Q Data Modelling and OLAP Techniques for Data Analytics Assignment Help Data Modelling and OLAP Techniques for Data Analytics Assignment Help - Avail Utmost Data Modelling and OLAP Techniques for Data Analytics Assignment Help & Assessment Help! Previous << >> Next Miracleskills.Com Gives Accountability Of Your Time And Money - Avail TOP Results Originated Data Modelling And OLAP Techniques For Data Analytics Assignment Help Services At Best Rates! Introduction: The aim of this coursework is to design, implement, and test a data warehouse based on a given business case scenario. Coursework Specification: Case Study Scenario: Blue Sky Online Consumer Electronics Retailer Data and analysis requirements: 1. Maintain customer database. 2. Analyse purchase or transaction history based on demographic data such as age group, income group, marital status and postcode/City/Country. 3. Identify customer preferences in terms selling channels/ payment payments/. 4. Identify the best and most profitable customers at different periods (month, quarter and year). Part A: Task 1 below will be completed working as an agile development team and the product will be a design on Conceptual Level; the architecture and the components of the designed architecture needs to be explained clearly and justification needs to be given. Tasks: 1. Design dimensional data models based on the business reporting and data analysis requirements of the Blue Sky Consumer Electronics retailer. 1.1 Identify and define the grain (detail level) of a fact table. Explain the hierarchies, if there are any? 1.2 Identify measures of the fact table, and attributes of each dimension table. Justify why they have been chosen. 1.3 Identify dimensions of the fact table. 1.4 Choose an appropriate schema to define the structure that shows how the fact table is related to its dimensions. Present your schema using Entity Relationship Diagram. 1.5 Reflection: Needs to be written individually about the team work and the following needs to be answered briefly: What has been gained by working in an agile team, and what was your individual addition to the team? 24/7 Availability Of Trusted Data Modelling And OLAP Techniques For Data Analytics Assignment Writers! Order Assignments For Better Results! PART B: From the above Conceptual Design, a physical design needs to be implemented as individual work. 2. Implement a data warehouse based on the dimensional data models designed in the previous task using SQL Server Management Studio. 2.1 Create a database. 2.2 Create dimension tables 2.3 Create fact tables. 2.4 Add appropriate primary keys and foreign keys constraints. 3. Populate the implemented data warehouse based on the provided data sources using SQL Server Management Studio. 1.1 Implement ETL (extract, transform, and load) processes to populate dimension tables. 1.2 Implement ETL (extract, transform, and load) processes to populate a fact table. 1.3 Write SQL statements to test whether the dimensions and fact tables are populated correctly. 4. Written Report The report, which you will submit, should be well written, structured and well-presented and it must include: An introduction section that summarise the objectives of the course work and business case scenario. The Analysis and design of a dimension data model. The implementation, populating and testing of the data warehouse (include screen shots to show SQL commands and their results). Provide a personal reflective conclusion of what you have learnt from your overall coursework. Never Miss Your Chance To Excel In Data Modelling And OLAP Techniques For Data Analytics Assignment! Avail Affordable And Reliable Data Modelling And OLAP Techniques For Data Analytics Assignment Help Services Of Miracleskills.Com Finance and Funding in Travel Tourism Assignment Help Working with and Leading People Assignment Help Level 3 Certificate in Children and Young Individual’s Health and Safety BTEC Diploma in Sport and Active Leisure Level 1 Characteristics and Properties of Engineering Materials Tour Operations Strategy Assignment Help BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Game Management Planning and Building Control Legislation BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care (Year 2) Assignment Help Level 3 BTEC 90 Credit Diploma Suite Basketball Studies Computing Skills Assignment Help Award in Education and Training (A.E.T.) Level 3 Pearson BETC Qualification Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now