Q Analysing issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment Help - Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations - Level 4 BTEC HND in Travel and Tourism Previous << >> Next Unit 9 Tourist Destinations Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Do you want to have impressive marks in your Diploma assignment? Let's connect with our profound assignment helpers who can deliver remarkable assignments. We have a team of highly qualified experts who hold years of expertise and skills in writing outstanding assignments. Get in touch for Diploma assignment help. Task 1: Question 1 Analyse the main tourist destinations, at least top five destinations e.g. the UK, Europe and the rest of the world and to include the main generators in the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation. For example by identifying the number of visitors, visitor nights per visit and spending by purpose and by country of visit using the most recent data available? Question 2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends Task 2: Question 1 Analyse the cultural, social and physical features of the tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists Question 2 Compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations given above Task 3: Question 1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations to be presented to marketing department to assist them in marketing activity Question 2 Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal with reference to Cuba, North Korea or Myanmar (Burma) Task 4: Question 1 analysing issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations Question 2 Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations. Unit 9 of the Level 4 BTEC HND in Travel and Tourism is titled "Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations". It covers the key concepts of developing and leading tourist destinations, including the factors that make a destination attractive to tourists, the challenges of developing and leading tourist destinations, and the strategies that can be used to develop and lead tourist destinations. Assignments for this unit typically require students to apply the concepts they have learned to real-world tourist destinations. This could involve analysing the factors that have made a particular destination successful, evaluating the effectiveness of a particular development strategy, or identifying the challenges facing a particular destination. Our HND assignment help has experts who can write exclusive content within a short period of time! Business Research Project Assignment Help Market Research Assignment Help Graphical Techniques, Simulation and Iteration Assignment Help - Unit 35 HND Electronic Engineering Government, Policies and the Public Services Assignment Help Software Development Assignment Help Safeguarding health and safety throughout construction projects Reflective Development Report Organisational Behaviour Assignment Help Specific Needs in Health and Social Care Assignment Help Proofreading Writing and Editing Service Developing and Evaluating Construction Information Computing Projects Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now