Diploma assignment help to do your work on time and meet professor's expectations Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection Elements of Contacts and Torts under Built Environment Law Business and the Business Environment Assignment Help Frugal Innovation - Case of Tata Nano Human Resource Management Assignment Help Level 4 in Business Unit 5 Management Accounting Assignment Help - Level 4 BTEC HND in Business Construction Information Assignment Help Formulating and Planning a Project Information and Creative Technology - BTEC Level 2 Research Reports Writing Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now