Q Unit 18 Advertising and Promotion in Business - level 4 Diploma in Business Unit 18 Advertising and Promotion in Business Assignment Help - Access our Unit 18 Advertising and Promotion in Business Assignment Help service - level 4 Diploma in Business!! Previous << >> Next Program - Diploma in Business Unit Name: Unit 18 Advertising and Promotion in Business - UB Level: level 4 Task 11.1 The communication process that applies to advertising and promotion1.2 The organisation of the advertising and promotions industry1.3 How promotion is regulated in United Kingdom1.4 Current trends in advertising and promotion, including the impact of ICT Task 2 2.1 The role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product2.2 What is Branding and use of branding to strengthen a business or product of ‘United Biscuits'2.3 Review the creative aspects of advertising of United Biscuits2.4 Ways of working with advertising agencies Task 33.1 Primary techniques of below-the-line promotion and how they are used in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product3.2 Other below the line techniques of marketing and promotion Task 44.1 An appropriate process for the formulation of a budget for an integrated promotional strategy4.2 Promotional plan for United Biscuits4.3 Integration plan for promotional technique into promotional strategy for the organization4.4 Technique to measure the performance of campaign Data base system for the SmartMovers Transport Company Assignment Help Complementary Therapies in Health and Social Care Assignment Help Health and Social Care Services Assignment Help Managing Behaviour Assignment Help Human Resource Management Assignment Help Engineering BTEC Introductory Diploma Level 1 Nursing Assignment Help Diploma Assignment Help - Assessment Writing Services! Network Security Assignment Help, Diploma in Computing Advanced Database Management Systems Assignment Help Masters of Arts MA Investigate applications of statistical techniques Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now