Q Business Issues in the Contemporary World - AS and A level Courses Business Issues in the Contemporary World Assignment Help - Acquire credible Business Issues in the Contemporary World Assignment Help service - AS and A level Courses!! Previous << >> Next Unit Name: Business Issues in the Contemporary World Level: AS and A level Courses Assessment Task RESEARCH PROJECT • GROUP PRESENTATION:• BI GROUP REPORT: For this assessment you must undertake a piece of secondary research as part of a group of 3 to 4 students. Each group needs to pick ONE of the following topics:• The European Union• Migration• NationalisationPrivatisation• Human Rights• Green Issues• Technological Innovation• Global ChalLenges• Market Structure The group then needs to pick a particular business (or contrast two businesses) as a case study and investigate how the issue affects it and, discuss if any solution to the issue may be found. The group is then to present its findings formally to the class as a presentation of between 15-20 minutes per group, with illustrative material, during week 13. The use of a professionaL presentation package such as Powerpoint is expected. Contribution of the factors influencing the businesses to go GLOBAL Challenges faced by the businesses for going GLOBAL Case Study on Global Challenge Major Findings for the Loss Measures taken by E-bay Other Solutions Contrasting with Mac Donald's Electronic Devices and Circuits Assignment Help Leading and Managing People Assignment Help Software Engineering Assignment Help Business Research Methods Assignment Help Construction Technology Assignment Help BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC) in General Engineering HR Management Assignment Help Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment Help General Certificate of Secondary Education GCSE HND Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Biological Molecules and Metabolic Pathways Assignment Help Sales Development and Merchandising Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now