Unit 34 Operations Management in Business - level 5 in business

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Unit 34 Operations Management in Business - level 5 in busines

Task 1

1.1 Explain the importance of Operations Management

1.2 Explain the need to produce safely; on time; to cost; to quality and within the law in Supercell

1.3 Explain the link between operations management and strategic management

1.4 Produce a systems diagram to illustrate diagram

Task 2

2.1 Explain the ‘Three Es' (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) in Supercell.

2.2 Explain the tension between cost minimization and quality maximization at Supercell

2.3 Evaluate the significance of the five performance objectives that underpin operations management of Supercell.

Task 4

4.1 Produce a clear set of operational outcomes

4.2 Produce a network path and indicate critical path

4.3 Explain how quality can be defined and maintained

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