Q Assess the performance and breach of the contract Unit 5 ACNB Case Study Assignment Help - Unit 5 ACNB Case Study - Level 4 (Diploma in Business) Previous << >> Next Unit 5 ACNB Case Study - Level 4 (Diploma in Business) Introduction: Terms of the contract Tailor-Made Level 4 in Business Assignment help Service From PhD-Qualified Writers!! Task 1: Question 1: Case Study Of Peter Abraham Question 2: Different types of contract that Peter Abraham may be able to enter Question 3: Assess the performance and breach of the contract Task 2: Question 1: Case 1: Advertisement and promotion Case 2: Hiring for the position of the cyber security specialist Question 2: Case 3: Case scenario couple in restaurant for dinner Case 4: Contract for the purpose of the renting the premises 2.3: Case 5: Policy of the car Case 6: Void the policy for misrepresentation Task 3: 3.1: Civil liability 3.2: Tort of negligence 3.3: Liability Task 4: 4.1: Case 7: Vicariously Liability (Hospital and patient) 4.2: Case 8: Driver employee of the company Case 9: Duty of restoring the health and safety guidelines Master the Essentials of Contract and Negligence in Business Law with Unit 5 - Level 4 Diploma in Business. Get comprehensive guidance to navigate legal complexities and build a strong foundation in business law principles. Unit 5: Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business, as part of a Level 4 Diploma in Business, typically explores the fundamental legal principles governing contracts and negligence within a business context. Here's a breakdown of what you might expect: Contracts: Formation of contracts: Understanding the key elements required for a valid and enforceable contract, such as offer, acceptance, consideration, intention, and capacity. Types of contracts: Exploring different contract types commonly used in business, like written, verbal, express, and implied contracts. Terms and conditions: Analyzing the meaning and enforceability of terms and conditions within contracts. Breach of contract: Learning about the remedies available when a contract is breached, such as damages, termination, and specific performance. Discharge of contracts: Understanding how contracts can be ended through performance, agreement, frustration, and illegality. Negligence: Duty of care: Identifying the duty of care businesses owe to their employees, customers, and the public. Breach of duty: Examining what constitutes a breach of duty of care in different business scenarios. Causation: Establishing the link between the breach of duty and the harm suffered. Defenses to negligence claims: Learning about legal arguments businesses can use to defend against negligence claims. Vicarious liability: Understanding when businesses can be held liable for the negligent acts of their employees. Animal Care BTEC Diploma Advanced Animation Assignment Help Engineering Science Assignment Help Software Engineering Assignment Help BTEC Level 3 Music Advanced project management Case study - Hilti Group Business Law Assignment Help Web and Multimedia Applications Assignment Help Performance of Small Business Enterprise Assignment Help Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment Help International Institutions and Human Rights Assignment Help Level 3 BTEC Diploma Suite Cricket Studies Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now