Q Unit 6 Business Decision Making -Level 5 Unit 6 Business Decision Making Assignment Help - Require A++ then take Level 5- Unit 6 Business Decision Making Assignment Help and UK Tutor Service! Previous << >> Next Unit 6 Business Decision Making Level 5 Task-1 1.1 Create a plan for primary and secondary data collection? 1.2 Presentthe survey methodology along with an appropriate sampling frame and strategy? 1.3 Design a questionnaire to carry out the survey? Design the questionnaire Age band 18-2525-3535-4545-55 Have you ever used the services and products offered by Kompas holiday international Yes NO Do you intent to take a reap of newly offered packages Yes NO How do you feel regarding the present services and products offered by organization? Good Effective Bad Average Are you feeling forward to continue with the present services and products offered by Kompas holiday international? Yes No Would you like certain new tours packages and lucrative offers given by Kompas holiday international? Yes No or what purpose do you use tours and travel services and products? Education Leisure Fun Self- development Task-2 2.1 Analyses the results to draw valid conclusions regarding new tour product development? 2.2 Analyze data using measures of dispersion (standard deviation) to develop a given business scenario for a new product development? 2.3 Analyzedata using measures of dispersion (standard deviation) to develop a given business scenario for a new product development? 2.4 Explain how quartiles, percentiles and correlation coefficient can be used to aiddecision making in the package tour market? Task-3 3.1 Producegraphs and charts (pie, bar, line, give, histogram) using a spreadsheet to draw valid conclusions based on the information regarding the proposed project? 3.2 Create a trend line on an XY- plot using a spreadsheet and use it to forecast future events within the chosen business context 3.3 Preparea business presentation based on your analysis and findings using appropriate software tools? 3.4 Producea formal business report for the proposed new product development initiative at the chosen organization? Task-4 4.1 Launch of new project 4.2 Usefinancial tools such as the feasibility analysis to assess viability of the project? Strategic Project Management Assignment Help The Internet and E-Business Assignment Help Introduction to Marketing Assignment Help Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations Assignment Help Wide Area Networking Technologies Assignment Help Business Performance Measurement Assignment Help Relational Database Assignment Help IT Project Management Assignment Help Principles of Ventilation & Air-conditioning Design & Installation Programming Assignment Help Market Environment Assignment Help Want to Excel in Course? Hire Trusted Writers for Help! —> https://miracleskills.com/ Login to Track Access multiple benefits of your account – access coupon code and track your order instantly! Account Login Submit New Assignment New user can place an assignnment order instantly and take full access of tutor's services. Order Now