Q Contrast different organisational structure and culture Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour - Coca Cola Assignment Help - Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour - Level 4 Diploma in Business Previous << >> Next Diploma in Business - Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour - level 4 Organisation Behaviour - Coca Cola Miracleskills.com is always ready to help you with your online HND assignment help. We never compromise with the quality and make sure to provide you with top-notch quality work. Task 1: Question 1 Explain and contrast different organisational structure and culture. Question 2 Explain how the relationship between an organisation's structure and culture can affect the performance of business. Question 3 Discuss the factors that influence individual behaviour at work. Task 2: Question 1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations. Question 2 Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management. Question 3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisation. Task 3: Question 1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change. Question 2 Compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace. Question 3 Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for managers. Unit 3 of the Level 4 Diploma in Business is titled "Organisations and Behaviour". It covers a wide range of topics, including the different types of organisations, the role of managers, the different theories of organisational behaviour, and the factors that influence employee motivation and performance. Assignments for this unit typically require students to apply the concepts they have learned to real-world organisations. This could involve analysing the organisational structure of a particular company, evaluating the effectiveness of a management style, or identifying the factors that are motivating or demotivating employees. There are a number of resources available to help students with their assignments for Unit 3. These include textbooks, online articles, and case studies. Diploma subjects require extensive knowledge, which can only be provided by the expert Diploma assignment help services provider. Get help from the experts and stay worried about your assignment work. Caring for Children BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate Managing Quality and Service Delivery Assignment Help Managing Financial Resources And Decisions Assignment Help - Pearson BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business Unit 13 Managing Financial Principles and Techniques Assignment Help-Pearson BTEC Level 7 Extended Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (QCF) Information Communication Technology BTEC Introductory Diploma Level 1 BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (Hospitality Management) Research Project Planning Assignment Help Leadership and Management in International Business Advanced Research Methods Assignment Help Law for Licensed Premises Assignment Help Digital Technology Management Thermodynamic Principles and Practice Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now