Q Explain the role of the key players in employee relations Unit 20 Employee Relation - NHS Assignment Help - Unit 20 Employee Relation - NHS - Level 5 Diploma in Business Previous << >> Next Program: Diploma in Business Unit Name: Unit 20 Employee Relation - NHS Level: Level 5 Get high-quality online Diploma assignment help from the skilled professionals on our team. As per your needs, they will deliver you original solutions worthy of high scores at a minimum price. Task 1Question 1 Unitary and pluralistic frames of reference explaining the implications of each of the perspectives for the appropriate means through which conflict is to be resolved.Question 2 Assess how changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations.Question 3 Explain the role of the key players in employee relations. Task 2Question 1 Explain the procedures an organization (NHS employer) should follow when dealing with different conflictQuestion 2 Explain the key features of employee relations with reference to the above conflict situation.Question 3 Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures followed so far from both parties in this conflict situation. Task 3Question 1 Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining as in the above conflict.Question 2 Assess the impact of the negotiation strategies adopted by both parties in the above conflict situation and comment on other negotiating strategies and the potential impact it could have. Employee relations (ER) is the relationship between an employer and its employees. It is a complex and challenging task, but it is essential for any organization that wants to be successful. The NHS is a large and complex organization with a workforce of over 1.5 million people. ER is therefore a vital part of the NHS's success. The NHS's ER strategy is focused on creating a positive and supportive work environment for its employees. The strategy is based on the following principles: Fairness and justice: The NHS is committed to treating all employees fairly and justly. This includes ensuring that employees have equal opportunities and that they are treated with respect. Communication and consultation: The NHS believes that effective communication and consultation are essential for good ER. The NHS encourages open and honest dialogue between employees and managers at all levels. Participation and involvement: The NHS wants its employees to be involved in the decision-making process. The NHS provides employees with opportunities to participate in decision-making through forums, surveys, and other mechanisms. The NHS's ER strategy has been successful in helping the organization to achieve its goals. The NHS has a strong reputation as an employer of choice and is able to attract and retain talented employees. When choosing an assignment help service, it is important to make sure that they are reputable and have a good track record. You should also ask about their experience with Unit 20 Employee Relations NHS assignments and their qualifications. Tips for writing a successful assignment Here are some tips for writing a successful Unit 20 Employee Relations NHS assignment: Make sure you understand the assignment brief carefully and that your assignment addresses all of the requirements. Conduct thorough research on your topic and use credible sources to support your claims. Structure your assignment clearly and logically, with a strong introduction, main body, and conclusion. Proofread your assignment carefully before submitting it to ensure that it is free of errors. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in your Unit 20 Employee Relations NHS assignment. Looking for HND Assignment Help? Hire us for confident writing skills that will last you a lifetime - our Assignment helper will provide accurate and informative content that will allow you to excel academically and professionally in the future. Further Electrical, Electronic and Digital Principles Assignment Help Nick Scali Private Limited Situational analysis report Cyber Threat Intelligence Assignment Help Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Assignment Help Principles of Ventilation & Air-conditioning Design & Installation Understanding of the working practices Unit 4 Management and Operations - Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business Role of Talent Management Framework Assignment Help Unit 1 Programming Assignment Help - Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations Assignment Help Relational Database Assignment Help Global Finance and Strategy Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now