Q Element of Operation Management in Business - level 5 in business Element of Operation Management in Business Assignment Help - Access our Element of Operation Management in Business Assignment Help service - level 5 in business!! Hire professional Previous << >> Next Unit Name: Element of Operation Management in Business Level: level 5 in business Task 1 - The nature and importance of Operation Management and its key elements 1.1 The importance of Operational Management to Supercell 1.2 Need to produce safely on time, cost, quality and within the law in Supercell 1.3 Link between operations management and strategic planning as it concerns Supercell 1.4 Diagram to illustrate a typical business of Supercell: Task 2 - A report explaining the relationship between operations 95 management and strategic planning 2.1 The ‘Three Es' in Supercell 2.2 The tension between cost minimisation and quality maximization at Supercell 2.3 Significance of the five performance objectives that underpin operations management of Supercell Task 3 - A report explaining how to organise a typical production process 3.1 Linear programming using any Supercell operations 3.2 Critical path analysis and network planning using any Supercell operations Task 4 - Relevant techniques to the production of an operational plan for a typical business 4.1 A set of clearly defined operational outcomes using any Supercell operations 4.2 A network plan and indicate the resultant critical path using any Supercell operations 4.3 Explain how quality could be defined and maintained using any Supercell operations. Electrical Machines Assignment Help Pearson Level 4 HNC Certificate in Business RQF Marketing Plan Assignment Help Microcontroller Architecture and System Design Types of Construction Information for Construction Project BTEC Level 3 Music Evaluate the performance of a given building Computer and Network Technology Assignment Help Structure and Overview of the Health and Social Care Sector Assignment Help Working with and Leading People Assignment Help Travel and Tourism Entrepreneur Assignment Help Marketing Process Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now